

2017-12-26 翻吧君 翻吧

一直存在争议的婚姻问题法司法解释“第二十四条”的问题,有望得到解决。这份司法解释自2004年4月1日施行以来,在司法实践中陷入争议。不少直到离婚了,才发现“被负债“——婚前配偶背着自己在外面打借条,纵然自己不知情,也有可能因为夫妻关系而承担责任。 ——婚姻法司法解释24条将有定论 夫妻被负债或成历史,南方都市报,2017年12月26日



The Queen will remember this year's “appalling” terrorist attacks in London and Manchester that claimed 41 lives, as she delivers a Christmas Day television message focusing on the importance of home.“This Christmas, I think of London and Manchester, whose powerful identities shone through over the past 12 months in the face of appalling attacks.”The message has been recorded in ultra high-definition and includes drone footage of St James's Park, technical innovations that are a long way from the Queen's first Christmas broadcast to Britain and the Commonwealth, in 1957, broadcast live from the long library at Sandringham. ——Queen to reflect on 'appalling' attacks in Christmas Day message,the Guardian, Dec. 25, 2017


解析:英文是一个基于语法的语言,掌握了句法结构以及成分之间的关系,也就更好地明白意思。“This Christmas, I think of London and Manchester, whose powerful identities shone through over the past 12 months in the face of appalling attacks”的难点在于identities的理解,以及shine throughg与appalling attacks的内在关联意思。1)Identity的英文意思是“The identity of a person or place is the characteristics they have that distinguish them from others.”即“个性,特性”。也就是这两座城市所拥有的powerful个性。2)shine through是一个不及物动词,意为“闪耀”3)in the face of 的意思是“面对”,即facing或encountering。4)powerful identities shines through in the face of appalling attacks,其中powerful与appalling是对比性的。字面意思是“面对袭击时,城市的个性依然闪耀”。不过,如此直译则让人不解,改为意译,identity即城市的人心不变,或“凝聚力”不变。shrine through 则可理解为“将(袭击)笼罩在内,看不到”,引申为“不提值一提”。5)本译文参考了@大包再来两笼 同学的译本,在此表示感谢!




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