
劳动纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

Mani 北大法律信息网 2023-03-22





Xu Zhigang v. Beijing Dongjin Jilu Technology Co., Ltd. (appeal case regarding labor dispute)

Liang Jieshu v. Nanjing Yuefu Catering Management Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over the extension of labor contract during the medical treatment period)

Wuxi Thaihua Starch Co., Ltd. v. Zhang Guoyou (case regarding dispute over the refusal of a company to sign the non-fixed-term labor contract with the employee who has already worked for the employer for 10 full years consecutively)


Xu Zhigang v. Beijing Dongjin Jilu Technology Co., Ltd. (appeal case regarding labor dispute)



[Judgment Abstract]

The relationship between the employee and the employer should be established under the principle of good faith in order to jointly maintain a good labor relationship and promote mutual interests. Employees have the right to publicly express their opinions on the policies of their companies or other issues, yet those comments should not cross the line of freedom of expression. If an employee goes too far in his inappropriate comments containing insulting and abusive words for the employer, the employer may then dissolve the labor contract between them accordingly.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.10013224 (EN)  


Liang Jieshu v. Nanjing Yuefu Catering Management Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over the extension of labor contract during the medical treatment period)



[Judgment Abstract]

The medical treatment period refers to the time limit within which an employer is not allowed to rescind the labor contract with an employee who leaves work for medical treatment due to his contracting of diseases or suffering of injuries irrelevant to work. Employees with specially intractable diseases such as cancer and mental diseases, should be entitled to a 24-month medical treatment period. According to the first paragraph of Article 26 of the Labor Law and the first paragraph of Article 40 of the Labor Contract Law, the employer may rescind the labor contract with an employee who is ill or injured beyond the working time until the completion of his medical treatment. In other words, if a labor contract expires during an employee's medical treatment period, it should be extended till the completion of the medical treatment, except for the following circumstances: 1) the employee proposes to terminate the labor contract; or 2) both parties agree to terminate the labor contract; or 3) the employer rescinds the labor contract in accordance with Article 39 of the Labor Contract Law. Where the employer illegally terminates or rescinds the labor contract during an employee's medical treatment period, and the employee brings a lawsuit for continued performance of the labor contract, the people's court should support the employee and revoke the employer's notice of recession or termination.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.4057280 (EN)   


Wuxi Thaihua Starch Co., Ltd. v. Zhang Guoyou (case regarding dispute over the refusal of a company to sign the unfixed-term labor contract with the employee who has already worked for the employer for 10 consecutive years)



[Judgment Abstract]

In accordance with Article 14 of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, where the employee who has already worked for the employer for 10 consecutive years proposes or agrees to renew or conclude a labor contract, a labor contract without a fixed term shall be concluded unless the employee proposes to conclude a fixed-term labor contract. Obviously, it is the employers' legal obligation to protect their employees who has served a long term for them and they should not refuse to perform such obligation by improper means or without good cause. Therefore, where an employee who has worked for an employer for 10 consecutive years proposes to conclude a non-fixed-term labor contract with the employer, such request should be supported in no want of the employer's consent since it’s legally grounded.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.4057161 (EN)  















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