Emerging Investigator: 加拿大地质调查局 Jaime Cesar
AG期刊第三位Emerging Investigator Series入选者公布,祝贺加拿大地质调查局的研究科学家Jaime Cesar博士!本文推送个人介绍和访谈。采访内容已在IAGC Newsletter全文刊载,入选者个人信息在Elements杂志上刊登。点击“阅读原文”直达IAGC官网页面。
Cesar博士在委内瑞拉接受本科教育,其就读的委内瑞拉中央大学是该国的第一学府,也是拉丁美洲最重要的大学之一。随后在澳洲的Curtin University获得博士学位,后在加拿大地质调查局工作,近期已转为长期职位,开始了独立的科研生涯。
国际地球化学协会和AG期刊始终坚持国家化、多样化的价值观。Jaime Cesar在拉美接受本科教育,在亚太接受博士教育,又在北美从事独立的学术生涯,是IAGC国际社群包容性的最佳注脚。
Cesar博士的入选论文提出的方法对于地调局的工作具有很好的启发,符合“应用地球化学”的特色,当然这里面也有很多尚未回答清楚的问题,值得深入探讨。处理该稿件的副主编是俄亥俄州立大学的气体地球化学家Tom Darrah。
Emerging Investigator Series常年开放申请,只要你提交申请时获得博士学位不足10年,并愿意把能代表自己科研水平的论文投到Applied Geochemistry,都欢迎申请。期待有你!
What excites you most about the work published in Applied Geochemistry?
Describe your research group at Geological Survey of Canada. What are you working on and with whom are you collaborating?
Where do you see your research program heading, and what topics are you most interested in pursuing?
As an early career investigator, do you have any to share with the audience of Applied Geochemistry?
I will probably think the same in some years, but for now, I would like to say that “you can’t do it alone”. Be gladly open to learn and receive support from your supervisors, the lab staff, and everybody else working around you and with you.
Also, building a career feels like you are always projecting to the future, but do not forget the present. Enjoy the experiment that turns out amazing and the one that fails, treasure the resources you have right now even if little. Be authentic. I know science feels like a place filled with methods to follow, but you can still be you.
One more thing, science is also about service. In everything you do, always consider how you are helping others with that. Ah, and though this is a word we seldom write in our papers, trust! Trusting is great.
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