双语 | 国家主席习近平二〇二三年新年贺词重要语汇摘编
1. 我国继续保持世界第二大经济体的地位,经济稳健发展,全年国内生产总值预计超过120万亿元。
2. 面对全球粮食危机,我国粮食生产实现“十九连丰”,中国人的饭碗端得更牢了。
3. 我们巩固脱贫攻坚成果,全面推进乡村振兴,采取减税降费等系列措施为企业纾难解困,着力解决人民群众急难愁盼问题。
4. 经过艰苦卓绝的努力,我们战胜了前所未有的困难和挑战,每个人都不容易。
5. 目前,疫情防控进入新阶段,仍是吃劲的时候,大家都在坚忍不拔努力,曙光就在前头。
6. 大家再加把劲,坚持就是胜利,团结就是胜利。
7. 历史长河波澜壮阔,一代又一代人接续奋斗创造了今天的中国。
8. 今天的中国,是梦想接连实现的中国。
9. 今天的中国,是充满生机活力的中国。
Today's China is a country that keeps to its national character.
Today's China is a country closely linked with the world.
Sparks of talent are coming together, and they are the strength of China!
The Chinese economy enjoys strong resilience, tremendous potential and great vitality. The fundamentals sustaining its long-term growth have remained strong.
As long as we stay confident and strive for progress while maintaining stability, we will realize the goals we have set.
With determined implementation of One Country, Two Systems, Hong Kong and Macao will surely enjoy long-term prosperity and stability.
At every turn of the year, we always think of the great character of resilience that the Chinese nation has carried forward through millennia. It gives us still greater confidence as we continue our way forward.
We cherish peace and development and value friends and partners as we have always done. We stand firm on the right side of history and on the side of human civilization and progress. We work hard to contribute China's wisdom and solutions to the cause of peace and development for all humanity.
Over the past 100 years, the CPC has braved wind and rain, and forged ahead against all odds. That is a most difficult yet great journey.
Today, we must press on courageously to make tomorrow's China a better place.
Going forward, China will be a country that performs miracles through hard work.
Going forward, China will be a country that draws its strength from unity.
Going forward, China will be a country that has great expectations of its younger generation.
As long as we have the resolve to move mountains and the perseverance to plod on, as long as we keep our feet on the ground and forge ahead with our journey by making steady progress, we will turn our grand goals into reality.
When the 1.4 billion Chinese work with one heart and one mind, and stand in unity with a strong will, no task will be impossible and no difficulty insurmountable.
A nation will prosper only when its young people thrive. For China to develop further, our young people must step forward and take on their responsibilities. Youth is full of vigor and is a source of hope.
1. 犯其至难而图其至远。
2. 艰难困苦,玉汝于成。
3. 路虽远,行则将至;事虽难,做则必成。
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