

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集
75 / 76 / 77 / 78 / 79 / 8081

“Oh,  no,” thought Wukong. “Yellow Brows is coming!”

The monkey jumped back to his feet and ran fast out of the monastery. When he got outside, everyone was waiting for him.

“Where are the bags?” asked Wujing.

The monkey looked at his empty hands.

He slapped his forehead. “I must have dropped them.”

He heard footsteps approaching from inside the monastery. “We can’t worry about the bags now,” whispered Wukong. “Yellow Brows is coming. We have to go—quickly!”

He helped the Tang Monk up onto the horse. The group hurried down the road.

“Run faster, Bajie!” hissed Wujing.

Zhu Bajie breathed heavily. “I . . . don’t . . . like . . . running!”

They hadn’t gotten far before Yellow Brows flew over them.

“You can’t escape from me!” shouted the demon. “And you will not be going to the west. I am a true Buddhist, and I will be the one to get the True Scriptures!”

Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing pulled out their weapons. The Gold Dragon bared its claws.

Yellow Brows scoffed. “Do you really think you can fight me?” He reached into his robe and pulled out the cloth.

Bajie lowered his rake and laughed. “We have powerful weapons. And all you have is a piece of cloth!”

“That’s not an ordinary cloth,” warned the dragon.

Yellow Brows threw the cloth toward the group.

“Look out!” cried Wukong.

The monkey leaped up to the sky just before the cloth wrapped around his companions.

Quickly the demon grabbed the cloth, with the group in it. He ran back into his monastery and slammed the door shut.

Wukong sat down on a cloud to think. How could he rescue his companions? “I can’t ask the Jade Emperor for help,” thought Wukong.

“He already sent the Gold Dragon, who was just captured again. Maybe I can ask Guanyin for help.”

As Wukong was wondering what to do, two spirits approached him. One was a turtle, and the other was a serpent. The two spirits each carried a sword and a shield.

“We’re from Wudang Mountain,” said the turtle. “We’ve come to help you.”

The serpent nodded. “We heard the Tang Monk was captured by a demon called Yellow Brows.”

“Thank you for coming,” said Wukong.

He quickly told them what had happened.

“Let’s go to the monastery now,” said the turtle. “Yellow Brows won’t be able to fight all three of us.”

“We are much too powerful for him,” added the serpent.

Wukong led the two spirits down to the monastery. “Just be careful of his white cloth,” warned the monkey. “He’ll try to capture us with it.”

Wukong banged on the monastery door.

“Release my friends right now, Yellow Brows! If you don’t, I’ll knock down your monastery! Then I’ll smash your entire mountain!”

The door flew open. Yellow Brows stepped out and threw the cloth.

“Look out!” cried Wukong. The monkey jumped out of the way, but the turtle and serpent weren’t fast enough. The cloth wrapped around them.

Laughing, the demon grabbed the bundle and went back into the monastery.

Wukong flew back up into the sky. He sat on a cloud and moaned. “Now what will I do?”

He was still thinking when he heard a voice.

“Hello, Wukong!”

Wukong looked toward the voice and saw a man with a big belly. The man was smiling.

“Do you know who I am?” asked the man.

Wukong smiled. “You’re the buddha Maitreya.”

“Yes,” said Maitreya. “And I’ve come to help you.”
1.hiss [hɪs]  v.发嘶嘶声;发嘘声(表示不满,尤指对演员或演讲人);带怒气地低声说出(某事) n.嘶嘶声;嘘声
The snake lifted its head and hissed.
2.scoff [skɑːf]  v.嘲笑;讥讽;贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽
At first I scoffed at the notion...
3.serpent [ˈsɜːrpənt]  n.蛇;(尤指)大蛇
Do you see that serpent coiled up in the corner?
4.Maitreya 彌勒佛;弥勒;弥勒佛;梅特雷耶;弥勒菩萨
It is also one of the biggest Maitreya sitting statues in china.



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