便利的生活 | 水泥公园 LIVE HOUSE 第66期
便利的生活 | 水泥公园LIVE HOUSE第66期
THE CONVENIENT LIFE | The 66th show of Cement Park LIVE HOUSE
本期的水泥公园现场,Vincent 将在搜我空间实施他的七天的艺术项目“便利的生活”,他将带着一部手机和手机充电线进入这个空间。在七天里,他将通过网上送货服务满足自己的日常需求。
Vincent will make a seven-day art project called "THE CONVENIENT LIFE" in SOWERART Space. He will bring only a cell phone and it's charging line into the space. In seven days, he will build is own confort through online delivery services
Time:JUNE 01 (morning) Start Last until JUNE 07 (afternoon)
艺术家/Artist:Vincent Tanguy
Address:165 Buld, Jiabao Dream Bay, 1000, Pan'an Road, Jiading, Shanghai, SOWERART SPACE
预告:6月8日水泥公园第67期的现场中 Vincent Tanguy 将公开分享关于他的这次项目。欢迎大家届时前来交流。
Vincent Tanguy will to do public opening from 3pm to 7 pm + public talk at Cement Park LIVE HOUSE 67th Show in June 8
Ticket Price: PRESALE. ¥50RMB; AT DOOR. ¥80RMB. You can buy it by scanning the code or clicking “阅读原文”(Read Me) at the bottom.
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE将持续采取售票方式,但我们出售的并不是一场活动,一次演出,一件作品,或是一个文化娱乐商品,而是一个可以开放式、近距离体验和参与当代艺术现场,并和艺术家、现场观众等深度交流互动,共同创作及进一步思考、行动的机会。
参与须知:水泥公园LIVE HOUSE,不规则无秩序,自助体验及交流,随机开始或结束。
Vincent Tanguy
出生于1990年,生活在巴黎(法国)。目前在上海(中国),参与离岸学院项目。Vincent Tanguy 的创作主要涉及雕塑、摄影、影像和行为艺术。他以独特的诗性和幽默为基调,对全球化的影响、文化的融合以及物理世界和数字世界之间的关系进行了反思。
Born in 1990, lives in Paris (France). Currently in Shanghai (China), participating to Offshore research program. Vincent Tanguy makes sculpture, photo, video and performance. With a singular poetry and humor understone, he shapes a reflection about the globalization’s effects, the cultural hybridation and the in-between the physic and digital world(s).
Vincent Tanguy 近期作品
2014 - 2017
Variable duration
Photo : view of the exhibition Structural
Disparities , Seoul Art Space Geumcheon,
Seoul, South Korea (2017)
Performer : José Vasco
Costume : Yunhye Park
Connection Stadium, 2018
LCD screen, LED, glass, plaster, wood
143 x 44 x 105 cm
Studio views
About Cement Park LIVE HOUSE
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE 由SOWERART搜我艺术发起,一般每周开放一期,主要在搜我空间进行,也会不定期以流动的形式在其它空间或户外开展。它是现场艺术的发生地,主要关注行为、表演、剧场、声音等,以多元形式呈现场域的公共营造,探索自由、即兴、实验的艺术表达。
The Cement Park LIVE HOUSE art project is initiated by SOWERART, which is usually opening once a week, mainly in SOWERART SPACE, and will also be carried out in other spaces or outdoors on an irregular basis. It is where live art happens, which focuses on action art, performance art, theater and sound art. The Live House presents the public construction in multiple forms to explore the artistic expression of freedom, improvisation and experiment.
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE相关链接
Some link of Cement Park LIVE HOUSE
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SOWERART aims to create a contemporary art sharing service platform through sharing economy and social collaboration model. Promote art to be the public’s basic needs and service as electricity, promote contemporary art and artists, encourage multiple art ecosystem, more art integrate into public life, promote a society that the public will concern, join and collect contemporary art.
品牌/商务/投资/志愿者:胡家亮 leon@sowerart.com(邮箱)/ 997303208(微信)/ 13816999154(电话)
艺术家:吕德生 lds@sowerart.com(邮箱)/ 15800817787(电话/微信)