

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集



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Wukong went straight to Mount Potalaka.

The bodhisattva Guanyin was in her garden. “Hello, Wukong. How is the journey going?”

Wukong threw up his hands. “The Tang Monk is crazy!”

“Why?” asked the bodhisattva.

“He told me to leave,” said the monkey.

“He was mad because I was going to hurt some robbers.”

Guanyin frowned. “It’s wrong to hurt people, Wukong. You know that.”

“I hurt demons all the time,” said Wukong.

“That’s different,” said Guanyin. “Demons are evil, and you’re doing a good thing when you get rid of them. But you must not hurt people.”

The monkey sat down and put his head in his hands. “Oh, Bodhisattva, you’re right.”

He started to cry. “This is terrible. Now I’ll never reach the Western Paradise with the Tang Monk. I wanted to earn forgiveness.”

“Don’t cry, Wukong,” said Guanyin. “You will still help the Tang Monk reach the Western Paradise. He will need your help soon. In the meantime you may stay here with me.”

Bajie dropped the bags. “Let’s rest here,” he said. “I’m starving.”

The Tang Monk climbed down from his horse and stretched. The horse drank from a stream while Bajie looked in a bag.

“We’re out of rice,” said the pig.

“We’ll have to beg for food somewhere,” said Wujing. He looked at the monk. “Master, you wait here while Bajie and I find a village.”

The monk’s two companions flew off. The monk sat down in the grass next to the road and closed his eyes. He had nearly dozed off when he heard a voice.

“Master!” It was Wukong.

The Tang Monk glared at the monkey.

“Why are you here, Wukong?”

The monkey fell to his knees. “I’m begging you—please let me join you again.”

“No,” said the monk. “You’re evil, Wukong. You can’t go to the Western Paradise with me.

Now leave before I recite the Tight Headband spell!”

The monkey was furious. He pulled out his iron bar, which quickly grew. Before the monk could recite the spell, Wukong struck.

Whap! He knocked out the monk. Quickly, the monkey grabbed the bags and then vanished.

Wujing and Bajie soon returned. They found the Tang Monk sitting by the road, rubbing his head.

“Master!” cried Wujing. “What happened?”

“Where are the bags?” asked Bajie, looking around.

“Wukong returned,” said the Tang Monk.

“He begged me to let him join us again. I said no, and then he attacked me!”

“That’s terrible!” said Wujing.

“That rotten monkey!” Bajie stomped his foot. “We can’t let him get away with this! He probably went home, to the Fruit and Flower Mountain.”

“I’ll go there and deal with him,” said Wujing.

Bajie gave Wujing directions to the Fruit and Flower Mountain. When Wujing arrived there, he found Wukong near the waterfall.

“Wukong!” shouted Wujing. “Why did you attack Master?”

The monkey looked at Wujing blankly.

“Who are you?”

Wujing raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about? You know who I am.”

“No, I don’t,” said Wukong.

“I’m Sha Wujing! We were traveling to the West together.”

“I’m going to the West but not with you,” said Wukong. He pointed to a group of figures. “I’m going with them.”

Wujing looked over. A monk who looked exactly like the Tang Monk sat on a horse. A pig stood next to the horse.

“Bajie?” said Wujing. Just then he saw a purple figure walk over to the horse.

Wujing gasped in shock. “That’s me!”
1.stretch [stretʃ]  v.拉长;拽宽;撑大;抻松;有弹性(或弹力);拉紧;拉直;绷紧 n.一片;一泓;一段;(连续的)一段时间;服刑期
The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit.
2.whap [wɑːp] v. 给沉痛的打击;征服,打败(同 whop) n. 重击(同 whop)
I am so angry, whapping he back, a hard power whap, good whap! See the expression on his face?
我非常生气,狠狠地扇了回去, 重重的一巴掌,打得好!看见他脸上的表情没?
3.rotten [ˈrɑːtn] adj.腐烂的;腐败的;腐朽的;非常糟糕的;恶劣的;不诚实的 adv.很大程度上;非常
来自rot 的过去分词形式。
The fruit is starting to go rotten .
4.doze [doʊz]  v.打瞌睡;打盹儿;小睡  n.(通常日间的)瞌睡,小睡
同源词dizzy, 发晕,眩晕。引申词义小睡。
doze off(尤指在日间)打瞌睡,打盹儿
to go to sleep, especially during the day
She dozed off in front of the fire.
I had a doze on the train.
5.figure [ˈfɪɡjər]  n.(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字;数字符号;字码;位数;算术;人物;轮廓;体型  v.是重要部分;是…的部分;认为,认定(某事将发生或属实);计算(数量或成本)
fig(=fac)做 + ure 名词后缀
By 2004, this figure had risen to 14 million.
到 2004 年为止,这个数字已增长到 1 400 万。
a leading figure in the music industry


《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集




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