
双语 | 把无知当有趣,外交部发言人及CGTN主播 刘欣 驳斥美国主播“中国道歉论”

新华社&外交部 北极光翻译 2023-11-03



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  问:近期,美国福克斯新闻台主持人在播出节目时称,中国人应该就新冠肺炎疫情“正式道歉”。我们注意到,一些社交媒体上也有类似论调。你对此有何评论?   Q: A Fox News host said during a TV program that the novel coronavirus originated in China and he demanded a formal apology for the outbreak. What is your comment? 
  答:你提到的个别主持人的言论荒谬可笑,充分暴露出他对中国的傲慢、偏见和无知。我想强调几点:  A: What he said, which reveals his total arrogance, prejudice and ignorance towards China, is very preposterous and ridiculous. I have three points to make here. 
  第一,疫病是人类的公敌。各国患病的人都是受害者,不知道“道歉论”从何说起?当前,世界各国人民正在携手努力共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情。  First, to defeat this virus is everyone's battle and every patient that came down with it, wherever he or she is, is a victim. What is the point in arguing that someone should apologize for it? We see people around the world joining hands to fight off this epidemic, and the WHO has repeatedly said that stigmatization is more dangerous than the virus itself. Why are certain people and media still promoting such an absurd logic? What are they up to?  
  第二,“中国道歉论”毫无根据,也毫无道理。目前病毒源自何处,尚无定论。无论病毒源自哪里,中国同其他出现疫情的国家一样,都是病毒的受害者,都面临阻击疫情蔓延的挑战。  Second, there is simply no basis and no reason to push China for an apology. It is yet undetermined where the virus originated. Wherever its origin may be, China and all the other affected countries are victims faced with the challenge in containing its spread.     2009年美国爆发的H1N1流感蔓延到214个国家和地区,当年就导致至少18449人死亡,谁要求美国道歉了吗?    The H1N1 flu that broke out in the US in 2009 spread to 214 countries and regions, killing at least 18,449 people that year alone. I don't remember anyone asking the US to apologize. 
  第三,中国抗疫体现了一个负责任大国的应有担当。在此次疫情防控中,中国力量、中国效率、中国速度受到了国际社会的广泛赞誉。为了世界各国人民的健康和安全,中国人民也付出了巨大牺牲,作出了重大贡献。  Third, in its efforts to fight off the epidemic, China has conducted itself as a responsible country. China's signature strength, efficiency and speed in this fight has been widely acclaimed. To protect the health and safety of people across the world, the Chinese people have made huge sacrifice and major contributions.     全球170多个国家领导人和40多个国际地区组织负责人向中国领导人来函致电、发表声明表示慰问支持,对中国抗疫举措及其积极成效以及为阻止疫情蔓延作出的巨大牺牲和贡献予以高度肯定。    To date, leaders of over 170 countries and heads of more than 40 regional and international organizations sent messages, called us and issued statements to express sympathy and support for China. They also commended China for its effective and extraordinary response and enormous sacrifice.     世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞指出,中国强有力的举措既控制了疫情在中国境内扩散,也阻止了疫情向其他国家蔓延,为世界各国抗击疫情树立了新标杆。    WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros noted that China's forceful actions have limited the spread of the virus both domestically and beyond its borders, thus setting a new standard for the global efforts against the epidemic.


23-year-old Singaporean Jonathan Mok was walking along the Oxford Street in London in late February when a group of thugs attacked him, punching him in the face several times.
"I don't want your coronavirus in my country," shouted his anonymous attackers.
Since the epidemic first broke out, a wave of hate crimes against Asians has cascaded throughout Western countries.
On February 8, an East Asian man was violently assaulted and robbed by two teenagers, shouting "coronavirus" at him. This was thought to be the first violent hate crime linked to the virus reported to British authorities.
On March 4, a South Korean woman who lives in the Netherlands was biking home when two men with brown hair and beards drove past her on a scooter and yelled out "Chinese." The man sitting on the back of the scooter reportedly tried to punch her.
Similar assaults, calls for sexual violence, insults, and boycotts of Chinese-owned businesses have been reported in Italy too.
Innocent people, including immigrants who for decades have called the country home, have been subjected to hate crimes for "bringing the virus" to the country.
In America, from New York to Indiana to California, not just Chinese, but people who look Asian have been threatened, refused service, or physically attacked.
Although political leaders in different countries have publicly condemned anti-Chinese racism sparked by the outbreak, I'm afraid such crimes could still be on the rise as the virus continues to spread.
Because some people have decided to fan the flames of racism, misinformation, and hate.
The latest is the Fox News host who went on a rant this week. He demanded China officially apologize to the world for causing the epidemic.
He said the Chinese people are hungry. He said they eat raw bats. His colleagues listened and some of them laughed.
People say, "Oh but Fox News is fringe.", "That guy is mentally unhinged.", "Media is sensational because they just want clicks and advertising money." and "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…"
As much as I don't want to feed the trolls, discussions on this topic have become increasingly outrageous. And the thing is, people do watch Fox.
People do listen to this guy, no matter how deranged he may be. People are influenced. And words do matter. They can trigger fear, which leads to anger, which in turn leads to violence, as we have seen.
I want to emphasize an ancient Chinese saying: Do not do to others what you don't want done to you. Or as you might call it in the West "the Golden Rule," or as most people would call it: plain common sense.
A disease can break out in any part of the world because of all kinds of reasons. Does the world ask these cities, villages, or countries to apologize? No, because viruses don't care about borders. No, because it's counterproductive.
As tempting as it is to ignore such dangerous talks, I must point out that the Chinese people have been hurt twice, first by the virus, then by such rhetoric.
Please cut the nonsense and focus on the real issue of the day: how to save lives. Those who abuse their power to advocate harmful ideas are the ones who should really apologize!












