
专著推荐 | 二语语用研究(第二辑 5卷本)

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2021-05-15





科研助力 | John Benjamins 话语分析及语用学国际期刊投稿及订阅方式
科研助力 | 国际SSCI论文写作与发表策略


专著推荐 | 把握二语语用国际前沿


订购联系人:孙老师 18321711365




Learning Pragmatics From Native And Nonnative Language Teachers《从母语和非母语的教师那里学习语用学》

作者:Andrew D. Cohen



This book deals with intercultural pragmatics and how both nonnative teachers (NNTs) and native teachers (NTs) may enhance their classroom instruction regarding target language (TL) pragmatics. It focuses primarily on the experiences of instructors as they teach their learners about the pragmatics of the TL, both in second and foreign language learning settings. It makes clear that there are aspects of teaching pragmatics where it may help to be an NT and other areas where it may help to be an NNT and proposes creative ideas that both sets of teachers may draw on to compensate for gaps in their knowledge. Further themes in the book include ideas for motivating students who want to learn about pragmatics, the role of technology in teaching and learning pragmatics, the role of learning strategies, the assessment of pragmatics and ways to research pragmatics. The book will be of interest to teachers, teacher educators and students interested in researching and improving the teaching of pragmatics.



Chapter 1: An Introduction to Pragmatics for Learners and Teachers

Chapter 2:  The Development of Pragmatic Ability (with Lauren Wyner)                                                       

Chapter 3: The Handling of Pragmatics by Native and Nonnative Teachers

Chapter 4:  What Native and Nonnative Teachers Know About Pragmatics and What They Report Doing

Chapter 5: Basic Issues in the Teaching of Pragmatics (with Lauren Wyner)       

Chapter 6: Ideas for Teaching Pragmatics and for Motivating Learners

Chapter 7: The Role of Technology in Teaching and Learning Pragmatics     

Chapter 8: The Learning of Pragmatics

Chapter 9: The Assessment of Pragmatics        

Chapter 10: Researching Pragmatics                 

Chapter 11: Conclusions


Acronyms Used in the Book              

Sociocultural Theory and L2 Instructional Pragmatics《社会文化理论与二语教学语用学》

作者:Rémi A. van Compernolle



图书获奖:Winner of the AAAL First Book Award 2017!

This book outlines a framework for teaching second language pragmatics grounded in Vygotskian sociocultural psychology. The framework focuses on the appropriation of sociopragmatic concepts as psychological tools that mediate pragmalinguistic choices. Using multiple sources of metalinguistic and performance data collected during a six-week pedagogical enrichment program involving one-on-one tutoring sessions, the volume explores both theoretical and practical issues relevant to teaching second language pragmatics from a Vygotskian perspective. The book represents an important contribution to second language instructional pragmatics research as well as to second language sociocultural psychology scholarship. It will be of interest to all those researching in this field and to language teachers who will find the pedagogical recommendations useful.



1. Introduction 
2. Appropriateness in Language Learning and Language Teaching 
3. Understanding Learners as People 
4. Developing Awareness of Pragmatic Knowledge through Verbalized Reflections 
5. Developing Pragmatic Knowledge through Appropriateness Judgment Tasks 
6. Developing Performance Abilities through Strategic Interaction Scenarios 
7. The Future of Vygotskian Approaches to Instructional Pragmatics 

Context, Individual Differences and Pragmatic Competence《语境、个体差异与语用能力》

作者:Naoko Taguchi



Pragmatic competence plays a key role in the era of globalization where communication across cultural boundaries is an everyday phenomenon. The ability to use language in a socially appropriate manner is critical, as lack of it may lead to cross-cultural miscommunication or cultural stereotyping. This book describes second language learners' development of pragmatic competence. It proposes an original theoretical framework combining a pragmatics and psycholinguistics approach, and uses a variety of research instruments, both quantitative and qualitative, to describe pragmatic development over one year. Situated in a bilingual university in Japan, the study reveals patterns of change across different pragmatic abilities among Japanese learners of English. The book offers implications for SLA theories, the teaching and assessment of pragmatic competence, and intercultural communication.



Chapter 1: Context, Individual Differences, and Pragmatic Development: An Introduction

Chapter 2: Longitudinal Studies in Interlanguage Pragmatics

Chapter 3: Theoretical Framework, Research Questions, and Methodology

Chapter 4: Patterns and Rate of Pragmatic Development

Chapter 5: Individual Differences in Pragmatic Development

Chapter 6: Summary and Conclusion

Exploring Politeness in Business Emails:A Mixed-Methods Analysis《探索商务邮件中的礼貌:一个混合方法分析》

作者:Vera Freytag



Exploring Politeness in Business Emails explores the contextual complexities of workplace emails by comparing British English and Peninsular Spanish directive speech events and systematically assessing the impact of contextual factors. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis, and the inclusion of metapragmatic insights in the interpretation of the results, the book offers an innovative approach to the study of politeness. The book partially contradicts previous assumptions about English and Spanish directives and provides new insights into the role of politeness in the workplace. By offering a meticulous account of the linguistic choices made by the English and Spanish first language users and the contextual factors influencing these choices, the book suggests far-reaching implications for future research in cross-cultural pragmatics and business discourse, as well as practical implications relevant for academics, postgraduate students and practitioners interested in these fields.



Chapter 1. Directive Speech Events in Business Emails
Chapter 2. A Mixed-Method Approach to the Analysis of Speech Events
Chapter 3. A Cross-Cultural Analysis of English and Spanish Email Directives
Chapter 4. The Contextual Complexity of Email Directives
Chapter 5. The Study of Politeness in Business Emails: Concluding Observations

Developing Intercultural Perspectives on Language Use:Exploring Pragmatics and Culture in Foreign Language Learning《发展语言使用的跨文化视角:外语学习中的语用与文化研究》

作者:Troy McConachy



Many language teachers recognise the importance of integrating intercultural learning into language learning, but how this can be best achieved is not always apparent. This is particularly the case in foreign language learning contexts where teachers are working with a prescribed textbook and opportunities to use the language outside the classroom are limited. This book argues that teachers can work creatively with conventional resources and utilise classroom experiences in order to help learners interpret aspects of communication in insightful ways and develop awareness of the influence of cultural assumptions and values on language use. The book provides extensive analysis of a range of classroom interactions to demonstrate how teachers and learners can work together to construct opportunities for intercultural learning through reflection on pragmatics.



Figures and Tables




Chapter 1: Pragmatics and Culture in Communicative Language Teaching                              

Chapter 2: Linking Pragmatics and Intercultural Language Learning                                           

Chapter 3: Developing a View of Language Use as Social Action                                                 

Chapter 4: Reflection on Experience as Resource for Intercultural Learning                                          

Chapter 5: Combining Performance and Reflection for Learning                                                

Chapter 6: Developing Intercultural Perspectives on Language Use                         


List of References                                                                                                       

Subject Index   

科研助力 | John Benjamins 话语分析及语用学国际期刊投稿及订阅方式

科研助力 | 国际SSCI论文写作与发表策略


专著推荐 | 教育研究中SPSS的应用(2卷本)

专著推荐 | “创意写作教学研究”国际前沿著作

专著推荐 | 教育叙事研究方法能为应用语言学做什么?(3卷本)

专著推荐 | 社会文化理论在二语研究中的应用

专著推荐 | 二语词汇习得研究(5卷本)

专著推荐 | 二语动机研究(5卷本)

专著推荐 | 外语课堂研究(动机、教师、学习策略、教育技术等,9卷)

专著推荐 | 跨文化外语教学研究(4卷本)

专著推荐 | 基于民族志的语言研究(6卷本)

专著推荐 | 语言教学、二语习得国际前沿研究
专著推荐 | 高水平学术英语写作与国际发表的秘诀

专著推荐 | 应用语言学(二语习得)国际前沿研究

专著推荐 | 多模态教学新著 Designing Learning with Embodied Teaching

专著推荐 | 语料库+外语教学该怎么玩?

专著推荐 | 2020年语料库(统计)语言学最新国际前沿专著

专著推荐 | 2021年认知语言学最新国际前沿专著

专著推荐 | 2020话语分析国际前沿专著

专著推荐 | 把握二语语用国际前沿

专著推荐 |  Metaphor and Gesture《隐喻与手势》

专著推荐 | Social Semiotics for a Complex World

专著推荐 | Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar

专著推荐 | 杨炳钧、李文:《基于语料库的语法、媒体和健康话语研究》

专著推荐 | 语料库+认知(隐喻)应该怎么玩?

专著推荐 | 多模态话语分析国际前沿研究

专著推荐 | 国际二语语用前沿研究

专著推荐 | 语料库+语用学(话语分析)应该怎么玩?

专著推荐| David Banks:A Systemic Functional Grammar of English

专著推荐 | 蔡基刚《国际SCI期刊论文写作与发表》

教材推荐 | 陶友兰等《英语技术写作精要》

专著推荐 | 王欣:《基于二语动机自我系统理论的二语动机策略有效性实证研究》

专著推荐 | 张毓:《学术文本概指名词的特征性型式与局部功能》

专著推荐 | 应用语言学重要参考书:《世界知名语言学家论丛》(第一辑)10卷本

专著推荐| 刘迪麟《词汇和语法的描述与教学:基于当代语言学理论的学术研究与教学实践》

专著推荐 | 应用语言学研习丛书(13种)

专著推荐 |  商务英语教师学养丛书(15册)

专著推荐 | 德古意特认知语言学研究丛书+应用丛书(13种)

专著推荐 |  外语教师教育与发展系列

专著推荐 | 如何做定量研究?手把手教你使用SPSS《二语习得研究中的常用统计方法》





