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美国总统特朗普在最新的推文中使用了“中国病毒”(Chinese Virus)一词。新冠病毒在学术名是SARS-Cov-2或者Covid-19,英文名coronavirus。不以具体地区国家命名病毒是国际的共识,是避免该地区人群遇到不公平待遇。
另据CGTN报道:【特朗普发推称新冠病毒为中国病毒 遭网友狂怼:你才是美国病毒!】U.S. president Donald Trump received fierce backlash over his latest tweet of calling the coronavirus "Chinese Virus" on Tuesday. "The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus," read the tweet. He made the remarks shortly after announcing that the U.S. economy may be heading into recession but only resulted in overwhelmed critics calling him a "racist" and stressing that xenophobia won't help in containing the virus.
个别媒体称新冠病毒是“中国病毒”极不负责任,我们对此坚决反对。It is highly irresponsible for some media to dub it "China virus". We firmly oppose that.I want to stress two points.First, no conclusion has been reached yet on the origin of the virus, as relevant tracing work is still underway.世界卫生组织多次表示,新冠病毒是全球现象,源头尚不确定,此时应关注如何应对遏制病毒,应避免地域的污名化语言。The WHO has said many times that what we are experiencing now is a global phenomenon with its source still undetermined, and we should focus on containing it and avoid stigmatizing language toward certain places.世卫组织将新冠病毒命名为“COVID-19”,就是不将该名称同任何地区和国家相联系。The name COVID-19 was chosen by the WHO for the purpose of making no connections between the virus and certain places or countries.中国权威呼吸病专家、中国工程院院士钟南山曾表示,疫情首先出现在中国,但不一定发源在中国。Dr. Zhong Nanshan, respiratory specialist and member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that the epidemic was first reported in China but was not necessarily originated in China.Second, we should all say no to "information virus" and "political virus".个别媒体在没有任何事实根据的情况下,妄称新冠病毒是“中国病毒”,企图让中国背上制造疫情灾害的黑锅,完全是别有用心。By calling it "China virus" and thus suggesting its origin without any supporting facts or evidence, some media clearly want China to take the blame and their ulterior motives are laid bare.新冠肺炎疫情是世界各国面临的共同挑战,国际社会同心协力、携手应对才是人间正道,共同抵制谣言偏见是应有之义。The epidemic is a global challenge. The right move should be working together to fight it, which means no place for rumors and prejudice.疫情面前,我们需要的是科学、理性、合作,用科学战胜愚昧,用合作抵制偏见。We need science, reason and cooperation to drive out ignorance and bias.
纽约州州长科莫:美国联邦政府应学中国 动员国家力量赈灾