GCA, CG, AG, GPL等矿物岩石地球化学期刊编委会的多样性
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The publication of scientific work is foundational to our disciplines. To ensure equitable publication standards during the global flow of knowledge production, professional societies and publishers must take positive steps to avoid biases that might hinder the publication of scientific work (see Liévano-Latorre et al. 2020). Biases among editors and reviewers can be unconscious and be influenced by different aspects of an author’s identity: country of origin, first language, affiliation, gender identity, ethnicity, and/or other factors. These biases could result in challenges to publication rates and visibility in key journal forums for under-represented groups (Lerback et al. 2020). Ensuring that there is diversity in the peer review and publishing process, and on editorial boards, may help to eliminate bias.
Gender breakdown of editorial board members from selected journals; data accessed on journal websites on 8 April 2021. Editorial board members were assigned a binary gender using first names and, in some cases, based upon the authors’ own perceptions and knowledge. Abbreviation: n = number of editorial board members. There are two notable limitations to this analysis: (i) it may misgender people; (ii) gender is not binary, and non-binary people were not included in this first-stage analysis due to lack of available information.
Geographic distribution of editorial board members by journal, with regional groupings based on indicators of sustainable development goals; data accessed from journal websites on 8 April 2021. Editorial board members were assigned a region using the country of their affiliation. Abbreviation: n = number of editorial board members.
To improve scientific excellence and diversity, journals could implement the following:
Set up a diversity working group that can help identify potentially qualified editorial board members and editors-in-chief, while also targeting an increase in diversity.
Editors-in-chief may invite identified people (see point 1) to join their editorial board when a position is available (no necessity of expansion, but growth may accelerate the changes). They should emphasise their results and efforts toward diversity/equity/inclusion at the journal’s society meetings and in doing so educate members about editor-ship diversity.
Individual editorial board members may give personal encouragement, and act as mentors, to potential editors who are of diverse backgrounds and identities.
Ask scientists from under-represented groups how they could be supported in order to participate on an editorial board, for example through workloads that are set using principles of equity.
Journals editorial boards present an infographic of diversity of the editorial board and/or the geographical scope of the published articles. This may attract attention from diverse researchers, as well as raise awareness of diversity/equity/inclusion in the scientific publishing space.
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