
证入无我的利益(2)| 雷迪西亚多

雷迪西亚多 欢喜觉悟 2019-05-04

Anattaa Realization and Future Kamma  证入"无我"与未来的业

Human beings, deities, and Brahmas, who have personality-belief in their mental make-up may be good and virtuous beings today, but any time later they may commit an unlimited number of evil deeds, even grave offences like matricide, parricide, killing of arahants, etc. This may happen to them tomorrow or the day after, next month or next year, or in following existences. Today they may be devotees within the fold of the Buddha’s Dispensation, while tomorrow or the day after, etc. they may be outside its pale or even become enemies and destroyers of the Buddha Saasana.


Those beings however, human or divine, who well perceive the characteristic of not-self (anattaa), and thus have entirely extirpated personality-belief from their mental make-up, will cease to commit evil deeds and other unwholesome kamma even in their dreams, although they may continue to circle in sa.msaara for many more lives to come. From the day of freeing themselves from personality-belief until their final existence before their attainment of Nibbaana, they will always remain within the fold of the Buddha’s Dispensation, wherever they are reborn. They will never appear in a form of existence or in a world where the Buddha’s Dispensation is absent.


This shows the greatness of the advantages arising from the extinction of personality-belief as far as relating to future kamma.


How Past Kamma Becomes Inoperative  过去的业如何不发生效力?

How the innumerable unwholesome karmic actions of the past become inoperative 2 at the moment when personality-belief is extinguished may be illustrated as follows:


In a string of beads where a great number of beads are strung together by a strong silk thread, if one bead is pulled all the others will follow the one that is pulled. But if the silk thread is cut or removed, pulling one of the beads will not disturb the other beads because there is no longer any attachment between them.


Similarly, a being that possesses personality-belief harbours a strong attachment to the series of the aggregates (khandha) which have arisen during past existences and past world cycles, and transforms them into an ego. Thinking, "In the past I have often been a human being, a deity, or a Brahmaa," he acquires the thread that is personality-belief. It is thus that the innumerable unwholesome karmic actions of the past which have not yet produced results, will accompany that being wherever he may be reborn. These unwholesome actions of the past resemble beads that are strung and bound together by a strong thread.


Beings, however, who clearly perceive the characteristic of not-self and have rid themselves of personality-belief, will perceive that the bodily and mental aggregates that arise and disappear even within the short period of one sitting do so as separate phenomena and not as a closely interlinked continuum. The concept of "my self" which is like the thread is no longer present. Those bodily and mental processes appear to them like the beads from which the thread has been removed. They clearly perceive that the unwholesome actions of the past committed by them are not "persons" nor "beings," not an "I" nor my actions," but that they arise and disappear in an instant. That is why that past unwholesome kamma disappears as soon as personality-belief disappears.


It should be known, however, that only unwholesome (akusala) kamma disappears. Wholesome (kusala) kamma of the past does not disappear through the mere disappearance of personality-belief. It is only when the stage of the path of sainthood (arahatta-magga) is reached, and when craving (ta.nhaa) is completely eradicated, that wholesome kamma of the past becomes inoperative.


The Evil of Personality Belief  "身见"的罪恶

Personality-belief is an evil that is extremely deep-rooted and far-reaching.


A person who commits an evil deed, and thus becomes extremely agitated and worried over the prospect of being reborn in states of woe, transforms that evil deed of his into a "self" (attaa) and becomes greatly distressed by such firmly held thoughts as, "I have done wrong. I have gravely erred." But if that being fully comprehends and realizes the characteristic of not-self and thereby can abolish attachment to such thoughts as, "I have gravely erred," that kamma (unless it is a weighty one) will no longer have the power of producing results (in a future rebirth) so far as that being is concerned. But, generally, beings do not discard their attachment to such thoughts.


Although that kamma does not, as it were, desire to accompany that being nor to produce results, yet it is forced to do so by the fact that being takes possession of it by harbouring such thoughts as, "I myself have committed that deed. It is my kamma." It is because of this forcible possessive act that kamma is obliged to produce its results. To this extent are beings possessing personality-belief deluded and erring in their ways.


It is the same in the case of unwholesome kamma of the past that remains operative. It is because of the forcible possessive act of personality-belief that this kamma accompanies beings throughout their sa.msaaric wanderings and will produce its results in due course.


Beings find that they cannot discard their unwholesome actions even though they are oppressed by their results, and suffer great privations in the process. They think, "I have committed those evil deeds," and thus (identifying themselves with them) they take, as it were, possession of them. Thus these unwholesome actions cannot help to produce results and continue to do so, preventing those beings achieving from release. To this extent, personality-belief is profoundly evil and erroneous.


In the same way, beings extremely dread the dangers of disease, old age, and death. But, even though they harbour such dread they become attached to the past incidents of disease, old age and death through such thoughts as "I have for many times in the past suffered disease, suffered old age, and suffered death" Thus, they find it unable to relinquish and discard even such fearsome phenomena. And because they are unable to relinquish and discard them, the phenomena of disease, old age, and death, accompany them, as it were, against their own will, and continue thus to cause oppression. It is thus that the phenomena of disease, old age, and death, are obliged to appear. To this extent is sakkaya ditthi profoundly evil and erroneous.


In this present existence also, when external and internal dangers are encountered, and beings become greatly oppressed by diseases and ailments, they develop an attachment for these diseases and ailments through thoughts as " I feel pain. I feel hurt. I am oppressed by burning sensations", and thus take possession of them. This act possession is an act of bondage that later prevent the riddance of themselves from diseases and ailments. It is because this act of bondage of sakkaya ditthi is strong that in the lengthy beginningless samsara beings have found these diseases and ailments to be their inseparable companions right up to the present day. It is thus that sakkaya ditthi develops and attachment and takes possession of even those diseases and ailments that greatly oppress beings at the present moment. 


Even though those great dangers and sufferings do not, as it were, desire to accompany those beings they are unable to remain so, but are obliged to to accompany them continuously from existence to existence because of the pull exerted by sakkaya ditthi.


In future existence, also, the attachments engendered by such thoughts as "We shall experience diseases and ailments, We shall encounter old age, We shall encounter death", are acts of sakkaya ditthi that takes possession of the future eventualities of disease, old age and death from the present moment and binds them to the beings. So long as this act of bondage is not destroyed, therefore, it becomes certain that beings will in future encounter those eventualities. To this extent is sakkaya ditthi profoundly evil and erroneous. 


This is a brief description of how personality-belief is profoundly evil and erroneous.


Superficial and Deep Attachment  表面的执着与深度的执着

The attachments of craving (tanha) and conceit (mana) are not necessarily attachments of wrong views (di.t.thi). Craving develops an attachment for all the (physical and mental) phenomena in the three spheres of existence, in the form, "It is my property." Conceit develops a proud attachment for them in the form, "It is I who owns it" or "It is I who has those great qualities." In the case of beings that have personality-belief, craving and conceit follow the lead given by personality-belief. In the case of stream-winners, once-returners, and non-returners, who have eliminated personality-belief, craving and conceit follow the distortion of perception (sa.t.taa-vipallaasa) and the distortion of consciousness (citta-vipallaasa). The attachments produced by these distortions are superficial; but those produced by personality-belief are deep.


This ends the description of how unwholesome actions of the past totally cease with the disappearance of personality-belief. 



证入无我的利益(1)| 雷迪西亚多

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礼敬彼世尊、 阿拉汉 、正自觉者!

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa

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