
TED | 想拥有完美的婚姻,先拥有完整的自己(三个有关婚姻的TED演讲)








Tracy McMillan是美国著名两性关系专家、情感问题专家。

When I was growing up, there was this song we used to sing on the playground, and it went like this, “Tracy and so and so, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.”And I’m like, OK, that’s it! That’s how you do life. That’s how you do a relationship. Love, marriage, baby carriage. OK, got it.


And then I grew up, and this is what my life turned out to be. Slightly more complicated, right?Love, marriage, divorce, dry spells, love, marriage, co-parenting, another marriage, another divorce; you got the picture.


So if you’re good at math and/or a fast reader, what you’ve got there is that I’ve been married three times. Yep, three, and divorced. What that’s supposed to mean is that I’m a total failure at relationships. And that is one way to look at it, but not the only way.


Because what I think really happened is that I kept marrying the wrong person. No, it’s not that I didn’t — it’s not that I chose bad guys. My first two husbands were amazing men who are now married to wonderful women who aren’t me. And my third husband, well, we’re friends on Facebook now. So, all is well that ends well, right?


After the collapse of my third marriage in 2005, I realized that I’ve been marrying everyone in sight, except the one person that I really needed to marry in order to have a great relationship and that once I married that person, all of my relationships would be successes, even the failures. The so-called failures, actually.


Since we’re talking today about women inventing, I’m going to talk about inventing relationships. What I’ve found through a lot of trial and obviously, many, many, many errors, to be the thing that has transformed my life and love, and that is this idea of marrying yourself.


So what does it mean to marry yourself? It’s a big idea. It is as big as marriage itself except, if I could just summarize it, it would be that you enter into a relationship with yourself and then you put a ring on it. 


In other words, you commit to yourself fully.And then you build a relationship with yourself to the point where you realize that you’re whole right now, that there is no man, woman, job, circumstance that can happen to you that’s going to make you more whole because you already are. And this changes your life.


By now, I’m sure at least some of you are wondering why you should be listening to a three-time divorcee talk about marriage? Even to herself. And I understand that.

Here’s what I have to say about that: what I’ve learned and my experience is that the places where you have the biggest challenges in your life become the places where you have the most to give if you do your inner work. I kind of want to say that again: the places where you have the biggest challenges are the places where you have the most to give.


So let me tell you a little bit about the person I truly needed to marry: myself.


I am from Minneapolis. Wooh! My mom was a prostitute and an alcoholic. She put me in foster care when I was three months old.My dad was a criminal; he was a drug dealer and a pimp with a heart of gold — actually, they both had hearts of gold — and he spent more or less my whole life in prison. 


And he just got out of prison after his most recent sentence which was 20 years.

Until the age of nine, I was probably in two dozen foster homes. The thing you need to know about this story — there are a lot of details, obviously — but the thing you need to know is that I came out of that childhood with one goal: to never be left. And the way I was going to do that is that I was going to get married. That was the way I was going to accomplish that goal.


So I got married the first time to a guy I met when I was 17. We got married a couple of years later, when I was 19. He was a really good guy from a great family, he had an MBA. I mean, it was like, you know, marriage material. You know, I was thrilled. I was like, “I have a family. I belong somewhere. This is wonderful.”


And then after five years I left him. And then 10 years later, I got married again to another wonderful guy, who is the father of my now 16-years-old son. We still have a wonderful relationship. He is a really good guy.But after four years I left him, too. 


And I am not proud to say that I did that, but in order to really marry yourself, you have to get sometimes very painfully honest with yourself about what it is that you’ve done. So I’m not proud of that.


And then eight years later, I got married again, when I was 40, and I was like, “OK, this feels right!” Let me tell you what felt right to a girl who was in 24 foster homes: a guy who started to date after nine months of marriage; essentially, he started dating a 21-year-old girl. 


OK, I mean, it would be funny, if it weren’t so tragic. You have to have a sense of — that is why we’re Facebook friends. So, here I am looking at this person that I just described with a terrible track record of relationships, and I’m like, “I’m supposed to marry her? This is the woman you want me to marry?”


And the answer is yes. Because here is the deal: the thing about marrying yourself is not just like cohabitating. You’re not just going to date for a while and see how it turns out. You are going to do this till death do you part. 


You are going to take vows. So here are the vows. 


Number 1: you are going to marry yourself for richer or for poorer. This means you are going to love yourself right where you are. You don’t say to yourself,“When you get to the corner of Hollywood and Vine, then I will marry you.”You don’t say, “When you lose ten pounds, then I will love you.”And you don’t say, “If you hadn’t married that loser, I would love you, but since you did, I’m sorry, I think it’s over.”

When you marry yourself, you walk yourself down that aisle exactly where you are. And paradoxically, I found that loving myself exactly where I am is the only way to get where I am going.


Number 2: you are going to marry yourself for better or for worse. What this means is that most of us are willing to love ourselves for better, I mean, sure, I am having a great hair day today. I love me. That’s not what I am talking about.

I’m talking about for worse, you know, the big life disappointments. Maybe you don’t own a home, you didn’t get the career you wanted, maybe you didn’t graduate from college, maybe you didn’t get the relationship you wanted. Maybe it hasn’t turned out — maybe you fight with your mum, maybe you watch too much reality TV, whatever it is, it doesn’t matter anymore. Because when you marry yourself, you agree to stay with you no matter what.


Third, you marry yourself in sickness and in health. So what this means is that you forgive yourself for your mistakes. A mistake isn’t actually a failure unless you don’t learn from it and unless you don’t grow.There is a saying, “You ask for patience, and what you get is a line at the bank.”


What that means is that life does not give you what you’ve asked for, it gives you the people, places, and situations that allow you to develop what you ask for.And the thing is if you don’t get it right the first time, life will give it to you again. Because life is very generous that way. It’s like I didn’t get it the first time, in the first marriage, and I didn’t get it the second time, maybe the third time I’ll get it.


So inside that terrible experience of that third marriage, I learned something about “in sickness and in health”. What I learned is how to sit by my own bedside, and how to hold my own hand, and how to nurse myself, and how to comfort myself. And what I learned is that I am a person that I can count on.


Last but not least, you marry yourself — when you marry yourself, it’s to have and to hold yourself. What does it mean to have and to hold? Well, I think it means that you love yourself the way you want someone else to love you.


I had always been going through life with this sense of lack. I felt like I was kind of half a person, and that I was missing something. I went into my relationships hoping to solve this feeling that I had my entire life: that I wasn’t whole unless someone loved me.And the truth was that I wasn’t ever going to feel whole until I learned to love myself. 


So this business of marrying yourself transforms every area of your life: your business, family relationships, kids, social relationships, friends. Because when you marry yourself, this huge thing happens: you become able to love in this whole new way. You become able to love other people right where they are, for who they are, the same way you’re already loving yourself. And of course, this is what the world needs more of.


So when I married myself, and I realized that I already had everything I needed, I started seeing it as my job to basically just light up my little corner of the world. That’s my new job. Because I don’t need anything, I already have it.


So when I take meetings, it’s all about how can I help this person achieve her goal? When I’m in my social communities, it is like what can I bring to this that only I can bring?And when I go on dates, it is like how can I just discover another person maybe for just one hour which, of course, brings me a full circle. 


Because people always asked me about my love life; they want to know.And you know, the answer is, I am still working on it. Aren’t we all? So this is where I am right now. About three months ago, I went on a first date. And about 30 minutes into the date, I found myself paying attention not to whether he liked me, but how I felt in his presence. I noticed that I was light, happy, and joking. And as I reflected on the date afterwards, I was like, “Wow, I got really excited! Look, this is how committed I am to myself.” 


I am not even on this date trying to get someone to like me. I am more interested in how I feel about me than how he feels about me, not because I am selfish, but because the only relationship I am ever going to have with another person is the one that I am already having with myself — just going to have it with them now.

So it turned out he liked me, and we are still together. It’s cool and amazing, but I’ve been married three times, so slow down.


The thing is that I am not trying to get security from him through marriage, and, God forbid, a baby carriage. I am only here to just be in a relationship. I am not dying to hear the words, “Will you marry me?” Because even though those words are very powerful — and very powerful to a person like me — I don’t need them to hear it from him because I have already heard them from myself.


The way I see it is like I took myself to the top of a mountain, or maybe to the bottom of the ocean, and I got down on one knee, and I said, “I’ll never leave you.”

And now I am married to the one person I really wanted to be with all along: myself.


Thank you.





Mandy Len Catron女士在TED舞台上分享的一种更好的方式来谈论爱情,让爱情回归其应有的样子。

OK, so today I want to talk about how we talk about love. And specifically, I want to talk about what’s wrong with how we talk about love.
今天, 我想讨论一下我们谈论爱情的方法。说得更明确一些,就是讨论一下我们谈论爱情时犯的错误。

Most of us will probably fall in love a few timesover the course of our lives, and in the English language, this metaphor, falling, is really the main way that we talk about that experience.


I don’t know about you, but when I conceptualize this metaphor, what I picture is straight out of a cartoon -- like there’s a man, he’s walking down the sidewalk, without realizing it, he crosses over an open manhole, and he just plummets into the sewer below. 


And I picture it this way because falling is not jumping. Falling is accidental, it’s uncontrollable. It’s something that happens to us without our consent. And this --

I am a writer and I’m also an English teacher, which means I think about words for a living. You could say that I get paid to argue that the language we use matters, and I would like to argue that many of the metaphors we useto talk about love -- maybe even most of them -- are a problem.

So, in love, we fall. We’re struck. We are crushed. We swoon. We burn with passion. Love makes us crazy, and it makes us sick. Our hearts ache, and then they break. So our metaphors equate the experience of loving someone to extreme violence or illness.
所以说, 我们会“坠入”爱河。爱情突如其来。我们不能自拔。我们痴狂迷醉。我们被热情灼烧。爱情使人癫狂,也使我们患病。我们的心在滴血,然后支离破碎。所以说,这种比喻将恋爱经历等同于极暴力和病态。

They do. And they position us as the victimsof unforeseen and totally unavoidable circumstances. My favorite one of these is "smitten, "which is the past participle of the word "smite." And if you look this word up in the dictionary --
事实真是如此。而这些比喻把我们定位成某种未知、不可避免的事件的受害者。其中我最喜欢的单词 “smitten”,是“smite”的过去分词。如果在词典里查询这个单词……

you will see that it can be defined as both "grievous affliction," and, "to be very much in love." I tend to associate the word "smite" with a very particular context, which is the Old Testament. 


In the Book of Exodus alone, there are 16 references to smiting, which is the word that the Bible uses for the vengeance of an angry God.

Here we are using the same word to talk about love that we use to explain a plague of locusts.


So, how did this happen? How have we come to associate love with great pain and suffering? And why do we talk about this ostensibly good experience as if we are victims? 


These are difficult questions, but I have some theories. And to think this through, I want to focus on one metaphor in particular, which is the idea of love as madness.

When I first started researching romantic love, I found these madness metaphors everywhere. The history of Western cultureis full of language that equates love to mental illness. These are just a few examples. 


William Shakespeare: Love is merely a madness, from  "As You Like It." Friedrich Nietzsche: There is always some madness in love. Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love -- 

from the great philosopher, Beyoncé Knowles.

I fell in love for the first time when I was 20, and it was a pretty turbulent relationship right from the start. And it was long distance for the first couple of years, so for me that meant very high highs and very low lows.


I can remember one moment in particular. I was sitting on a bed in a hostel in South America, and I was watching the person I love walk out the door. And it was late, it was nearly midnight, we’d gotten into an argument over dinner, and when we got back to our room, he threw his things in the bag and stormed out. While I can no longer remember what that argument was about, I very clearly remember how I felt watching him leave.

I was 22, it was my first time in the developing world, and I was totally alone.I had another week until my flight home,and I knew the name of the town that I was in, and the name of the city that I needed to get to to fly out, but I had no idea how to get around. I had no guidebook and very little money, and I spoke no Spanish.

Someone more adventurous than me might have seen this as a moment of opportunity, but I just froze. I just sat there. And then I burst into tears. But despite my panic, some small voice in my head thought, Wow. That was dramatic.I must really be doing this love thing right.

Because some part of me wanted to feel miserable in love. And it sounds so strange to me now, but at 22, I longed to have dramatic experiences, and in that moment, I was irrational and furious and devastated, and weirdly enough, I thought that this somehow legitimized the feelings I had for the guy who had just left me.

I think on some level I wanted to feel a little bit crazy, because I thought that that was how loved worked. This really should not be surprising,considering that according to Wikipedia, there are eight films, 14 songs, two albums and one novel with the title "Crazy Love."

About half an hour later, he came back to our room. We made up. We spent another mostly happy week traveling together. And then, when I got home, I thought, "That was so terrible and so great. This must be a real romance."


I expected my first love to feel like madness, and of course, it met that expectation very well. But loving someone like that -- as if my entire well-being depended on him loving me back -- was not very good for me or for him.

But I suspect this experience of love is not that unusual. Most of us do feel a bit mad in the early stages of romantic love.In fact, there is research to confirm that this is somewhat normal,because, neurochemically speaking, romantic love and mental illness are not that easily distinguished. This is true.
不过我觉得这段爱情经历并不是非常罕见。我们大多数人在恋情的早期都会感受到些许疯狂。事实上,研究表明这是正常现象,因为, 从神经学角度来说,恋情和精神疾病并没有特别大的区别。这是真的。

This study from 1999 used blood teststo confirm that the serotonin levels of the newly in lovevery closely resembled the serotonin levels of people who had been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Yes, and low levels of serotoninare also associated with seasonal affective disorderand depression. So there is some evidence that love is associated with changes to our moods and our behaviors. And there are other studies to confirmthat most relationships begin this way.

Researchers believe that the low levels of serotoninis correlated with obsessive thinking about the object of love, which is like this feeling that someone has set up camp in your brain. 


And most of us feel this way when we first fall in love. But the good news is, it doesn’t always last that long --usually from a few months to a couple of years.

When I got back from my trip to South America, I spent a lot of time alone in my room, checking my email, desperate to hear from the guy I loved. 


I decided that if my friends could not understand my grievous affliction, then I did not need their friendship. So I stopped hanging out with most of them. And it was probably the most unhappy year of my life. 


But I think I felt like it was my job to be miserable, because if I could be miserable, then I would prove how much I loved him. And if I could prove it, then we would have to end up together eventually.

This is the real madness,because there is no cosmic rulethat says that great suffering equals great reward,but we talk about love as if this is true.

Our experiences of love are both biological and cultural. Our biology tells us that love is good by activating these reward circuits in our brain, and it tells us that love is painful when, after a fight or a break up, that neurochemical reward is withdrawn. 

我们的爱情体验 既是生理上的,又是文化上的。生理通过激发我们大脑的激励反馈,告诉我们爱情是美好的。然而在吵架或分手后,它又告诉我们爱情是痛苦的,这时候神经反馈是无效的。

And in fact -- and maybe you’ve heard this --neurochemically speaking,going through a breakup is a lot like going through cocaine withdrawal, which I find reassuring.

And then our culture uses language to shape and reinforce these ideas about love. In this case, we’re talking about metaphors about painand addiction and madness. It’s kind of an interesting feedback loop.


Love is powerful and at times painful,and we express this in our words and stories, but then our words and stories prime usto expect love to be powerful and painful.

What’s interesting to me is that all of this happensin a culture that values lifelong monogamy. It seems like we want it both ways: we want love to feel like madness, and we want it to last an entire lifetime. That sounds terrible.

To reconcile this,we need to either change our culture or change our expectations. So, imagine if we were all less passive in love. If we were more assertive, more open-minded, more generousand instead of falling in love, we stepped into love.


I know that this is asking a lot, but I’m not actually the first person to suggest this.In their book,  "Metaphors We Live By," linguists Mark Johnson and George Lakoff suggest a really interesting solution to this dilemma, which is to change our metaphors. 


They argue that metaphors really do shape the way we experience the world, and that they can even act as a guide for future actions, like self-fulfilling prophecies.

Johnson and Lakoff suggest a new metaphor for love: love as a collaborative work of art. I really like this way of thinking about love. Linguists talk about metaphors as having entailments, which is essentially a way of considering all the implications of, or ideas contained within, a given metaphor. 


And Johnson and Lakoff talk about everything that collaborating on a work of art entails: effort, compromise, patience, shared goals. These ideas align nicely with our cultural investmentin long-term romantic commitment, but they also work well for other kinds of relationships --short-term, casual, polyamorous, non-monogamous, asexual --because this metaphor brings much more complex ideasto the experience of loving someone.

So if love is a collaborative work of art,then love is an aesthetic experience. Love is unpredictable, love is creative, love requires communication and discipline, it is frustrating and emotionally demanding. And love involves both joy and pain. Ultimately, each experience of love is different.

When I was younger, it never occurred to me that I was allowed to demand more from love, that I didn’t have to just accept whatever love offered. 


When 14-year-old Juliet first meets --or, when 14-year-old Juliet cannot be with Romeo, whom she has met four days ago, she does not feel disappointed or angsty. Where is she? She wants to die. Right? 


And just as a refresher, at this point in the play, act three of five, Romeo is not dead. He’s alive, he’s healthy, he’s just been banished from the city. I understand that 16th-century Verona is unlike contemporary North America, and yet when I first read this play, also at age 14, Juliet’s suffering made sense to me.

Reframing love as something I get to create with someone I admire, rather than something that just happens to mewithout my control or consent, is empowering. It’s still hard. 


Love still feels totally maddening and crushing some days, and when I feel really frustrated, I have to remind myself: my job in this relationship is to talk to my partner about what I want to make together. This isn’t easy, either. But it’s just so much better than the alternative, which is that thing that feels like madness.

This version of love is not about winning or losing someone’s affection. Instead, it requires that you trust your partnerand talk about things when trusting feels difficult, which sounds so simple, but is actually a kind of revolutionary, radical act. 


This is because you get to stop thinking about yourselfand what you’re gaining or losing in your relationship, and you get to start thinking about what you have to offer. 


This version of love allows us to say things like, Hey, we’re not very good collaborators. Maybe this isn’t for us. Or, "That relationship was shorter than I had planned, but it was still kind of beautiful."

The beautiful thing about the collaborative work of artis that it will not paint or draw or sculpt itself.This version of love allows us to decide what it looks like.

Thank you.



精神病学家George Blair-West从他的专业角度分析,认为晚婚有助于婚姻的幸福,主要原因有以下3个方面:


2.人的思维方式以及所思所想在 25 岁之前都是不断变化的;
3.一个人20 岁时的人格与 50 岁时的人格并不相关,但是一个人在 30 岁时的人格会与50 岁时的人格有关。








Almost 50 years ago, psychiatrists Richard Rahe and Thomas Holmes developed an inventory of the most distressing human experiences that we could have. Number one on the list? Death of a spouse. Number two, divorce. Three, marital separation. Now, generally, but not always, for those three to occur, we need what comes in number seven on the list, which is marriage.


差不多五十年前,精神病学家 理查德 · 赖特和托马斯 · 赫姆斯列出了 一份清单,包含了我们所能 拥有的最痛苦的人类经历。排名第一的是配偶的去世。第二:离婚。第三:婚内分居。通常是这样,但并非总是如此, 要让这三件事情发生,我们 需要先实现名单上的第七条, 也就是婚姻。(笑声)

Fourth on the list is imprisonment in an institution. Now, some say number seven has been counted twice.


名单上的第四条是在 监狱里被监禁。有人会说第七条已经算了两次。(译者注:将婚姻比做囚牢) (笑声)

I don't believe that.

When the life stress inventory was built, back then, a long-term relationship pretty much equated to a marriage. Not so now. So for the purposes of this talk, I'm going to be including de facto relationships, common-law marriages and same-sex marriages, or same-sex relationships soon hopefully to become marriages. And I can say from my work with same-sex couples, the principles I'm about to talk about are no different. They're the same across all relationships.

对此我并不认同。在这份生活压力清单 诞生的那个年代, 一个长期的关系 几乎等同于婚姻。现在情况已经不同了, 为了本次演讲的目的, 我将会考虑 这样一个事实,即关系出现在 婚姻之前,而且同性婚姻 或同性关系, 希望很快会成为婚姻。基于我与若干对同性伴侣的 工作,我要谈的原则 没有什么不同,它们 在所有关系中都是一样的。

So in a modern society, we know that prevention is better than cure. We vaccinate against polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles. We have awareness campaigns for melanoma, stroke, diabetes -- all important campaigns. But none of those conditions come close to affecting 45 percent of us. Forty-five percent: that's our current divorce rate. Why no prevention campaign for divorce?

在现代社会中,我们知道预防 胜于治疗。我们接种疫苗预防脊髓灰质炎, 白喉,破伤风,百日咳,麻疹。我们还开展了关于黑色素瘤、 中风、糖尿病的宣传活动。这些都是重要的运动, 但其中没有一项 能影响接近45%的人口。45%。这就是 我们目前的离婚率。为什么没有预防离婚的运动?

Well, I think it's because our policymakers don't believe that things like attraction and the way relationships are built is changeable or educable. Why? Well, our policymakers currently are Generation X. They're in their 30s to 50s. And when I'm talking to these guys about these issues, I see their eyes glaze over, and I can see them thinking, "Doesn't this crazy psychiatrist get it? You can't control the way in which people attract other people and build relationships." Not so, our dear millennials. This is the most information-connected, analytical and skeptical generation, making the most informed decisions of any generation before them. And when I talk to millennials, I get a very different reaction. They actually want to hear about this. They want to know about how do we have relationships that last?

我认为这是因为我们的 政策制定者不相信吸引力和 建立关系的方式是可以改变的, 或者可以教育的。为什么呢?事实上,目前我们的 政策制定者是X一代, 他们的年龄在 30 至 60 岁。当我和这些人谈论这些问题时, 我看到他们一脸茫然, 很显然他们在想:难道这个 疯狂的精神病学家不明白吗?你不能控制人们相互吸引 和建立关系的方式。而对我们亲爱的千禧一代 来说并不是这样。这是信息联系最紧密、分析能力最强、 最具怀疑精神的一代, 相比他们之前的任何一代人, 他们能做出最明智的决定。当我和千禧一代交谈时, 我得到了一个非常不同的反应。他们乐意洗耳恭听。他们想知道我们该如何 维持长久的关系。

So for those of you who want to embrace the post- "romantic destiny" era with me, let me talk about my three life hacks for preventing divorce. Now, we can intervene to prevent divorce at two points: later, once the cracks begin to appear in an established relationship; or earlier, before we commit, before we have children. And that's where I'm going to take us now.

所以,对于那些想和我一起 拥抱后浪漫命运时代的人, 不妨听我说说三个 防止离婚的生活技巧。现在我们仍可以在之后的两个 时间点进行干预,以防止离婚。一旦一个既定的,或更早期的 关系出现了裂缝, 在我们承诺之前,在我们生孩子之前, 这就是我现在要讨论的时期。

So my first life hack: millennials spend seven-plus hours on their devices a day. That's American data. And some say, probably not unreasonably, this has probably affected their face-to-face relationships. Indeed, and add to that the hookup culture, ergo apps like Tinder, and it's no great surprise that the 20-somethings that I work with will often talk to me about how it is often easier for them to have sex with somebody that they've met than have a meaningful conversation.

我的第一个生活技巧:千禧一代每天花在电子设备上的 时间达到了七小时以上。这是美国的数据,有人说, 该说法可能不无道理, 这可能会影响 他们面对面时的关系。另外,这种“牵线文化”催生了 像Tinder这样的应用程序, 这也难怪,与我合作的 那些 20 多岁的年轻人 往往会和我谈到, 相比展开一次有意义的对话, 跟遇到的人直接发生性关系, 常常更容易。

Now, some say this is a bad thing. I say this is a really good thing. It's a particularly good thing to be having sex outside of the institution of marriage. Now, before you go out and get all moral on me, remember that Generation X, in the American Public Report, they found that 91 percent of women had had premarital sex by the age of 30. Ninety-one percent. It's a particularly good thing that these relationships are happening later. See, boomers in the '60s -- they were getting married at an average age for women of 20 and 23 for men. 2015 in Australia? That is now 30 for women and 32 for men. That's a good thing, because the older you are when you get married, the lower your divorce rate. Why? Why is it helpful to get married later? Three reasons.

有人说这是件坏事儿。我却说这真是一件好事儿。在婚姻制度之外发生性关系 是件特别好的事儿。不过在你开始评论我的 道德观之前,请记住, 在《美国公共报告》中, 他们发现X 一代中 有91%的女性在30 岁之前 有过婚前性行为,91%。这些关系在较晚的时候发生 的确是个好现象。想想看,60 年代婴儿潮 时期出生的人们, 他们结婚时 女性平均为20 岁,男性为 23 岁。2015 年澳大利亚的数据表明, 女性婚龄推迟到了30岁,男性是32岁。这是件好事,因为你越是晚婚, 离婚率就越低。为什么呢?为什么晚婚会有帮助?有三个原因。

Firstly, getting married later allows the other two preventers of divorce to come into play. They are tertiary education and a higher income, which tends to go with tertiary education. So these three factors all kind of get mixed up together. Number two, neuroplasticity research tell us that the human brain is still growing until at least the age of 25. So that means how you're thinking and what you're thinking is still changing up until 25. And thirdly, and most importantly to my mind, is personality. Your personality at the age of 20 does not correlate with your personality at the age of 50. But your personality at the age of 30 does correlate with your personality at the age of 50. So when I ask somebody who got married young why they broke up, and they say, "We grew apart," they're being surprisingly accurate, because the 20s is a decade of rapid change and maturation.

So the first thing you want to get before you get married is older.


首先,晚婚可以让 防止离婚的另外两个因素 发挥作用。他们接受了高等教育,收入较高, 也往往愿意与相似的人结婚。这三个因素几乎是交织在一起的。第二:神经可塑性研究 告诉我们,人类的大脑 在 25 岁之前仍然在发育。这意味着你的思维方式 以及你所思考的事物 在 25 岁之前都是不断变化的。第三,对我来说最重要的是人格。你在 20 岁时的人格 与 50 岁时的人格并不相关。但是你在 30 岁时的人格与 50 岁时的人格有关。所以,当我问一个早婚的人 他们为什么分手,他们会说, “我们都变了。” 他们真是一语中的, 因为 20 多岁正是 人们迅速变化和成熟的十年。所以你在结婚前想做的 第一件事就是变老。

Number two, John Gottman, psychologist and relationship researcher, can tell us many factors that correlate with a happy, successful marriage. But the one that I want to talk about is a big one: 81 percent of marriages implode, self-destruct, if this problem is present. And the second reason why I want to talk about it here is because it's something you can evaluate while you're dating. Gottman found that the relationships that were the most stable and happy over the longer term were relationships in which the couple shared power. They were influenceable: big decisions, like buying a house, overseas trips, buying a car, having children. But when Gottman drilled down on this data, what he found was that women were generally pretty influenceable. Guess where the problem lay?


第二。心理学家和关系研究员 约翰 · 戈特曼可以告诉我们 许多与幸福和成功的 婚姻相关的因素。但我想谈的是个很大的因素。存在这个问题的婚姻中 有80%会破裂和自我毁灭。我想在这里谈论它, 是因为你在约会时 就可以对它进行评估。戈特曼发现,在那些最稳定和辛福的 长期关系中,夫妻双方会共享权力。他们都有一定的影响力。(在做)大决定(的时候),比如买房子, 出国旅行,买车,生孩子。但是当戈特曼 深入研究这些数据时, 他发现女性通常都有 很大的影响力。猜猜问题在哪里?

Yeah, there's only two options here, isn't there? Yeah, we men were to blame. The other thing that Gottman found is that men who are influenceable also tended to be "outstanding fathers." So women: How influenceable is your man? Men: you're with her because you respect her. Make sure that respect plays out in the decision-making process.

没错,这里有两个选择。是的,责任在我们男人身上。戈特曼发现的另一件事是, 有影响力的男人 也往往是 “杰出的父亲!” 那么女士们,你的男人 有多大的影响力?先生们:你和她在一起,因为你尊重她。请确保你在做决定时 也会带着这样的尊重。

Number three. I'm often intrigued by why couples come in to see me after they've been married for 30 or 40 years. This is a time when they're approaching the infirmities and illness of old age. It's a time when they're particularly focused on caring for each other. They'll forgive things that have bugged them for years. They'll forgive all betrayals, even infidelities, because they're focused on caring for each other. So what pulls them apart? The best word I have for this is reliability, or the lack thereof. Does your partner have your back? It takes two forms. Firstly, can you rely on your partner to do what they say they're going to do? Do they follow through? Secondly, if, for example, you're out and you're being verbally attacked by somebody, or you're suffering from a really disabling illness, does your partner step up and do what needs to be done to leave you feeling cared for and protected? And here's the rub: if you're facing old age, and your partner isn't doing that for you -- in fact, you're having to do that for them -- then in an already-fragile relationship, it can look a bit like you might be better off out of it rather than in it.

第三。我常常很好奇,为什么那些夫妻 在结婚了三四十年之后才来找我。在这段时期,他们正在经历 高龄带来的衰弱和疾病, 也正是在这段时期, 他们特别专注于彼此照顾。他们会原谅多年来困扰他们的事。他们会原谅旧日的背叛甚至不忠, 因为他们专注于彼此关怀。那么是什么把他们分开了呢?对此,我能想到的最恰当的词 是可靠性,或缺乏可靠性。你的伴侣支持你吗?支持有两种形式。首先,你相信你的伴侣 会说到做到吗?他们会坚持到底吗?其次,比如说,如果 你出门在外被人用言辞羞辱, 或者你患有一种 让你生活无法自理的疾病, 你的伴侣是否会做出相应的行动, 让你感到被人照顾和保护?这就是问题所在。如果你已步入暮年,而你的伴侣 并没有做到这些,事实上 你反而不得不为他们这样做, 而你们的关系已经脆弱不堪, 看上去脱离这段关系对你来说更好。

So is your partner there for you when it really matters? Not all the time, 80 percent of the time, but particularly if it's important to you. On your side, think carefully before you commit to do something for your partner. It is much better to commit to as much as you can follow through than to commit to more sound-good-in-the-moment and then let them down. And if it's really important to your partner, and you commit to it, make sure you move hell and high water to follow through.

在重要的时候, 你的伴侣会陪着你吗?我不是说所有的时间,80%的 时间,特别是在很重要的事情上。对你来说, 在你对伴侣做出承诺前要三思而行。能够量力而行的 做出承诺,相比 当时信誓旦旦,后来却 让他们失望要好得多。如果这对你的伴侣非常重要, 并且你已经做出了承诺, 请确保你无论如何都要兑现诺言。

Now, these are things that I'm saying you can look for. Don't worry, these are also things that can be built in existing relationships.

I believe that the most important decision that you can make is who you choose as a life partner, who you choose as the other parent of your children. And of course, romance has to be there. Romance is a grand and beautiful and quirky thing. But we need to add to a romantic, loving heart an informed, thoughtful mind, as we make the most important decision of our life.

Thank you.

这些就是你可以审视的东西。不过别担心,这些也可以 在现有的关系中建立。我认为,你可以做出的最重要的决定 就是选择谁作为生活伴侣, 选择谁作为孩子的另一个家长。当然,浪漫不能少, 浪漫是一件盛大,美丽 而又神奇的事情。但当我们做出生命中 最重要的决定时, 还要怀有一颗浪漫的,充满爱的心, 以及一个理解的, 体贴周到的头脑。谢谢大家。





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