

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10





Module 1 Wonders of the world 教案
Module 2 Public holidays 教案
Module 3 Heroes 教案(教学设计)
Module 4 Home alone 教案设计
Module 5 Museums 教案设计
Module 6 Problems 教案设计

Module 7 Great books 教案设计

Module 8 Sports life 教案设计


Module 9 Great inventions 教案

Module 10 Australia 教案设计

Module 11 Photos 教案设计

Module 12 Save our world 知识精讲







Unit 1

If everyone starts to dosomething, the world will be saved.


Knowledge objective

To master some wordsand expressions.  

Ability objective

To understand a conversation about pollutionand a green school.

Moral objective

To learn the crisis of the earth and save theworld.


1. To learn and review some words and expressions

factory, pollute, recycle, waste, enemy, crop, kill, oil, less, such as,hopeless …

2. To learnhow to live a green life.


PWP method, task-based method and interactiveapproach


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warmingup  

 Pollution is our great enemy, and we have tofight it. Let Ss watch a videoabout pollution. Ss look at thepictures and talk about the questions.

Step 2 Listening

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use thewords in the box to help you.

factory      pollute     recycle      waste

Step 3 Listen and complete the sentences.

1. The factory is causing alot of _____________.

2. There should be some________ to stop the pollution.

3. We can _______ wasteproducts, such as __________ and paper in a recycling centre.

Listen and read.

Step 4 Consolidate new words

Look and say. Look at the pictures of new words and let the students tosay as quickly as possible.

Step 5 Reading

Readthe dialogue and complete the notes.

Pollution problems

1. If the rivers are polluted, ________________________________________.

2. In some places, pollution from factories ___________________________.

3. The cars on the roads________________________________________.

What the studentscan do

4. Support a greenschool: every class ___________ which can be ____________. Then the school_______________________ to help students ________________.

5. Students learn _________________________.That means ___________.

Step 6 Everyday English

It’s no use …

Such as …?

Nice idea!

Step 7 Language points

1. It’s no use talkingabout things we can’t do. 

It’s no use doing sth. 做某事没有用处

  e.g. It’s no use complaining.  抱怨没有用处。

     Listen, George, it’s no use living in thepast.

     听着, 乔治, 活在过去是没有用的。

 2. Such as ...?

    such as 这个短语常用来表示举例说明。

    e.g. — There are lots of things you coulddo. 有很多你们能做的事。

       — Such as …? 比如说……

3. That means less waste.

    less    adj. 较小的; 较少的

             n. 较少数; 较少量

    less little 的比较级, 指物体的体积或分量相对于别的物体少。

e.g. The firm has less money and fewer staff thanlast year.


4. Though pollution isheavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless.

hopeless   adj.无望的

  e.g. The doctor said the old man’s conditionwas hopeless.


Step 8 Exercises

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

cause  enemy   factory  kill    oil   pollute spread

Pollution is ourgreat ________. Pollution from ________ is a danger to our health, and may even_______ people. Factories sometimes ________ the rivers, and farmers cannot usethe water for their crops. Pollution _________ over cities and villages, andthat _________ even more danger. Cars use a lot of _____ and cause pollutiontoo.

Step 9 Pronunciationand speaking

Listenand mark the words which the speaker links.

1.After our lesson on the environment, I’m worried about the future.

2.Students at a green school also learn ways tosave energy and recycle at home.

Nowlisten again and repeat.

Step 10 Work in pairs.

   List the pollution problems inyour place. Choose one problem and say what should be done about it.

For example

— The air pollution in our city is gettingworse. What can we do to stop it?

—    I think we can rideour bicycles to school more.

Step 11 Homework

Writea passage about how to control pollution andhow save our earth.

Unit 2

Repeat these three wordsdaily: reduce, reuse and recycle.


Knowledge objective

To master some wordsand expressions

Ability objective

Enable students to know about how to live agreen life.


1. To learn the words and expressions.

2. To learn the reading method.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warmingup

Do you live a green life?

Resource conservation and pollution reduction


Green consumption and green purchase


Repeated use




Natural protection and co-existence


Save the earth and save us.

Step 2 Newwords

Look at the picturesof new words and let the students say new words.

Step 3 Reading

1. Look at the pictures. Say which ways are good for the environment andwhy.

2.Look at the title of the passage. Whatsuggestions do you think the passage will make? Use the words in the box tohelp you.

china   divide    necessary    plastic   policy     reuse

It isbetter to use china cups and bowls because theycan be used many times.

Step 4 Read the passage andanswer the questions.

Whichways are good for the environment and why?

Step 5 Check () the suggestions that are mentioned in thepassage.

1.Order food that you can finish.

2.Use less electricity at home.

3.Learn ways to recycle rubbish.

4.Use paper cups and bags.

5.Repair things.

6.Divide rubbish into different groups.

7.Collect waste or rubbish to raise money.

8.Burn things to save energy.

Keys:1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Step 6Find two things you should do and two thingsyou should not do in the passage. Find reasons. Use your answers to writesentences.

Weshould recycle rubbish because it can help usprotect the environment.

Step 7 Languagepoints

1. We throw tons of rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change.

  ton     n.

  tons of 许多, 很多

e.g. We’ve boughttons of beer for the party tonight.


throw away  扔掉; 丢弃

  e.g.When are you going to throw away those old magazines?


         He has thrown away a good opportunity.


2. Repeat these three wordsdaily: reduce, reuse and recycle.

repeat    v.重说; 重新做

前缀“re-”, 意思是, 重复

e.g.I repeated after the teacher word by word.


reuse   v. 再次使用; 重复利用

e.g. She often reuses old envelopes.


     The bottles can be reused up to 20 times.


3. Although it takesenergy to change things into something else, it is better than throwing thingsaway or burning them.

  change … into …  ……变成……

e.g. You can’t change iron into gold. 你无法把铁变成金子。

4. We cannot hope for rapid change, but let’s take these simplesteps today …

   take steps 采取措施

e.g. We need to take some steps to reduce pollution.


Step 8Practice

Completethe passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

  divide granddaughter  plastic  policy rapid  recycle  repeat  step  ton 

   We throw away _______ of rubbish every year.If we want a clean world for our grandsons and _________, we have to reduce,reuse and ________. ______ these three words every day. The first ______ is touse less. The second is to use things as long as possible. Then ________ yourrubbish into _________, paper, rubber and glass. Finally, draw up a recycling_______ for your community. We cannot hope for ______ change, but every littlebit helps!

Keys: tons, granddaughters,recycle, Repeat, step, divide, plastic, policy, rapid

Step 9 Writing

Work in pairs. Make a list of things you cando to make your school greener.

Don’t throw bottles away.

Write a passage on how to make your schoolgreener and give reasons. Use the list you have made in Activity 7 to help you.Use because, so and so that.

Don’t throw bottles away because it is betterto recycle them.

Unit 3 Language in use


Knowledge objective

To practice word-building: compounds,derivatives, conversion

Ability objective

Enable students to learn how to protectenvironment and Earth Hour.

Moral objective

To arouse the awareness of students protectingenvironment.


To learn word-building: compounds,derivatives, conversion


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Languagepractice

Reuse means “use again”.

Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’shopeless.

Step 2 Make a new words. Join the parts ofwords in Box A with the words in Box B. You need to use some of the parts morethan once.

A  –able   -ful      im-    -less   re-     un-

B  care     collect   hope   possible   use         usual   wanted   waste

Step 3 Now work in groups. Play the guessing gameEnglish for Fun.

English for Fun

1.      fullof care                 ____________

2. can be collected             ____________

3. full of hope                 ____________

4. without any hope            ____________

5. not possible                 ____________

6. not usual                  ____________

7. without any use            ____________

8. use again                  ____________

9. not wanted                ____________

10. making a lot ofwaste      ____________

Step 4 Learning to learn

Sometimesif you know the meaning of the parts of aword, you can work out the meaning of the whole word.

re+ new + able;

re= again,

able= can be

renewable= can be new again

Step 5构词法


将两个或两个以上独立且语义不同的单词合在一起构成新词的方法叫做合成法。合成法是一种比较灵活的构词方法,可以合成名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词等。例如:afternoon, sportsman, blackboard, sportsperson,newspaper,

airplane,classmate, grandfather 等就是通过合成构词法构成的名词;kind-hearted, middle-aged, hard-working 等为合成形容词;however, maybe,himself, everyone, nothing, overlook 等也都是通过合成法构成的单词。


通过在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个新词的方法叫作派生法。要通过派生法理解和记忆单词, 我们需要掌握常见的前缀和后缀及派生规律。






disagree, dislike



enable, enrich

im-, in-

impossible, impatient, inexpensive


……之间,  相互

international, interconnect



mislead, misunderstand



non-smoker, non-native


, 重复

rewrite, retell


unable, unhappy, unpopular





-er, -or





teacher, worker, visitor




building, painting, shopping, meaning


artist, scientist


agreement, government


coldness, happiness, illness


truth, warmth


competition, education, information, invitation


activity, safety

-ble, ible


comfortable, eatable, enjoyable, possible,  probable


environmental, international, national,  traditional


careful, helpful, useful


active, expensive


careless, helpless, homeless, useless


friendly, lovely, monthly, weekly


dangerous, famous



eighteen, fifteen, seventeen


fifteenth, fifth, fortieth, seventh


forty, sixty, twenty



badly, carefully, carelessly, happily, quickly



interest 可以派生出:


interest — interesting — interestingly

         interested — uninterested

help 可以派生出:

     helpless — helplessly

help— helpful — helpfully

able 可以派生出:


able       unable






   — Let’s talk about it more. 咱们再谈谈这件事吧。

   — Ithink we’d better finish the talk now. 我想我们最好现在结束谈话。


   She gave me a cup of water. 她给了我一杯水。

   You should water the flowers twice a day.



  She was wearing a black dress.


  The girl in black looks very beautiful.   


Step 6 Exercises

Completethe sentences with the words in the box.

hopeful    impossible    reuse  unhealthy   wasteful

1. Polluted water is____________.

2. It is _________ to throwso much food away.

3. If you look after things well, you may ________ some ofthem later.

4. It is ___________ toclean up the whole river in such a short time.

5. If we pay attention to pollution now, the future will be__________.

Step 7 Complete the table.







hopefully / hopelessly










Step 8 Complete thesentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.

   She was  hopeful  that her new job would make her moresuccessful.

  1. The factory ___________ the     river, and the fish died.

2. We often walk inthe countryside. It is a(n) _______ activity for us.

3. Do not use so much water. It is very __________.

4. To keep theflowers growing, you need to _________ them once a day.

Step 9 Complete the sentences.

   A  lunchbox  is a box that you keep your lunch in.

1. A ___________ is a card that you write on oneside of and send to someone by post.

2. A ___________ is aroom where you have classes at school.

3. A ___________ is abook that has one or more stories for children.

4. A ____________ is a black board that is used atschool for writing on with chalk.

Step 10 Work in pairs

Lookat the pictures and answer the questions.

  1. What     kinds of things can be recycled?

2. How can these thingsbe reused?

3. How does this help theenvironment?

4. Have you ever recycledor used things that can be recycled? How?

Step 11 Complete the conversation with the correct form of theexpressions in the box.

   be goodfor    throw away    turn off    worry about  

Mike:I hear you are off to the Caribbeanfor a holiday! Lucky you! But aren’t you _____________ the pollution that suchlong plane journey may cause for the environment?

Ken:I know, but what can I do about it? I’vealready tried my best to protect the environment. I recycle. I don’t____________ things if I don’t want them any more. I __________ the lights whenI leave a room. Don’t tell me I shouldn’t travel by plane any more!

Mike:No, of course not. But we can do more toprotect the environment. For example, we can help keep the air clean byplanting trees. Trees ______________ the environment. In this way, we canreduce the harm of pollution.

Ken:Good! So I can enjoy my holiday, and when Icome back, I’ll plant some trees!

Mike:That’s the idea! Maybe we can all join in andstart a small forest!

Step 12 Listening

Listen and check () the truesentences.

a)Do not throw away thingsmade of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them when possible.

b) Take a bag when you go shopping.

c) It is OK to throw used things away. Lookingafter them takes a lot of time.

d) Turn off lights when you do not need them.

e) Ride a bike or walk, and do not often driveyour car.

f) Paper cups and bottled drinks make our life easier. We can use themas much as possible.

Step 13 Listen again and complete the table.



1. Don’t throw  away things made of _________, but _______ them.

Throwing things  away is wasteful.

2. __________ your  plastic bags when you can and __________ with you when you go shopping.

Plastic bags  __________ recycle.

3. Use less  electricity and oil to _________.

4. Don’t leave  lights on and __________.

5. ________ and do  not often drive your car.

Producing  electricity and using oil may cause ___________.

Step 14 Around the world

Earth Hour

Read the passage and answer the questions.

Ø       When is Earth Hour held each year?

Ø       Why do people switch off the lights during EarthHour?

Ø       When and where was the first Earth Hour held?

Ø       Which city take part in the event today?

Step 15 Module task: Discussing what you can do about pollution

Work in groups. Decide what kind of pollutionyou want to talk about.

Ø     Choose a subject that you care about the most. Itcould be water pollution, air pollution, etc.

Ø     Find out more information about your subject. Lookit up on a website or in a book.

If you choose air pollution, let’s watch avideo about air pollution from a factory.

Do you know PM 2.5? Let’s know more about PM2.5 and protect the environment from now.

Step 16 Discussion

Discuss your subject.

•        Take turns to say what you think about the problemsand what can be done.

•        Listen to what others say. If you agree with whatthey have said, say “I agree”. “That’s true” or “That’s a good point”; if youdo not agree with what someone says, say “I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. I thinkthat …”

Step 17 Homework

Present your group ideas to the whole class. 




