美国西北大学法学院Annelise Riles教授讲座: “危机思维”-“重新思考东亚法律的文化构建”系列(6)
多伦多大学陈利教授和耶鲁大学张泰苏教授共同组织的2020-2021学年度“重新思考东亚法律的文化构建”国际学术英文讲座系列第6场将于东部时间2021年1月29日上午9点-11:30 (北京时间1月29日晚上10-12:30进行。
主讲人:美国西北大学法学院和Roberta Buffett 全球研究所执行所长Annelise Riles教授
报告题目:"危机思维" (Crisis Thinking) (以亚太地区收集的十年前日本福岛核电站泄漏危机处理经验和数据为基础,分析我们应该如何更好地应对当前新冠疫病导致的全球危机)
评议人: 纽约州立大学法学院Anya Bernstein教授;德国马普研究所比较法和国际私法研究所所长/汉堡大学和伦敦大学玛丽王后学院Ralf Michaels 教授。
讲座题目 ·
Crisis Thinking
This is a time of global crisis. But what do we mean by this? By definition, a crisis is a point at which our expertise fails us--at which the risks are incalculable, beyond our control. Therefore social, economic political and environmental crises are points at which expert knowledge about risk management encounters its own limits and tensions between experts and publics arise. At the same time, moments of crisis are often also moments of intensive collaboration, as ordinary cultural, social, institutional and political barriers are cast aside in the face of urgent political economic or social needs. This is as true of legal and regulatory expertise as it is of medical or scientific expertise.
This co-authored book manuscript (with economist Yuji Genda and anthropologist Hiro Miyazaki) is aimed at giving practical advice, and hope, to the many experts now managing our global crisis. It draws on the lessons of the Fukushima crisis of ten years ago to think about the stakes and challenges of “crisis thinking” at this moment by experts in government, the academy, and the private sector. Drawing on data collected individually in multiple settings, as well as on collaborative experiments conducted over the last ten years with experts throughout the Asia-Pacific region in various fields, the book shows how experts can "retool" to face the uncertainty and indeterminacy of our world.
主讲人 ·
美国西北大学法学院暨Roberta Buffett全球研究所执行所长Annelise Riles教授
纽约州立大学布法罗分校法学院Anya Bernstein教授
评议人 ·
德国马普研究所国际私法和比较法所主任,德国汉堡大学暨英国伦敦大学玛丽王后学院全球法Ralf Michaels教授
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