
双语案例推送之社会保险纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

Mani 北大法律信息网 2023-03-22






Nalin Town Health Center of Bobai County. v. Li Xuefang, et al. (case regarding dispute over work-related injury insurance benefits)


Zhou Hongtao v. Shandong Rizhao Tianhua Toy Factory (case regarding dispute over work-related injury insurance benefits)


Ou Limin v. Lan Xiupeng, Lan Huifang, Lan Wenxin, and Fan Yuezhi (case regarding dispute over division of work-related death damages)


Nalin Town Health Center of Bobai County. v. Li Xuefang, et al. (case regarding dispute over work-related injury insurance benefits)



[Judgment Abstract]

Where an employee dies from the tort of a third party other than the employer, and his death is determined as a work-related injury, his close relatives are entitled to two kinds of rights of different nature, namely the right to claim for tort liability and the right to claim for work-related injury insurance benefits. Given that these two kinds of rights are not in conflict with each other under current provisions of the laws and regulations, the employee may claim personal injury compensation from the third party on the grounds of tort liability, and may also claim work-related injury compensation from the employer on the grounds of work-related injury insurance benefits. Hence, the third party and the employer should assume their respective liability in accordance with law, and neither of them should be exempted from or reduced of compensation liability even if the victim's close relatives have obtained compensation from one party and the actual losses have been totally or partly compensated.


[CLI Code] CLI.C. 8210684 (EN)


Zhou Hongtao v. Shandong Rizhao Tianhua Toy Factory (case regarding dispute over work-related injury insurance benefits)



[Judgment Abstract]

An employment relationship, in the sense of law, refers to such relationship of rights and obligations arising from an employer's recruitment of a worker as its employee and the employee's provision of remunerative work under the management of the employer. A work contract means a contract where the client pays the remuneration after a work contractor completes the work and submits his product upon the requirement of his client. As a result, although a worker hired by a factory fails to execute an employment contract with the factory, both parties still have formed factual employment relationship. As for the worker's agreement on his compensation paid by the quantity of qualified products processed, it only proves that the factory and the worker are subject to a piece-rate pay system where the employee receives the piecework pay rather than the remuneration for the contract product processed. Meanwhile, the absence of an agreement on fixed working hours is a result of the loose management of the factory itself rather than the fault of the worker. Therefore, the said worker's injury at work should be determined as a work-related injury in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance.


[CLI Code] CLI.C. 259050 (EN)


Ou Limin v. Lan Xiupeng, Lan Huifang, Lan Wenxin, and Fan Yuezhi (case regarding dispute over division of damages for work-related death)



[Judgment Abstract]

Damages for work-related death refer to the sum of funeral allowance, condolence money for dependants, and lump-sum subsidies for work-related death received by the victim's surviving immediate family members from the work-related injury insurance fund in accordance with law. They are meant to make up for the losses incurred to the original rights of indirect victims and close relatives of the victim. Therefore, a people's court should distribute the damages for work-related death among close relatives of the victim, by taking into full consideration such factors as each right holder’s kinship relation, time length of participation in family life with the victim, their economic dependence on the victim, and their current living conditions. Where a person dies from a work-related accident, his parents, who are the closest family members and also the statutory dependants, should become the right holders of the damages for work-related death. Even if his mother has been long absent from his life due to the divorce from his childhood, it doesn't impair her right to receive the work-related death damages of her son. Therefore, the victim's mother deserves a portion of the damages for work-related death under this circumstance.

【法宝引证码】CLI.C. 7207088

[CLI Code] CLI.C. 7207088 (EN)















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