

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

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Wukong and his companions ran back down the mountain, escaping the fire.

“Red Boy’s fire is powerful,” said the monkey.

“We were nearly roasted!” said Bajie.

Wujing looked up at the mountain peak.

“The fire is dying down now.”

“Yes,” said Wukong, looking at the last few wisps of smoke. “But he’ll use it again if we go back up there.”

“We need water,” said Wujing. “Then if he makes fire again, we can just put it out.”

Wukong nodded. “You two wait here. I know who can help us.”

The monkey shot into the air and flew away. When he returned, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea was with him. Wukong introduced the Dragon King to Bajie and Wujing.

“I can summon rain clouds,” said the Dragon King. “Go back up the mountain, and get Red Boy to come out. As soon as he makes his fire, I’ll create a huge rainstorm.”

The Dragon King flew up into the sky.

Wukong and the others returned to the cave.

“Open up, Red Boy!” The monkey pounded on the cave door.

The door flew open and Red Boy ran outside.

“Release the Tang Monk right now!” shouted Wukong.

“Never!” shouted the demon. He made a fist and punched himself in the nose. Smoke and fire poured from his face again.

“Dragon King!” called the monkey. “Make it rain!”

Thunder rumbled as dark clouds filled the sky. Rain poured down. The fire, however, didn’t go out. Instead it grew—bigger and bigger. The smoke became thick.

Coughing and unable to breathe, Wukong covered his face. He saw Bajie and Wujing running away. The monkey tried to get to the cave door, but the smoke was too thick. He tripped on a rock and tumbled down the side of the mountain.

Splash! Wukong landed in a river and floated downstream. Finally he washed up on the riverbank, coughing and wheezing.

Bajie and Wujing rushed over to the monkey.

“Wukong, are you all right?” asked Wujing.

“I think so,” said the monkey. He coughed again. “That fire is no ordinary fire. The water made it worse.”

“You’re right,” said the pig. “It must be magic fire. What will we do now? Red Boy still has the Tang Monk in his cave.”

“I’ll ask Guanyin for help,” said Wukong, standing up.

“You rest,” said Bajie. “You breathed in a lot of smoke. I’ll go to Guanyin.”

The monkey coughed again. “Okay, Bajie. But go straight to Guanyin. No naps!”

Meanwhile Red Boy was sitting on his mountain peak.

“My fire was too powerful for Sun Wukong and his friends,” he said to himself. “They must be dead now.”

The demon patted his belly. “And that is good because I am hungry. I’ll go inside now and start cooking the Tang Monk.”

The demon stood up to leave when he spotted something in the sky.

“It’s the pig!” he said. “He’s heading south. I wonder why.” Red Boy thought for a minute. “Aha! The bodhisattva Guanyin lives on Mount Potalaka, in the South Sea. The pig must be going to ask her for help. I’ll stop him!”

The demon recited a quick spell, and light sparkled around him. Now Red Boy looked exactly like Guanyin.

Bajie soared through the sky on his cloud. He saw Guanyin coming toward him.

“Bodhisattva!” cried the pig with a smile. 

“This is a surprise. I was just coming to see you!”


1.die down [daɪ daʊn]  减弱;逐渐平息
The rain remained steady though the wind had died down...
2.pound [paʊnd]  n.英镑(英国货币单位,等于100便士);镑(英国以外某些国家的货币单位);英镑与外币的比值 v.反复击打;连续砰砰地猛击;咚咚地走;(心脏)狂跳,怦怦地跳
I've spent £25 on food today.
The factory's machinery pounded away day and night.
3.rumble [ˈrʌmbl]  v.发出持续而低沉的声音;发出隆隆声;轰鸣着缓慢行进;发现…的真相;看穿(阴谋)  n.持续而低沉的声音;隆隆声;打群架
The machine rumbled as it started up.
4.downstream [ˌdaʊnˈstriːm]  adv.顺流而下;在下游方向 adj.在下游的;引发的;随之产生的
We paddled downstream for about a mile.


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