
专著推荐 | 二语词汇习得研究(5卷本)

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2021-05-15
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二语词汇习得研究 | 国际著作推荐

编者按:The lexical approach to second language teaching has received interest in recent years as an alternative to grammar-based approaches. The lexical approach concentrates on developing learners' proficiency with lexis, or words and word combinations. It is based on the idea that an important part of language acquisition is the ability to comprehend and produce lexical phrases as unanalyzed wholes, or "chunks," and that these chunks become the raw data by which learners perceive patterns of language traditionally thought of as grammar (Lewis, 1993, p. 95). Instruction focuses on relatively fixed expressions that occur frequently in spoken language, such as, "I'm sorry," "I didn't mean to make you jump," or "That will never happen to me," rather than on originally created sentences (Lewis, 1997a, p. 212). This book list  provides an overview of the methodological foundations underlying the lexical approach and the pedagogical implications suggested by them(ERIC,2001).



联系人:孙老师 18321711365(电话同微信) 

Tools for Researching Vocabulary 


作者: Paul Meara, Imma Miralpeix


简介:This book introduces an innovative collection of easy-to-use computer programs that have been developed to measure and model vocabulary knowledge. The book aims to help researchers discover new instruments for lexical analysis, and provides a theoretical framework in which studies with such tools could be conducted. Each of the programs comes with a short manual explaining how to use the program, an example of a published paper that uses the program and a set of questions that readers can develop into proper projects. The programs can be used in real research projects and have the potential to break new ground for research in L2 vocabulary acquisition. The book will be of great use to final year undergraduates and masters students in applied linguistics, second language acquisition, psycholinguistics and language testing and to PhD students doing research methods courses.




Section 1: Processing Vocabulary Data

Chapter 1. V_Words and V_Lists

Section 2: Measuring Lexical Variation, Sophistication and Originality

Chapter 2. D_Tools

Chapter 3. P_Lex

Chapter 4. Lexical Signatures

Chapter 5. V_Unique

Section 3: Estimating Vocabulary Size

Chapter 6. V_YesNo

Chapter 7. V_Size

Chapter 8. V_Capture

Section 4: Measuring Lexical Access

Chapter 9. Q_Lex

Section 5: Assessing Aptitude for L2 Vocabulary Learning

Chapter 10. LLAMA_B

Section 6: Modelling Vocabulary Growth

Chapter 11. Mezzofanti



Second Language Lexical Processes:

Applied Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives


主编: Zsolt Lengyel, Judit Navracsics


简介:The book contains studies on second language lexical processes based on empirical findings by authors mostly from Central Europe. The reader may have access to how lexical items are stored in the memory and also to how second language lexicons work in speech processing. Questions of the two lexicons' integration or separation, the fashion of bilingual word storage, vocabulary acquisition and assessment, word retrieval from the memory and lexical access are the focus of the studies. The authors of the studies refer to analyses of different psycholinguistic experiments (e.g. a word association test, speech perception tests, a Cloze-test). Assessment of written work of second language learners both at secondary school and university levels is also provided. Second language lexical acquisition processes are described and the influences of different types of languages on each other are shown. The second languages involved are mainly internationally less widely investigated and published languages of Finno-Ugric (i.e. Hungarian) and Indo-European (e.g. Croatian, Polish, Russian, etc.) origin next to the more frequently studied English and German. The studies included in our volume focus on lexical acquisition and processing and also make reference to pedagogical questions. They include investigations of lexical perception, production, acquisitional processes and vocabulary assessment. The novelty of the book is that the studies make reference to Hungarian and a number of Slavic languages. They provide the reader with new perspectives on second language lexical acquisition processes when the source language and the target language are distinct from a typological point of view, the lexicon in processing terms. The book is intended for the use of undergraduate and graduate students of second language studies, psycholinguistics and/or bilingualism researchers, teachers and academics whose interests include a second language acquisition component.


Part I: The Interconnections and Inter-relationships between Interculturality and ELF

1. Karen Risager: Lingua Francas in a World of Migrations                            

2. Richard Fay, Nicos Sifakis and Vally Lytra: Interculturalities of English as a Lingua Franca: International Communication and Multicultural Awareness in the Greek Context                        

3. Will Baker: Culture and Language in Intercultural Communication, English as a Lingua Franca and English Language Teaching: Points of Convergence and Conflict                                                   

Part II: Grounding Conceptual Understandings of Interculturality in ELF Communication

4. Chris Jenks: Talking Cultural Identities into Being in ELF Interactions: An Investigation of International Postgraduate Students in the United Kingdom                5. Anne Kari Bjørge: Conflict Talk and ELF Communities of Practice                          6. Jagdish Kaur: Intercultural Misunderstanding Revisited: Cultural Difference as a (Non) Source of Misunderstanding in ELF Communication  7. Tiina Räisänen: Finnish Engineers' Trajectories of Socialization into Global Working Life: From Language Learners to BELF Users and the Emergence of A Finnish Way of Speaking English      

8. Eric Henry: The Local Purposes of a Global Language: English as Intracultural Communicative Medium in China              Part III: Commentary

John O'Regan: Intercultural Communication and the Possibility of English as a Lingua Franca

Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Foreign Language Acquisition 《 词汇学习策略与外语习得》

作者:Višnja Pavičić Takač


简介:This is the first book that deals primarily with vocabulary learning strategies as a specific and integral subgroup of language learning strategies. Its aim is to define the concept of language learning strategies in general and their features on the basis of cognitive theory and relevant models of second language acquisition as the basis for empirical research. Furthermore, the book gives a survey of relevant research on vocabulary learning strategies and describes three original empirical studies. Thus, the book integrates the approaches of theories of second language acquisition, the theory and practice of instructed foreign (second) language learning, and the findings of current empirical research.


Chapter One: Factors Affecting Vocabulary Learning and Acquisition
Chapter Two: Theoretical Anchorage
Chapter Three: Survey of Research on Vocabulary Learning Strategies
Chapter Four: Studies on Vocabulary Learning Strategies
Chapter Five: Summary, Some Implications for Practice and Research, and Conclusions

Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition 《二语词汇习得测量》

主编:   James Milton


简介:Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition provides an examination of the background to testing vocabulary knowledge in a second language and in particular considers the effect that word frequency and lexical coverage have on learning and communication in a foreign language. It examines the tools we have for assessing the various facets of vocabulary knowledge such as aural and written word recognition, the link with word meaning, and vocabulary depth. These are illustrated and the scores they produce are demonstrated to provide normative data. Vocabulary acquisition from course books and in the classroom in examined, as is vocabulary uptake from informal tasks. This book ties scores on tests of vocabulary breadth to performance on standard foreign language examinations and on hierarchies of communicative performance such as the CEFR.



1. Explanations and definitions

2. Word difficulty, word frequency and acquisition: lexical profiles

3. Frequency and coverage

4. Measuring vocabulary breadth – passive recognition vocabulary

5. Measuring other aspects of vocabulary breadth

6. Measuring productive vocabulary knowledge

7. Measuring vocabulary depth

8. Vocabulary acquisition and assessments of language level

9. Vocabulary acquisition and classroom input

10. Vocabulary acquisition and informal language input

11. Implications for learning and teaching: theory and practice


Lexical Errors and Accuracy in Foreign Language Writing《二语写作中的词汇错误与准确》



简介:Lexical errors are a determinant in gaining insight into vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary use and writing quality assessment. Lexical errors are very frequent in the written production of young EFL learners, but they decrease as learners gain proficiency. Misspellings are the most common category, but formal errors give way to semantic-based lexical errors as proficiency increases, likewise, the direct influence of the L1 also reduces in favour of more elaborated transfer mechanisms and L2 influence. The different categories of lexical errors indicate the stage of learning. This book uses a study of young EFL learners to suggest that lexical accuracy is a crucial component of writing assessment, and that lexical errors are useful in predicting writing quality.


Introduction: An Outline

Part I: Lexical competence and lexical errors

Chapter 1. Vocabulary acquisition in the second language

Chapter 2. Variables affecting lexical production

Chapter 3. Vocabulary and writing

Chapter 4. Lexical errors in SLA

Part 2: Lexical error production in young Spanish learners' written compositions

Chapter 5. Designing a study to explore lexical errors in writing

Chapter 6. Lexical error production: changes over time

Chapter 7. Lexical errors in writing quality

Chapter 8. Lexical errors and receptive vocabulary knowledge

Chapter 9. Some concluding remarks

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