

2018-03-29 王力舟译 音乐文献编译组

Toscanini: His Love of Freedom and Courage to Act


Interview with Harvey Sachs; 

Martina Landi, Gariwo Editorial; 

Translated by Carolina Figini




On 22 January, at Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, a tree will dedicated to Arturo Toscanini "for his resistance against fascism and nazism and his aid to the persecuted Jewish musicians ". Reference is made to the musicians who were fired from the orchestras of the Third Reich because of the racist laws, whom Polish cellist Bronislaw Huberman with the help of Toscanini gathered in the Palestine Orchestra, which would debut under the direction of the Maestro in 1936.


The same concert will be reproposed at the Auditorium Parco della Musica on 27 January, on Holocaust Memorial Day 2016.


With Harvey Sachs, writer and music historian, biographer of Toscanini’s, we talked about these events, the Maestro’s antifascist commitment, his self-imposed exile in the US and his return to Italy to conduct the inaugural concert of La Scala in Milan, after the theatre was rebuilt from the debris of Allied bombings.

哈维·萨克斯 (Harvey Sachs)是一位作家和音乐史家,并且是托斯卡尼尼的传记作者。我们谈论了许多事情,例如这位指挥大师为反法西斯所做出的努力,他在美国度过的自我放逐时光,还有他回到意大利并指挥斯卡拉大剧院重建落成音乐会的事情(这座剧院曾被盟军的轰炸夷为平地)。

The artistic virtues of Arturo Toscanini are well-known. What is lesser known is perhaps his personality, a key to understanding also his civil commitment. What kind of a man was the Maestro, and what did he believe in?


Toscanini, born in 1867, was the son to a soldier in Garibaldi’s army, he was basically born an anti-monarchist and an anti-clerical, but he was also nationalistic, very proud of being a citizen of a reunited Italy. For him, fascism, first with the gradual abolition of individual liberties and then with the racist laws, was a shame for the homeland.


By dedicating this tree to Toscanini at the Music Park of Rome we will remember first of all his commitment to the Palestine Orchestra set up by Bronislaw Huberman. Could you tell us about this episode and the concert of 1936?


In New York, in February 1936, Huberman talked with Toscanini about his plan to create an orchestra in Palestine with musicians who had escaped Germany, hoping that the Maestro would give him his moral support. Toscanini went beyond: he told him he would go personally to Palestine, without a reward and paying also the traveling costs for himself and his wife, to conduct the orchestra at its debut. His support persuaded many American Jews that the project also deserved funding: Albert Einstein himself, already exiled in America, wrote to Toscanini to thank him. Thus in December 1936 the Maestro and his wife caught a plane from Bari to Athens, from there to Alexandria of Egypt and Tel Aviv. The welcome was extraordnary, and from that experience Toscanini was strongly impressed and moved. He wanted to go to Palestine again and he did in Spring of 1938, always at his own cost, to conduct other concerts with the orchestra. He would certainly go there again and again if the war had not broken out in 1939.


Many intellectuals – and musicians – remained silent before and after Second World War. Toscanini instead used his prestige to launch a strong message, clashing several times with the fascist and nazist regimes. Could you describe this feature of Toscanini’s existence?


In the first year since the March on Rome, Toscanini, although already opposing Mussolini – after granting him an initial support in 1919, when he had a programme that was more leftwing than the Socialist party -, hoped he would calm down. However, after Matteotti’s murder, the Aventino secession and the crackdown on the press, the Maestro took an overt stance against the regime. He refused to hang the king’s and Mussolini’s portraits in La Scala’s foyer, being its director since the Twenties, and also to play “Giovinezza” before the beginning of the operas. This is precisely why he was lappe by some young fascists in Bologna in 1931, after which he decided not to conduct anylonger in Italy until the regime and the monarchy would stay on power – he in fact thought that Vittorio Emanuele III was the main responsible for the dictatorship’s long life. In the same year, Toscanini became the first conductor not educated in Germany to conduct the wagnerian festival of Bayreuth, but after Hitler’s seizure of power in 1933 he would never more conduct in Germany. From 1935 and 1937, the Maestro was the main attraction of the Festival of Salzburg, but even before the Anschluss of 1938, when the Austrian chancellor struck a first deal with Germany, Toscanini announced he would not go back there again. In that very year, with other Jewish and anti-Nazist musicians, he instead created the Luzern Festival in Switzerland.


During the Thirties, Toscanini, who generally speaking did not like to be a “guest conductor”, often wielded his batons in countries such as France, Switzerland, Belgium, Czechoslowakya, Hungary, Denmark and Sweden, at the border with the Nazifascist countries, partly to scorn their dictators in the only way he could. From Autumn 1938, when Mussolini had his passport seized for criticizing the racist laws – his document would be given back to him upon international pressure -, Toscanini did not go back to Italy anymore, even on holidays, until 1946.


Did Toscanini keep faith to this commitment also during his “self-imposed” exile in the United States?


Toscanini and his wife morally and materially supported many Jewish, antifascist and anti-Nazi friends, helping them to reach the United States and settle down there; they also helped Friedelind Wagner, the composer’s antiNazi niece, to escape Europe and go live in New York. With his son Walter, the Maestro supported the Mazzini Society, which tried to influence the policy of the allied governments towards Italy, especially after Mussolini’s fall and the surrender of 8 September. According to Gaetano Salvemini, Toscanini set the example when it came to show the world’s public opinion that the word “Italy” was no synonym for “fascism”.


In 1946, Toscanini was in Milan to conduct the inaugural concert of Teatro alla Scala, rebuilt after the bombings. What was the meaning of this gesture?


It was a gesture of love towards the theatre he loved more than any other, and a sign of reconciliation towards his country. I also think for him it was the most moving moment in his career.


On 27 January we will perform again the concert of Palestine Orchestra conducted by Toscanini in 1936. What is in your opinion the force of this initiative?


I believe this is a way to remember a man who not only loved freedom, but also had the courage to act. As he told Huberman, “It is the duty of each of us to do whatever possible in this struggle, each according to his own capabilities”.


Toscanini will thus also be remembered as a Righteous. But what does it mean to be “Righteous” today in your opinion?


Like yesterday, being a Righteous means keeping faith to one’s freedom of thought and doing the best we can again any kind of dogmatism and absolutism.


【音乐编译小组公众号】1、八十岁时论阿劳丨论阿劳的演奏艺术;2、八十五岁论阿劳丨他的演奏何以伟大?3、钢琴家特里福诺夫专访丨“我在游泳池里练琴”;4、十五问王羽佳丨“演出”对你意味着什么?5、王羽佳访谈丨“穿长裙?待我四十岁!”6、王羽佳专访丨她赢得了没有参加的“比赛”!7、采访阿格里奇丨“音乐必须是自然流露的事情!” 8、帕尔曼追忆海菲兹丨“这么多小提琴家都试图模仿他,但他们的演奏却成了活生生的讽刺。”;9、肖邦大赛访傅聪丨“这个比赛没有完美的玛祖卡。” 10、韩国钢琴家赵成珍访谈丨“如果我遇见肖邦……”;11、憨豆先生采访郎朗丨谈肖邦以及古典音乐普及;12、古稀之年克莱默访谈丨谈《克莱默版贝多芬协奏曲》(亨勒出版社);13、“奥伊斯特拉赫经常鼓励我,去寻找属于自己的声音”丨“当代怪杰”吉顿·克莱默访谈;14、“指挥家”李云迪访谈丨“音乐源自内心,这就是为什么即便我们一遍遍地弹奏相同的曲子,表演依然不是机械化的原因。” 15、郎朗弟子马克西姆·朗多访谈丨“郎朗对所有事物的热情深深感染着我,当我们在一起演奏时,可以感受到创造出的音乐竟然如此欢乐!” 16、肖邦“迷妹”阿格里奇论肖邦《第一钢琴协奏曲》丨“我多么渴望去亲眼看到肖邦怎样弹琴!”;17、纽爱新总监梵志登访谈丨“我并不想被公众看作对某位作曲家有特殊癖好,演的最多或最为喜欢。” 18、埃格纳钢琴三重奏访谈丨你有父亲、母亲和孩子,等我们长大了,孩子就会成为父亲和母亲,这就是室内乐想要阐明的观点!19、华裔小提琴家侯以嘉访谈丨“没有技巧就没有表达的自由;但只关注技术,很快会变得无聊或疲劳,并失去练习专注度。” 20、郎朗访谈丨“有时候父亲把我逼得太紧了,可他是爱我的!” 21、哈农库特访谈丨“我所探寻的始终是作曲家为什么要这样写”;22、面对批评,郎朗很委屈丨“我想让古典音乐表现得酷炫一点,这有什么不好么?”;23、“准备好了”丨回忆海菲兹小提琴大师班;24、美酒,女人和钢琴丨钢琴家鲁宾斯坦的三原色;25、纪念李帕蒂丨他坚称乐谱是“我们的圣经”,但对作品内在精神的解读更重要!26、周善祥访谈丨不想当钢琴家的作曲家不是好数学家;27、席夫丨为何我的《哥德堡变奏曲》宛如与魔鬼跳舞?28、卡萨尔斯论演奏丨“我们必须学会不要每个音符都完全照搬谱子上写的拉。” 29、钢琴家李斯蒂莎访谈丨我为何“在YouTube创建自己的频道”?【古典音乐译文公众号】1、作曲家拉威尔1928年演讲丨“真正的艺术作品是不可能靠分析鉴定的”;2、你怎么看音乐家找工作越来越难丨大提琴家斯塔克访谈(上篇);3、他曾声明永远不在器乐演奏比赛中担任评委丨大提琴家斯塔克访谈(下篇);4、布伦德尔谈莫扎特丨到底什么让他的音乐如此奇妙? 5、被遗忘的克莱门第丨他的键盘音乐文献如何影响海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬以及浪漫时期?6、弓在弦上,揉转成美丨与梅纽因对谈小提琴艺术;7、MTT谈马勒丨“他的音乐已经进入了我的心灵,永不磨灭。” 8、盛原采访米科夫斯基丨“我对钢琴大师班没有太大的信任”;9、富特文格勒丨如何理解贝多芬交响曲;10、从钢琴生产数量看,中国有多少万琴童?11、肖邦大赛后的齐默尔曼丨他不想只做肖邦专家;11、科尔曼丨面对贝多芬,便好似在和我们的灵魂对话;贝多芬的伟大,就在于他的平凡;12、富特文格勒丨巴赫为何重要?13、阿巴多丨音乐没有妥协可言;14、德彪西丨“古典诗歌有自己的生命。”

