

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

70 / 71 / 72 / 73 / 74 / 75 / 76

For over a day, the wind from the fan carried Wukong. When he finally landed, he was far from the Iron Immortal’s mountain.

Wukong looked around and saw a mountain nearby. It looked familiar.

Mount Sumeru!” said Wukong. “The bodhisattva Lingji lives there. Maybe he can help me deal with the Iron Immortal. He was able to stop the great king Yellow Wind’s wind magic.”get back to my companions. I need to get that fan from the Iron Immortal so we can continue west.”

Wukong returned to the Iron Immortal’s cave door. “Open up!” he shouted. “I need your fan!”

The Iron Immortal came out and wrinkled her nose. “I thought I got rid of you.” She raised her fan. “I’ll just have to wave harder this time!”

The woman waved the fan furiously. Aterrible wind blew past Wukong. But the monkey didn’t move.

The Iron Immortal’s eyes burned with anger. “How did you—”

“The bodhisattva Lingji gave me a magic stone,” said Wukong. “Your fan can’t blow me away now.”

The monkey pulled out his iron bar. “Now give me that fan!”

The Iron Immortal shot back into her cave. Before she could shut the door, Wukong turned into a cricket. He quickly leaped into the cave.

Silently he followed the Iron Immortal along a tunnel. When the woman reached a room, she sat down. She tucked the fan into her robe.

“Wukong is a horrible monkey!” she said to herself. “He forced my poor baby, Red

Boy, to become good. Then he demanded to borrow my precious fan!”

The Iron Immortal reached for a cup of water. As she took a drink, Wukong leaped into the cup.


Inside the Iron Immortal’s stomach, Wukong changed back into himself.

Boomph! Pow! Boomph! Pow! The monkey punched and kicked.

The Iron Immortal fell to her knees. “Ahh! What was in that water? I feel awful!”

“It was me!” shouted Wukong. “I’m in your stomach now!  And I won’t stop punching and kicking until you give me that fan!”

Boomph! Pow!

“Please stop!” cried the Iron Immortal.

“You can have the fan. Just don’t hurt me anymore!”

Wukong leaped out through the woman’s nose and returned to his normal size. “Give me the fan!” he demanded.

The Iron Immortal climbed back to her feet. She reached into her robe and pulled out a fan. “Here, take it. Now leave!”

Wukong found his companions in the village with the old man. The monkey explained how he’d tricked the Iron Immortal.

“Wonderful!” said the Tang Monk. “Now we can continue our journey.”

They all thanked the old man and then headed west. They came to the top of a hill and saw the Mountain of Flames. Fire covered all the land around it.

“Watch this,” said Wukong.

The monkey waved the fan hard. Whoosh!

A strong wind blew toward the mountain.

Wukong smiled. “In a moment, we’ll—”

Suddenly there was a roar as the flames grew bigger, filling the sky!
1.wrinkle [ˈrɪŋkl]  n.(尤指脸上的)皱纹;(布或纸上的)皱褶,皱痕 v.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱起;(使)起皱褶
Years, may wrinkles the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
2.cricket [ˈkrɪkɪt]  n.板球(运动);蟋蟀;蛐蛐
During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.
3.roar [rɔːr]  v.吼叫;咆哮;叫喊;大声地说;放声大笑  n.咆哮;吼叫;(风或海的)呼啸声;(机器的)隆隆声
We heard a lion roar.
The gun roared deafeningly.



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