

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集



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“I’m hungry,” Bajie moaned. His stomach grumbled loudly. “Can we stop walking?”

“We’ll stop for lunch soon,” said the Tang Monk. “The weather is nice, and the road is smooth. I want to keep moving. I’m eager to reach the Western Paradise.

Wukong laughed. “Master, I don’t know why you’re still going there. You should have married that scorpion spirit instead!”

The Tang Monk frowned. “That’s not funny, Wukong.”

“I agree with Wukong,” said Bajie. “I would have gladly married her.”

Wujing raised an eyebrow. “I doubt she would have married you.”

“Why not?” Bajie puffed out his chest.

“I’m very handsome!”

Everybody laughed, including Bajie.

They had continued for another hour when the pig complained again. “My legs are tired,” he said.

“We’ll stop at the next village,” said the Tang Monk.

Bajie sighed. “I hope we reach the next village soon.”

“I know how we can get there soon,” said Wukong with a laugh. The monkey smacked the horse, which shot forward.

“Wukong!” cried the Tang Monk, hanging on tightly.

When the horse finally stopped running, the monk was far ahead of his companions. A group of nasty-looking men stood in front of him.

“Give us all your money!” said a man with an ax.

The Tang Monk shook with fear.

Wukong was already running over. “Don’t you dare harm my master!” shouted the monkey.

“Who are you?” asked the man.

“My name is Sun Wukong.”

“Give me your money, Sun Wukong,” said the man.

“I don’t have much money,” said the monkey. “You’d better give me yours.”

The man’s face turned red. “I’m not going to give you money!”

“Let’s make a bet then,” said Wukong. He pulled out his iron bar, which quickly grew to the height of a person. The men looked nervous.

The monkey stood the bar on the ground.

“If you can pick this up, we’ll give you all of our money.”

“You’re a fool,” said the man with an ax.

“I’m sure I can pick that bar up.”

“Go ahead and try,” said Wukong.

The man put down the ax. He grasped the bar with his hands and tried to lift it. “It’s heavier than it looks,” said the man.

He tried to lift the bar again. Sweat poured down his red face. But the bar didn’t budge.

“Now it’s my turn!” said Wukong. He lifted the bar over his head and twirled it around. His eyes flashed with anger. He got ready to strike the man.

“Wukong, don’t!” shouted the Tang Monk.

The man took a step back.

Suddenly the bar dropped from Wukong’s hands.

“Aargh!” cried the monkey, holding his head. He fell to his knees as the Tang Monk quietly recited the Tight Headband spell.

The robbers glanced at one another and then ran away.

When the monk stopped reciting the spell, Wukong was furious. “Why did you do that?” he cried. “They were going to—”

“You must not hurt people!” commanded the monk.

“I destroy demons all the time,” said the monkey.

“It’s fine to hurt demons. But you must not hurt people.” The monk sighed. “You’re still evil, Wukong. I can’t bring you to the Western Paradise. You must leave.”

“But you need me, Master!” Wukong insisted. “I refuse to leave.”

“Go!” said the Tang Monk. “Or I’ll recite the Tight Headband spell until your head explodes!”

Wukong could see that the monk wasn’t going to change his mind. With tears in his eyes, the monkey leaped into the air and was gone.
1.puff out [pʌf aʊt]  吹;喷;吐;鼓起(双颊)
The old man managed to puff out a few words.
2.smack [smæk]  v.用巴掌打;掴;啪的一声使劲放(或扔、甩等);使劲碰(或撞) n.打巴掌,掴(尤指对小孩的惩戒);(打的)一拳;啪的一声;砰的一声 adv.恰好;直接;不偏不倚地;猛地;猛然作声地
I think it's wrong to smack children.
3.nasty [ˈnæsti]  adj.极差的;令人厌恶的;令人不悦的;不友好的;恶意的;令人不愉快的;危险的;严重的 n.令人不愉快的事物
nas 鼻 + (t)y 形容词或名词后缀 → 鼻子总是流鼻涕 → 令人讨厌的
The news gave me a nasty shock.
4.budge [bʌdʒ]  v.(使)轻微移动,挪动;(使)改变主意,改变观点
Both sides say they will not budge...
Her mother refused to budge from London...



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