
Essential Guide: Send Express In China By Wechat

Indians-In-China IICofficial 2019-04-13

Add New Wechat Id:IIC-Admin

China has the world's largest express delivery sector, accounting for more than 40 percent of the world's total delivery volume. Express delivery in China is Cheap and Fast. The country have more than 35000 courier express companies that make this speedy delivery possible. They whiz through the cities on their three-wheeled electric trucks, and go door-door delivering and picking parcels. 

中国拥有世界上最大的快递业务,占全球总交付量的40%以上。 在中国快递是便宜又快捷的。 该国拥有超过35000家快递公司,使这种快速交付成为可能。 他们用三轮电动车穿梭在城市,然后上门送货和取包裹。

But for Expats living in China, sending out documents or packages through express is a challenge, mainly due to language barrier and lack of understanding. Expats in China mostly rely on their Chinese friends to help them send out express. If you are our Chinese reader, forward this article to your foriegn friends. So, here is the simple guide on how you can set up a shipment easily through WeChat!

但对于居住在中国的外籍人士来说,通过快递发送文件或包裹是一项挑战,主要是由于语言障碍和缺乏理解。 中国的侨民大多依靠他们的中国朋友来帮助他们发快递。 如果您是我们的中国读者,请将此文章转发给您的朋友。 这里有关于如何通过微信轻松发快件的指南!

Please Note: This tutorial’s screenshots will be based on the UI from the IOS app, the method should be the exact same for Android or other operating systems. Some UI changes might occur due to app updates over time.

ShunFeng Express (SF Express)


ShunFeng Express (SF Express) is a great company to use when you need to send documents or package quickly and securely. ShunFeng Express is not the cheapest, but they are the fastest popular shipping service to use in China. 

顺丰快递(顺丰速运)是一家很棒的公司,可以在您需要快速安全地发送文件或包裹时使用。 顺丰快递不是最便宜的,但它们是在中国使用最快的热门航运服务。

Step 1: Open Wechat & Go To Contacts

Open the app and tap the Contacts icon on the bottom navigation bar.

Step 2: Search Bar

Tap the search bar at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Official Accounts

Tap on Official Accounts.

Step 4: Search For Account

Search for the name of the shipping company: 顺丰. You may also use pinyin to seach: shunfeng.

Step 5: Select Official Account

Make sure the account has the official logo. Refer to the picture above. It will be called 顺丰速运.

Step 6: Follow Account

Tap on Follow.

Step 7: Select Send A Package

At the bottom of the account will be a navigation bar. On the left-bottom button, Send Package (奇快递).

This will open a drop-down menu. Tap on the first option, Request Pick-up (快递员上门).

Step 8: Select Sender Address

At the top you will need to add the addresses. Tap the first one to add the Sender’s address.

Step 9: Add Sender Address

You will enter the sender information here. In the first box enter your first and last name (姓名), or a Chinese name if you have one. The next box is for your Chinese phone number (手机号).

Step 10: Add Province, City, and District

The next box is for your location. Tap on this box to open a menu. 

You need to select your province (), city (), and district (). You will need to know the Chinese characters for your location on this menu. When done, tap Submit (确认).

Step 11: Add Your Address

The third box is for you to write your address including community, building number, floor, and room number. You will need this address in Chinese. Then tap Submit (确定).

Step 12: Add Receiver Address

Now back on the delivery screen, you will need to repeat the process for the Receiver’s Address. 

Once complete, both fields will be filled out.

Step 13: Choose Delivery

At the bottom of the screen has two options. One will show a fast shipping time and the other a little slower. In this example, it is 22rmb for deliver arriving the day after tomorrow before noon (后天12:00前送达). The other option is a little cheaper, it is 18rmb and will arrive the day after tomorrow by midnight (后天23:59前送达)

Step 14: Request Pick-up

After you select the shipping option, tap on the button on the map that says Place Order (下单).

Step 15: Pickup Confirmation

Your order will be picked up quickly and you will see this screen. This shows the delivery man’s name, rating, and estimated time of pick-up. Shunfeng Express (SF Express) usually will arrive within 1 hour to pick-up your package, although this will depend on your location in China.

Step 16: Shipment Details

This step is not 100% necessary (the driver will still come if you don’t do it) but it will be useful for the driver to give him more information about your shipment. This might also prevent them from calling you before they come, although they often still call. Tap on the red button at the bottom that says, Complete Your Package Information (完善递单信息).

Step 17: Package Content and Weight

Here we will enter more information about our shipment. Starting from top left and going clockwise, let’s go through each option.

First select what you are shipping. Here are the options:

文件 = Documents

数码产品 = Digital Products/Electronics

日用品 = Daily Items/FMCG’s

服饰 = Clothing

食品 = Food

医药类产品 = Medicine

There is also a field where you can enter your contents if it doesn’t fall into the categories listed above.

Underneath is the weight. Here are the options:

文件袋 = Documents

小纸箱 = Small Box

大纸箱 = Larger Box

行李箱 = Luggage

超大包装 = Oversized Box

When done, tap Submit (确定).

Step 18: Insurance Option

The next option is insurance (增值服务).

You don’t need to mess with this one. Just tap the X and go back.

Step 19: Select Payment Method

Here you will define the Payment Method (付款方式).

The options are:

寄付现结 = Shipper pays

到付 = Receiver pays when he gets it

寄付月结 = Shipper pays at a later date (ex: end of the month)

When done, tap Submit (确定).

Step 20: Leave Driver Comments

This is to leave the driver some Addition Information (捎话).

You can type it in the blank field provided or select one of the pre-defined options:

带包温江封 = Bring a folder for documents

带包装袋 = Bring a box

带纸箱 = Bring a bag

上门前请先联系 = Call before you arrive

要爬楼 = No elevator, must climb up the stairs

If you don’t have a box, no worries. They will take your items as is, or in a bag, and then box it when they get to the warehouse. They usually don’t charge for the box, but sometimes they will. If you use your own box, they will tape it free of charge.

Hit X to go back if you don’t need any, or tap Submit (确定) when done.

Step 21: Save Shipment Details

When you are finished, tap on Save (保存) at the bottom. It will also show you the estimated pricing of the shipment.

Step 22: Wait For Pick-up

The driver will usually arrive before the estimated pick-up time. He sometimes will also call you to double check what you are shipping and if you are currently at home. Sometimes they call, sometimes they don’t. If they call, you will need to use Chinese to speak.

You can always click the notification within the ShunFeng Express WeChat account to get back to your pending pick-up.

Just a heads up, often (by law I believe), the driver might ask to see your ID. They might then record your ID/passport number. Don’t be freaked out, this is standard operating procedure and is for security reasons I assume.

Please note that when they arrive, they will usually weigh your shipment with their device, possibly check your ID, and check your shipment content (unless it is documents). If you have taped your box up, they might ask you to open it so they can confirm the content for security reasons.

Step 23: Pay and Get Receipt

He will tell you the final cost and you will need to pay with cash, WeChat, or Alipay. He will print off the receipt and give it to you. This can be used to track your package if needed.

Step 24: Track Your Package

You can track a package by going back to the ShunFeng Express WeChat page and tapping the button at the bottom that says Track Package (查快递).

Step 25: Shipment History

This will show all your current and previous orders, along with their status. It might say Picked up (已取件), In-transit (运送中), or Delivered (已签收). You can also tap on the order to find further information.

Alternatively, you can enter your tracking number in the search bar at the top of the screen. Your tracking number can be viewed at the top of your receipt (Step 23), it will be a 12-digit number.

That’s it! You are done and have not sent your package using ShunFeng Express. See that wasn’t too hard, was it? SF Express is great when you want something shipped fast and securely (especially documents), also they have great customer service. They are not the cheapest, so if you are looking for low-cost, you might want to try shipping with YuanTong(圆通速递).

YuanTong (YTO Express)


YuanTong is one of the top 3-5 common shipping companies used by locals. They are usually much cheaper than ShunFeng, which is the fastest. So if you are shipping a package and you don't need it to arrive overnight, this might be your best bet.

Step1 to Step 3 are same as you did above for SF Express

Step 4: Search For Account

Search for the name of the shipping company: 圆通快递. You may also use pinyin to seach: yuantong kuaidi.

Step 5: Select Official Account

There will be many accounts related to this company. Make sure you select the right official account. It should have a checkmark to the right. Match the name and logo to the picture above. Tap on the account.

Step 6: Follow Account

Tap on Follow.

Step 7: Select Send A Package

At the bottom navigation bar, tap on Send Package (奇件). Then on the dropdown menu, tap on Home Pickup (快递员上门).

Step 8: Select Sender Address

This will open up the Package Information page. Tap the first tab to fill-in the shipper address ().

Step 9: Add New Address

Tap on Add New Address (新增地址).

Step 10: Enter Sender Address Details 1

On the address page, fill in the information. Match the Chinese below with what to enter:

姓名 = Name

联系方式= Contact number

详细地址= Region*

详细地址 = Detailed address**

*You will need to select province, city, district in this order from the dropdown menus when selecting region. These options will be in Chinese. 

**You will need to enter your address in Chinese.

You can ignore the checkboxes and leave them blank. These allow you to ship the package as unlisted addresses. Just leave them blank. Scroll down the page to find more info.

Step 11: Enter Sender Address Details 2

On the second part of the address details, you can leave this information box blank.  Tap Save (保存).

Step 12: Select Receiver Address

Now do the exact same thing for the Receive Address (送).

Step 13: Package Details

The four options below the sender and receiver addresses are to describe your package or document you are sending. Let’s take them one by one. First select the top left box for Type of Package (物品类型).

Step 14: Select Type of Package

The highlighted tab at the top says Package Content (物品名称). You will need to select what you are shipping. See the Chinese below for reference:

文件 = Document

食品 = Food

服饰 = Clothing

生活用品 = Consumer Products

数码产品 = Digital Products

其它 = Other

If you do tap Other, you will need to write in the space what it is. From the example above, I put Medicine (药品).  Then press Confirm (确定).

Step 15: Enter Package Weight

Tap the second tab at the top after Package Content. This tab will be for Package (物品重量). Tap on the approximate weight of your package. Or, tap the Other (其它) and enter in the weight in the space. For example, you could add .5 and then hit Confirm (确定).

Step 16: Select Add-On Services

The next box of the four is the top right for Additional Services (增值服务). Once you open the options, you can select from a handful of services. I have translated them below:

需要纸箱 = Need box/carton

贵品报价 = Expensive products

需要爬楼 = No elevator

缺文件袋 = Need document pouch

上门请联系 = Call before arriving

If you don't select "Call before arriving", the delivery man will just show up within an hour or so (not always), which is okay when you plan on staying home all day. However, if you do select "Call before arriving", you will need to speak in Chinese. 

If none of these apply to your shipment, don’t select any and tap on the X to exit. 

Step 17: Select Standard Shipping

The next box is the bottom left which is for Shipping Service (时效产品). This is for selecting Type of Shipping. The option will be either Rushed (计时达) or Standard (标准快递).

Rushed will charge a 10rmb fee in this example. We will select the standard shipping.

Some receiving addresses might not even have the rush option available and standard might be the only option.

Step 18: Agree To Terms and Confirm

The last box in the bottom right is for Coupons (抵用券) and since we don’t have any, we will skip to the bottom of the screen. Make sure you select the I Agree (我同意) checkbox to accept terms and services. Then tap on Submit (提交).

Step 19: Order Page

You will then come to your order page. The top tab says Awaiting (得取件). The highlight text at the bottom will say Not Picked Up (未接单). This means you submitted a request for shipping but the driver has not accepted the order yet.

Hint – if the package request doesn’t get picked up after many hours, you might want to start over and do it again. This happened with me when I requested a pickup later at night in the evening after the workers got off work. I expected them to come the next morning but never did so I had to do it again during their work hours and it got picked up fast.

Your order is in the system and now awaiting pickup. Next, I will show you how to get to your My Order page directly from the official account so you can see when the status changes from Not Picked Up to Picked Up.

Step 20: Go To Member Center

Enter the official account and at the bottom navigation bar tap on YuanTong Service (圆通服务). A dropdown will open and tap on YuanTong Member (圆通会员).

Step 21: Select All Apps

Tap on All Tools (全部功能) under the Customer Service tab (客服服务).

Step 22: Select My Orders

Tap on My Orders (我的订单).

Step 23: Pick-up Successful

Under the Awaiting tab (得取件), you will see your pickup. The highlighted text underneath will say Pickup (接单).

The driver should on his own after you schedule the pickup. If you selected the option to receive a call before arriving in step 16, they will call you. If you did not select the option, they might call anyways just to confirm you are at home or they may come directly.

Step 24: Track Your Package

Go back to the All Apps page as you did in Step 21.

Tap on the icon that says Track Package (查件).

Step 25: Enter Tracking Code

Enter your tracking number. This number is found from Step 23.

Step 26: Successfully Delivered

The tabs on top will indicate status. If it is In-Transit it will be under the (中转中) tab. In our example, the package has already been delivered because it is under the Already Signed (已签收) tab. Under the tab you will see your package number and under that will be text, which I highlighted in yellow, that says Already Received (签收成功).

Great job! You just sent your first package in China and now know how to do it next time. Stop bothering your coworkers for simple things like shipping a package and start handling these tasks yourself.

Except SF & YTO , there are many other prominent express companies in China with cheaper price and fairly good service, the procedure to send express through wechat is almost similar for all with few changes. If you can master sending out SF & YTO, you can manage almost all express companies..YAY!

Following are few other popular express companies in China:

1) UC Express(优速快递)(Yōu sù kuàidì)

2) TTK Express(天天快递)(tiāntiān kuàidì)

3) Best Express(百世汇通)(bǎishì huìtōng)

4) ZJS Express(宅急送快运)(zháijísòng kuàiyùn)

5) STO Express(申通快递) (shēntōng kuàidì)

6) Yunda Express(韵达快递)(yùndá kuàidì)

7) ZTO Express(中通快递)(zhōng tōng kuàidì)

8) EMS(邮政EMS)(yóuzhèng EMS)

Good Luck !

If you find this helpful, please do share with your friends.

Please note that we hope more people get the first-hand information, for articles that we have the footnote of the sources on the bottom, IICofficial does not necessarily endorse the views presented in this article. The copyright belongs to the original writer, and we've tried the best to proofread the content. 

Source: howtoliveinchina.com

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