

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

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Wukong was once again traveling west with the Tang Monk.

“Master,” said Wukong. “While I was at Mount Potalaka, I thought a lot. I realize now that it’s wrong to harm people. I wont ever do it again.”

“I’m glad, Wukong,” said the Tang Monk.

“Can we please slow down?” Bajie moaned.

“I’m tired and it’s hot!”

Wukong laughed. “Not much has changed since I left. Bajie still complains all the time!”

Wujing wiped his brow. “It is hot. Maybe we should take a break.”

“Yes,” said the Tang Monk. “But I don’t understand why it’s so hot. It’s not summer.”

The travelers soon reached a village. An old man offered to take them in for the night.

Later that evening they were all eating dinner.

“Is it always so hot here?” asked Bajie.

The man nodded. “The Mountain of Flames is near here. It’s always burning.”

“Well, I’ll be happy when we continue on our journey,” said the pig. “Then we can get away from this heat.”

“Where are you going?” asked the man.

“We’re going to the Western Paradise,”said the Tang Monk.

The man frowned. “You can’t travel west from here.”

Everyone stopped eating and looked at the old man.

“Why not?” asked the Tang Monk.

“The Mountain of Flames is to the west,”said the man. “It’s impossible to pass.”

“We’ll go around it,” said the Tang Monk.

The old man shook his head. “All the land around the mountain is covered in flames.

The land stretches far to the north and the south. It’s impossible to go around.”

“Then we must wait for a strong rainstorm,” said Bajie. “That will put out the flames.”

“No,” said the man. “The flames are magical. There is just one spirit who can put them out.”

“Who?” asked Wujing.

“She’s called the Iron Immortal,” said the man. “She has a special fan that can put out  the flames. It’s made from a plantain leaf.

Wukong stood up. “Where does the Iron Immortal live? I’ll demand that she put out the flames.”

She won’t listen to you,” said the man. “She is very powerful.”

Wukong folded his arms in front of his chest. “I am as powerful as a god. Just tell me where she lives.”

The old man told Wukong where the Iron Immortal lived. The monkey leaped into the air.

The man gasped. “He’s a spirit!”

Wukong was soon on the Iron Immortal’s mountain. He found a cave door and knocked.

“Open up!” he demanded.

The door flew open, and a tall woman appeared. She held a large fan.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“I am Sun Wukong. I need to borrow your fan.”

“Sun Wukong? Ugh!” cried the Iron Immortal. “You are my worst enemy!”

Wukong was confused. “I am? Why?”

The Iron Immortal glared at the monkey. “My husband is the Bull Demon King, who used to be your friend. And our son is Red Boy. Because of you, Red Boy is a prisoner of the bodhisattva Guanyin!”

Wukong laughed. “Red Boy isn’t a prisoner. He is Guanyin’s student. He isn’t evil anymore.”

The Iron Immortal shrieked. “That’s even worse!”

Wukong sighed. “Can I please just borrow your fan for a little while?”

“No!” said the woman.

“Well then, can I speak with the Bull Demon King?” asked the monkey.

“He’s at a banquet,” said the Iron Immortal.

“Now leave!”

Wukong grew angry. “I’m not leaving until I borrow your—”

Whoosh! The Iron Immortal waved the fan. A furious wind blew, and Wukong was gone!
1.immortal [ɪˈmɔːrtl]  adj.长生的;永世的;不朽的;流芳百世的;名垂千古的 n.不朽的人物;名垂千古的人物;神;永生不灭者
im 不 + mortal 凡人 → 不朽的
mortal [ˈmɔːrtl]  adj.不能永生的;终将死亡的;导致死亡的;致命的;非常危急的;至死方休的;不共戴天的 n.人;凡人;普通人
mort 死 + al 形容词后缀 → 死的,致命的
Maybe my work is not immortal, but it will live for a while.
2.banquet [ˈbæŋkwɪt]  n.宴会;盛宴;筵席
a state banquet in honour of the visiting President



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