
Why Indians Sitting on floor while eating?你还在认为印度人坐地上吃饭是因为穷?

Indians-In-China IICofficial 2019-04-13

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Traditional Indian eating habits have always been questioned by western world, whether it be eating by hands, vegetarian diet, extensive use of spices, sitting on floor cross legged while eating etc.https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=h134269c47q&width=500&height=375&auto=0
English Version Video


We at IIC (Indians In China) have tried to debunk many common myths and stereotype about our eating habits and life in general. Here is another one


why do indians eat with their hands? / 为什么印度人在吃东西时总是用手?

Is Desi Ghee Bad For Health? / 如果你还在觉得酥油对健康有危害?那请一起来重新认识酥油吧!

Mango Culture of India / 走不出的芒果梦,印度独特的芒果文化

Is Indian Food All About Curry? / 你还在觉得印度菜都是咖喱吗?正解印度菜!

Common myth in western world and even to some extent in India is that eating on floor is nothing but sign of poverty. A person who's can't afford to buy proper dinning table eats on floor, which is far away from truth. 


Tamil Language Video

西方世界甚至在某种程度上认为印度在地板上吃东西只不过是贫穷的象征。 一个无力购买合适的餐桌的人在地板上吃东西,这是无稽之谈。

Why do some Indians sit down and eat?


Sitting cross legged is an ancient tradition in India. This position is not only used while eating but also for meditation and other simple activities. Though in the modern world, couches and chairs have changed the way people sit, sitting down (not just while eating) has innumerable benifits and is still practised in various regions across Asia.

盘腿而坐是印度古老的传统。 这个姿势不仅在进食时使用,而且还用于冥想和其他简单的活动。 尽管在现代,沙发和椅子改变了人们坐下来的方式,但盘腿而做(不只是在吃东西的时候)有无数的好处,而且仍然在亚洲各个地区实行。

This has a lot of health benefits and its not pseudo-science


Improves Digestion: When we sit down cross-legged, our tummy gets pressed[ you can try this and see]. You may have to bend forward to put your food into your mouth. And you bend forward from the hip-joint. And you come back to your original position once you put the food in your mouth. This to and fro movement activates your stomach muscles and increases the secretion of digestive juices. Thus your food gets digested thoroughly.

改善消化:当我们盘腿坐下时,我们的肚子受到压迫[你可以试试看看]。 你可能必须向前弯曲才能将食物放入口中。 你从髋关节向前弯曲。 一旦你把食物放进嘴里,你就会回到原来的位置。 这种来回运动激活你的胃部肌肉,并增加消化液的分泌。 因此你的食物得到彻底消化。

You don't just sit on the floor, you do yoga: So when you sit in Sukhasana and eat, not only you are eating but you are multi-tasking and doing yoga at the same time. The posture allows you to calm the mind and applies pressure to the lower spine which may facilitate relaxation.

那不只是坐在地板上,你练习瑜伽也是盘腿坐:所以当你坐在瑜伽式的Sukhasana姿势下吃东西时,不仅你在吃东西,而且同时也在做瑜伽。 这种姿势可以让你平静心灵,并向下部脊柱施加压力,这可能有助于放松。

Helps in managing weight issues: Doing some sort of physical activity is advised by doctors, but when it’s time to eat, the best thing to do is to sit on the floor. This also involves exercise when you sit down and get up. 

有助于控制体重问题:医生建议做某种身体活动,但是在吃饭的时候,最好的办法就是坐在地板上。 这也涉及到锻炼。

Controls the excessive consumption[ over-eating]: Our stomach is broadly divided into two parts- upper region and lower-region. For proper digestion- only the lower region of the stomach needs to be filled. You should not [ideally] stuff your-self to the brim. The half- empty space is necessary for the food to get digested. If the stomach is stuffed- then there will be no movement of the food particles. The digestive juices will be secreted beyond the requisite content and it results in acidity. Sitting down will help in reducing the stomach space by nearly half- ie- your upper-part gets compressed naturally. Thus you will ideally eat only half of what you would have eaten if you had used a table-chair. [I tried this experiment many times]. You will know when your are full.

控制过度食用[过度食用]:我们的胃大致分为两部分 - 上部区域和下部区域。 为了适当的消化 - 只需要填充胃的下部区域。 你不应该[理想情况]把你自己塞满。 半空间是食物消化所必需的。 如果胃被塞满,那么食物颗粒将不会移动。 消化液将分泌超出必需的含量,并导致酸度。 坐下可以帮助减少近一半的胃部空间,即你的上半身自然会被压缩。 因此,如果你使用了桌椅,你最好只吃一半东西。 [我多次尝试这个实验]。 你就会知道你什么时候满了。

Improves family bonding: Eating in India is a family activity with everyone sitting together to eat. The ritual improves the bonding with the family. Also the posture relaxes the body and is actually good to have a happy and relaxed family get together.

改善家庭联系:在印度吃饭是每个人都坐在一起吃饭的。 仪式改善了与家庭的联系。 此外,姿势放松身体,实际上是一个愉快和轻松的家庭聚在一起的好。

Increases your longevity: Sitting cross-legged increases your life-span. A Harward University Study found that this practice makes your muscles around the pelvic region more flexible. The study found that those who are unable to do this are at 6 times more risk of diabetes and obesity.

增加你的寿命:盘腿坐着增加你的寿命。 哈佛大学研究发现,这种做法可以让你的骨盆周围的肌肉更加灵活。 该研究发现,那些无法做到这一点的人患糖尿病和肥胖的风险要高出6倍。

Its a natural posture meant for our body: Chairs are something which are a recent invention in the human history. For the greater part of human evolution, man has adjusted to sitting down. Thus this posture is a natural choice for the human body. This posture is good enough to stay healthy and fit. When we sit on the floor our body posture is automatically corrected with our back straight, expanding our spine and pushing our shoulders back, beating all the frequent pain and aches that are caused due to bad posture. 

它是一种自然的姿势,适合我们的身体:椅子是人类历史上最近发明的东西。 对于人类进化的大部分,人类已经适应了坐下。 因此,这种姿势是人体的自然选择。改善身体姿势:这种姿势足以保持身体健康。 当我们坐在地板上时,我们的身体姿势会自动矫正,背部伸直,扩大脊柱并向后推动肩膀,打败因姿势不良而引起的所有频繁疼痛和疼痛。

It improves blood circulation and makes the heart stronger : Sitting cross legged improves the blood circulation in our body as it relaxes the nerves and the pressure on it. One of digestion’s most important element is sound blood circulation. To keep up with this process, our heart tends to work overtime to help out our digestive system. Here is where sitting on the floor and eating can help out.

它改善血液循环,使心脏更强壮:盘腿坐着可以改善我们身体的血液循环,因为它可以放松神经和压力。 消化最重要的元素之一是健康的血液循环。 为了跟上这个过程,我们的心脏会加班加点地帮助消化系统。 这是坐在地板上吃东西的好处。

Relaxes your mind : This posture increases the blood flow to your brain and heart. Your heart-beat becomes more rhythmic and controlled. The food gets ingested into the blood-stream more quickly.

放松你的思维:这种姿势增加了血液流向你的大脑和心脏。 你的心跳变得更有节奏和控制。 食物更快被摄入血液。

It makes you more humble: There is a reason monks meditate on the floor and not on chairs! According to many religious and spiritual beliefs when you sit on the floor at the same level as children and animals, it is easier for you to connect with the spiritual side. If other reasons haven't made you slide off your chair then you might just consider this one.That's how prasad is served in temple, langar in gurdwara and Iftar in mosque!

它让你更加谦虚:僧人在地板上沉思而不是坐在椅子上是有原因的! 根据许多宗教和精神信仰,当你坐在与儿童和动物同一层次的地板上时,你更容易与精神方面联系起来。 

Sure- some aspects of our culture may seem discriminatory/ irrelevant in today’s context- [ for example Sati, caste discrimination etc], but a few rotten eggs does not mean you can write off the entire culture as useless. Know to differentiate the wheat from the chaff.

当然,我们的文化的某些方面在今天的情况下可能看起来是歧视性的/不相关的,例如殉葬,种姓歧视等,但是并不意味着您可以将整个文化写成无用的。 要知道区分小麦和谷壳。

Our ancestors knew the benifts and followed it. Sadly, with the advent of Westernization, these practices are either being misinterpreted in the wrong context or being forgotten. You will hardly find any urban Indian family having their humble meal at home while sitting on floor. We often think that Western science is more advanced because it offers ‘proof’ of its correctness while Indian science is ‘superstition’.Western science have its benefits and so do our ancient wisdoms. Infact, the more ancient it is, the more precious it is. Our historians and academia ,unfortunately does not do a enough research on this and our mainstream media don't show it often aswell.

我们的祖先知道这些好处并遵循它。 可悲的是,随着西方化的到来,这些做法或者被错误解读或者被遗忘。 你几乎找不到任何都市印第安人家庭坐在地上谦虚吃饭。 我们经常认为西方科学更加先进,因为它提供了“正确性”的“证据”,而印度科学则是“迷信”。 事实上,它越古老,越是珍贵。 不幸的是,我们的历史学家和学术界没有对此进行研究,即使有人试图通过研究证明这些好处,我们的媒体更不会这样做。

So, spend some time everyday sitting down on the floor. You could watch TV, do your homework, eat or read. You should try it to realize its benefits :)

所以,每天都要坐在地板上休息一段时间。 你可以看电视,做作业,吃饭或读书。:为了你的健康你可以这样做吗?请在评论区和什么一起探讨吧!

Content Source: IndiaTimes, Quora

By: Mani Duraisamy & Arushi Chaturvedi

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