

2018-03-01 彭潇 翻译 音乐文献编译组

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=t0333plamou&width=500&height=375&auto=0赵成珍演奏肖邦练习曲 Op. 10 No 1

If I Met Chopin……

——An Interview with Seong-Jin Cho



本公号原创翻译:1、八十岁时论阿劳丨论阿劳的演奏艺术;2、八十五岁论阿劳丨他的演奏何以伟大?3、钢琴家特里福诺夫专访丨“我在游泳池里练琴”;4、十五问王羽佳丨“演出”对你意味着什么?5、王羽佳访谈丨“穿长裙?待我四十岁!”6、王羽佳专访丨她赢得了没有参加的“比赛”!7、采访阿格里奇丨“音乐必须是自然流露的事情!” 8、帕尔曼追忆海菲兹丨“这么多小提琴家都试图模仿他,但他们的演奏却成了活生生的讽刺。”;9、肖邦大赛访傅聪丨“这个比赛没有完美的玛祖卡。”

Culture.pl invites you to read our interview with the winner of the 17th Frederick Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw. It is most likely the sole interview from the Warsaw Competition given by Seong-Jin Cho in his native Korean.



This is Seong-Jin Cho's fifth visit to Poland, and, as he himself claims "I think I will be coming back here rather often". It is here that he will record his album with the renowned Deutsche Grammophon label, and it is here that he will start out on his exceptionally long concert tour, as part of which he will visit Wrocław, Katowice, London, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, and Shanghai as well as other European and Asian cities. On 2nd February, 2016, he is to play a concert in Seoul. This performance is a huge event, as it has been a long time since his last performance in his home country. The occasion is without doubt also a huge one for Koreans. After the announcement of the competition’s results, his name was the most frequently searched keyword on Google – never before has a Korean pianist enjoyed such fame, at least not on the Internet.


Ewa Paszkowicz, Filip Lech: You already have a lot of experience of winning Chopin competitions. In 2008, you won in Moscow, and now the time has come for Warsaw. What does it feel like to win a Chopin competition?

Ewa Paszkowicz, Filip Lech(采访人):你已经有很多在肖邦比赛中获胜的经验。2008年,你在莫斯科比赢了,如今在华沙也是恰逢其时。在肖邦比赛中得奖,你有何感想呢?

Seong-Jin Cho: I was very happy when I won the competition in 2008, but it cannot be in any way compared to the joy I feel now. I'm also a little bit worried, I have to plan a lot of concerts for the coming months and I don't want to disappoint anyone. It is actually an overwhelming experience, a lot of people that I didn't know before are suddenly trying to contact me.


Q:Do you have any advice for young pianists who would want to take part in the Chopin competition in 5 years?


I don't think I'm ready to give such advice to someone yet. Maybe in 10 years? I had been wanting to take part in the Warsaw Chopin Competition for a long time, but I made the final decision in November of last year. I was preparing for less than a year. When it comes to the repertoire, I knew the pieces that I prepared because I had been playing them since childhood. So, if I was going to give any advice, then I would like to emphasise that Chopin’s pieces cannot be learned in one day – really, a lot of time and practice is required, especially in comparison to other composers.

赵成珍: 我觉得我还没做好给别人建议的准备。也许十年后可以?很长时间以来,我一直想参加华沙肖邦比赛,但是我在去年11月才下定决心前来参赛。我准备了不到一年的时间。说到曲目,我之所以能够把准备的作品吃透,是因为我从我小时候起就一直在演奏它们。所以,如果我将要给出一些建议,那么我想要强调的是,肖邦的作品不是在一天之内就能学好的——真的,尤其是与其他作曲家的作品相比肖邦的作品更需要大量的时间和练习。

Why is Chopin more difficult to learn that other composers?


It’s difficult to explain. For example, Chopin’s Prelude a-moll is a very short composition, it does not have many notes and one does not need such sophisticated piano skills in order to play it. But, nonetheless, there is something about this piece, that the longer you play it, the more difficult it seems to be. In the beginning you get the impression of it sounding very good, but the better I got to know the piece, the worse it started to sound when I played it… And this process of achieving a satisfying way of playing it is very slow. I have similar feelings when learning to play Mozart.

赵成珍很难解释。举个例子,肖邦的《a小调前奏曲》  (Prelude a-moll,Op.28 no.2)是一首很短的曲子,它没有太多的音符,也不需要如此复杂的钢琴技巧来演奏它。但是,尽管如此,这首曲子内容还是很丰富的,就好像你越不断地演奏它,越能感觉到它的演奏难度。肖邦的这首曲子一开始就听起来很悦耳,但随着我对这首曲子了解程度的不断加深,我再来弹奏它的时候,却听起来越来越糟糕……想要寻找到一种对音乐最为称心如意的诠释方式是一个非常漫长的过程。我在学习演奏莫扎特的时候也有过类似的感觉。

How long does it take you to learn a new piece?


Of course, it depends on the piece, there is an infinite amount of music for the piano. Sometimes I start to think that I've managed to master playing a piece, but when I listen to my performance a year later, it almost always sounds a bit strange to me.

赵成珍: 当然,这取决于曲子,钢琴曲目的数量无穷无尽。有时我起初觉得自己已经掌握了演奏某一首曲子的技巧,但一年后当我听自己演奏的时候,几乎总是感觉这样演奏好像有哪里不大对劲。

When I observe very young pianists who perform in piano competitions I think to myself – where do they draw their inspiration from for such serious music? For example, the work of Chopin, there are many joyous moments in it, but in the end it is music that is filled with sadness, suffering and longing. Where do you draw your inspiration from, what helps you to transmit the emotions inscribed in Chopin’s notes?

赵成珍: 当我观看那些非常年轻的钢琴家在钢琴比赛中的演奏时,我总是在想——他们究竟是从哪里获得如此严肃的音乐灵感的?例如,肖邦的作品,里面有许多欢乐的时刻,但却总是以充满悲伤、痛苦和渴望的曲调来收尾。这些演奏家是从何处受到的音乐启发,又是什么在推动他们传递被谱写在萧邦笔下的音符中的这些情感呢?

You certainly cannot invent sad or depressing situations on purpose (laughs). Music simply speaks to me in a natural way. I will give the example of Chopin’s Sonata b-moll, which is very tragic. If someone likes music and listens to it often, then upon hearing this sonata they will definitely feel the emotions that they wish to convey by playing it. Even if I haven't experienced anything tragic in my life, I simply find it in the music.

赵成珍: 你当然不能故意虚构悲伤或沮丧的场景(笑)。音乐只是以一种自然而然的方式来和我交流。我以肖邦的《b小调第三钢琴奏鸣曲》为例,这首曲子非常悲伤。如果有人喜欢音乐、经常听,那么在听到这首奏鸣曲的时候,他们一定会通过演奏来感受他们想表达的情感。即使我在生活中没有经历过任何悲剧,我也能轻易从音乐中找到它。

And do you study Chopin’s life, do you read a lot about him?

Q: 你研究过肖邦的生平吗?读过很多关于他的书吗?

Yes, I read a lot about Chopin’s life, the book that I remember best is Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger’s Chopin vu par ses élèves (Chopin Through the Eyes of His Students), which I read in French. I live in Paris now, I have visited Chopin’s grave, and the places he lived.


How much of Chopin’s personality is there in the pieces that you perform?


Not only in the case of Chopin, but also in the case of the work of other composers, I try to first and foremost understand the mind of the composer and get a feel it for myself as much as possible.


What kind of repertoire do you enjoy playing the most, besides Chopin?

Q: 除了肖邦,你最喜欢演奏什么曲目?

Since childhood, I have been playing pieces by Mozart, Beethoven and music by Chopin’s close friend, Schumann. I also like Schubert.


What do you listen to in your free time?

Q: 你在空闲时间都听些什么呢?

To be honest, I don’t like rock and pop music. In my free time, I only listen to classical music (smiles). I listen to a lot of Chopin, but I am also inspired by orchestral music. I often go back to Mahler.

赵成珍: 老实说,我不喜欢摇滚和流行音乐。在我的空闲时间,我只听古典音乐(哈哈)。我听了很多肖邦的作品,但我也受到了管弦乐的启发。我经常回到马勒。

What kind of influence did your teacher Michel Béroff have on you?

Q: 你的老师米歇尔·贝洛夫(Michel Beroff)对你有什么样的影响?

Michel Béroff did not force anything on me from the start, lessons with him are more like meetings during which we talk and discuss my playing. Michel always tries to understand me, only sometimes does he point to things that he thinks I ought to change.


If you had the chance to meet Chopin in person now, what would you tell him, or what would you like to ask him?


Chopin? Now? (laughs) "Excuse me, could you play for me, sir?”. And if I could ask a second question, I would say "Could you play again?”

赵成珍: 肖邦?现在?(哈哈) “劳驾您,先生,您能为我演奏一下吗?”如果我能问第二个问题,我会说"你能再弹一遍吗? "

Which pianist has had the biggest influence on you?

Q: 哪位钢琴家对你的影响最大?

Ever since I was little, I've listened to the recordings of Radu Lupu and Krystian Zimerman. The concerts played together with Mikhail Pletnev, a Russian conductor, helped me a lot. He gave me a lot of precious advice after each concert.

赵成珍:从很小的时候起,我就听过拉杜·卢普(Radu Lupu)和克里斯汀·齐尔曼(Krystian Zimerman)的录音。同俄罗斯指挥家普雷特涅夫(Mikhail Pletnev)一起演出的经历给了我很大的启发和帮助。在每场音乐会之后,他都给了我很多宝贵的建议。齐默尔曼诠释肖邦《第一钢琴协奏曲》的三个版本比较

We've heard that during your stay in Poland now, you are eating a lot of Polish food. What is your favourite dish?

Q: 我们听说你在波兰期间,吃了很多波兰食物。你最喜欢的菜是什么?

Pierogi! I also ate golonka [pork knuckle], which was really delicious!

赵成珍: 波兰饺子!我还吃了“猪蹄”,真的很好吃!

Polish golonka did not resemble the one you have in Korea?

Q: 波兰的猪蹄不像你们韩国的那种?

I think that the Polish golonka was more tasty than the Korean one (laughs).

赵成珍: 我觉得波兰的猪蹄比韩国的味道更好(哈哈哈)。

Thank you for the conversation, kamsahamnida!


Translated by Paulina Schlosser,


西方音乐评论往期傅聪主题1、傅聪的中国梅纽因(1916.4.22)诞辰一百周年丨他年轻时从未进过电影院丨他的一生都花费在创造乌托邦;2、从李传韵的肚痛坚持演出视频想到肋骨断了的傅聪丨“只要你对小提琴充满爱,用真情呵护它,琴得到了充分的情感滋润,它必然会给你回报!” 3、傅聪的莫扎特丨K459丨K595丨K482丨莫扎特和希腊悲剧一样没有怜悯、世事无常丨年轻时弹莫扎特发现一些东西,年老时也发现一些;4、孟修斯和常凯申有伴了丨傅聪被译成了措奥格丨与其贡献比这点失误不值一提;5、学琴必读丨傅聪谈如何"表达"音乐丨既忠实又生动丨演奏者的个性要渗入原作中丨一个人的个性越有弹性,能体会的作品就越;6、少年傅聪在云南丨第二故乡是昆明丨我忘不了许多甘苦与共的友人丨忘不了他们的支持和鼓励……7、傅聪写给父母亲的一封家书丨越是对西方文化钻得深,越发现我内心的东方气质丨傅聪谈舒伯特丨鳟鱼五重奏丨第八交响曲“未完成”;8、傅聪谈肖邦丨二十四首前奏曲丨师古人不如师造化丨整个前奏曲都笼罩在卡珊德拉的预言里头;9、《傅雷家书》教你学习钢琴丨这本书告诉我们傅雷是怎么做的,傅聪又是如何成长的丨“我觉得家书的意义,就是父亲追求的是一种精神价值。” 10、傅聪深圳访谈丨我练琴的时候在想什么丨谈钢琴学派丨谈阿劳丨减压的惟一办法是投入丨很多学生缺乏整体知识丨面对大师作品我永远战战兢兢;11、傅聪谈德彪西《平原上的风》丨“我是不赞成米开兰杰利的弹法,他不懂这个深刻的意义,他是钢琴弹得好得不得了。” 12、傅聪谈音乐丨“舒伯特好像是外星球的一个流浪者来到我们这个世界”!13、傅聪丨演奏莫扎特钢琴协奏曲时,必须首先深入了解他的歌剧音乐;14、傅聪谈斯卡拉蒂的音乐精神丨“他的音乐是所有音乐里最健康的!” 15、傅聪说:“她有自己的思想,不是我的复制品,但她与我拥有相同的灵魂及追求音乐的真切态度。”

