
最危险的奶酪,这是地狱美食吧... | 双语精选

译介 2023-06-20



Casu marzu: The world's 'most dangerous' cheese

卡苏马苏奶酪(Casu marzu): 世界上 “最危险”的奶酪

The Italian island of Sardinia sits in the middle of the Tyrrhenian Sea, gazing at Italy from a distance. Surrounded by a 1,849-kilometer coastline of white sandy beaches and emerald waters, the island's inland landscape rapidly rises to form hills and impervious mountains.


And it is within these edgy curves that shepherds produce casu marzu, a maggot-infested cheese that, in 2009, the Guinness World Record proclaimed the world's most dangerous cheese.

正是在这些丰富的地貌之下,撒丁岛的牧羊人生产出了卡苏马苏奶酪(casu marzu),一种被活蛆虫“消化”过的奶酪。2009年,世界吉尼斯纪录宣布这是世界上最危险的奶酪。

Cheese skipper flies, Piophila casei, lay their eggs in cracks that form in cheese, usually fiore sardo, the island's salty pecorino. Maggots hatch, making their way through the paste, digesting proteins in the process, and transforming the product into a soft creamy cheese.

酪蝇(Piophila casei)在奶酪的裂缝中产卵,通常是产在撒丁岛一种叫做fiore sardo的咸味佩科里诺奶酪上。蛆虫孵化后,在干酪上爬行,边爬边分解蛋白质,让奶酪变成柔软的奶油质地。

Then the cheesemonger cracks open the top -- which is almost untouched by maggots -- to scoop out a spoonful of the creamy delicacy. It's not a moment for the faint-hearted. At this point, the grubs inside begin to writhe frantically.


Some locals spin the cheese through a centrifuge to merge the maggots with the cheese. Others like it au naturel. They open their mouths and eat everything.


If you are able to overcome the understandable disgust, marzu has a flavor that is intense with reminders of the Mediterranean pastures and spicy with an aftertaste that stays for hours.


Some say it's an aphrodisiac. Others say that it could be dangerous for human health as maggots could survive the bite and and create myiasis, micro-perforations in the intestine, but so far, no such case has been linked to casu marzu.


The cheese is banned from commercial sale, but Sardinians have been eating it, jumping grubs included, for centuries.


"The maggot infestation is the spell and delight of this cheese," says Paolo Solinas, a 29-year-old Sardinian gastronome. He says some Sardinians cringe at the thought of casu marzu, but others raised on a lifetime of salty pecorino unabashedly love its strong flavors.

29岁的撒丁岛美食家保罗·索利纳斯(Paolo Solinas)说:“蛆虫正是这种奶酪的魔力和乐趣所在。”他说一些撒丁岛人一想到卡苏马苏奶酪就战战兢兢,但那些吃了一辈子这种咸味佩科里诺奶酪的人却毫不掩饰自己对它浓烈风味的喜爱。

"Some shepherds see the cheese as a unique personal pleasure, something that just a few elects can try," Solinas adds.



Archaic cuisine


When tourists visit Sardinia, they usually wind up in a restaurant that serves porceddu sardo, a slowly roasted suckling piglet, visit bakers who sell pane carasau, a traditional paper-thin flatbread, and meet shepherds who produce fiore sardo, the island pecorino cheese.

当游客访问撒丁岛时,他们通常会去当地餐厅品尝当地美食烤乳猪(porceddu sardo),一种在炭火上慢烤制成的乳猪;到售卖萨丁尼亚薄饼(pane carasau)的面包店,拜访岛上生产佩科里诺奶酪(pecorino cheese)的牧羊人。

Yet, if you are adventurous enough, it's possible to find the casu marzu. It shouldn't be seen as a weird attraction, but a product that keeps alive an ancient tradition and hints at what the future of food might look like.


Giovanni Fancello, a 77-year-old Sardinian journalist and gastronome, spent his life researching local food history. He's traced it back to a time when Sardinia was a province of the Roman empire.

77岁的撒丁岛记者、美食家乔瓦尼·范切洛(Giovanni Fancello)一生都在研究当地的饮食历史。他认为卡苏马苏奶酪可以追溯到撒丁岛还是古罗马帝国一个省的时期。

"Latin was our language, and it's in our dialect that we find traces of our archaic cuisine," Fancello says.


There is no written record of Sardinian recipes until 1909, according to Fancello. That's when Vittorio Agnetti, a doctor from mainland Modena, traveled to Sardinia and compiled six recipes in a book called "La nuova cucina delle specialità regionali."

据范切洛说,在1909年之前,历史上没有关于撒丁岛食谱的书面记载。直到1909年,来自摩德纳的医生维托里奥·阿格内蒂(Vittorio Agnetti)来到撒丁岛,在一本名为 《地方特色新菜系》的书中汇编了六道食谱。

"But we have always eaten worms," says Fancello. "Pliny the Elder and Aristotle talked about it."


Ten other Italian regions have their variant of maggot-infested cheese, but while the products elsewhere are regarded as one-offs, casu marzu is intrinsically part of Sardinian food culture.


The cheese has several different names, such as casu becciu, casu fattittu, hasu muhidu, formaggio marcio. Each sub-region of the island has its own way of producing it using different kinds of milk.

卡苏马苏奶酪在现在的意大利语里是“casu marzu”,在当地方言萨丁尼亚语中还有几个不同的变种:casu becciu,casu fattittu,hasu muhidu,formaggio marcio。这是由于撒丁岛上的每个分区,都使用不同种类的羊奶制作奶酪,生产方式也不尽相同。


High fines


Though revered, the cheese's legal status is a gray area.


Casu marzu is registered as a traditional product of Sardinia and therefore is locally protected. Still, it has been deemed illegal by the Italian government since 1962 due to laws that prohibit the consumption of food infected by parasites.


Those who sell the cheese can face high fines up to €50,000 (about $60,000) but Sardinians laugh when asked about the prohibition of their beloved cheese.


In the past few years, the European Union has begun to study and revive the notion of eating grubs thanks to the concept of novel food, where insects are raised to be consumed. Research shows that their consumption could help reduce carbon dioxide emissions associated with animal farming and help alleviate the climate crisis.



maggot /ˈmæɡət/ n. 蛆;空想,狂想

the Guinness World Record 吉尼斯世界纪录

pecorino /ˌpekəˈriːnəʊ/ n. 羊乳干酪;佩科里诺干酪

faint-hearted /ˌfeɪnt ˈhɑːtɪd/ adj. 怯懦的;胆怯的

aftertaste /ˈɑːftəteɪst/ n. 回味;余韵

one-off n. 一次性事物


If you are able to overcome the understandable disgust, marzu has a flavor that is intense with reminders of the Mediterranean pastures and spicy with an aftertaste that stays for hours.

这里的 understandable disgust ,你觉得要怎么翻译好呢?



译者:签约笔译班学员 Sammi




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