
专著推荐 | 高洋《中国大学英语教师阅读本体信念、阅读教学信念及阅读教学实践的探索研究》

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09

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联系人王老师 13501892122 电话同微信

EFL Teachers' Beliefs about Reading and Reading Teaching versus Actual Practices

A Complex Dynamical System Perspective 


主编: 高洋






高洋,博士(美国肯特州立大学),现为大连海事大学兴海学者,副教授,硕士研究生导师,博士研究生合作导师(哈萨克斯坦国立大学)。有近八年美国海外学习、工作经验。曾任肯特州立大学、加州州立大学教师,教授语言学、大学英语,学术写作等核心课程。2019年大连海事大学校理论课堂教学竞赛一等奖、2020“外研社杯”教学之星英语专业组全国复赛二等奖、2021年“外教社杯“教学大赛英语专业组全国复赛/辽宁省赛区三等奖。2019-2020年度主持国际讲座九场。主持省一流课程一门,参与国社科和教育部项目三项,主持省部级项目、校级项目十余项。现发表国内外期刊论文40余篇(含近十篇S/SCI和CSSCI检索期刊文章),在国际出版社出版专著一本,合著一本,参与书章节编写四篇。国际学术会议做主旨发言人、主持人、主讲人五十余场。国际期刊MEXTESOL专职审稿人、Language Teaching Research, Educational Psychology, SAGE Open等SSCI期刊特约审稿人。


Language teachers are concerned with the relationship between what they know or believe and what they practice. In this book, Dr. GAO Yang thus addresses this gap. In the first few chapters, he systemically maps out the existing literature on teacher psychology, through the lens of teacher cognition and beliefs in particular; he also examines how the shift of research paradigms has informed studies on teacher beliefs and practices. Then, using the complex dynamic system theory, he reports the characteristics of the Chinese EFL teachers’ belief system and highlights the complexity of the system, the non-linearity, and unpredictability of the subsystems. He further explores the relationships between the stated beliefs about reading/teaching reading and the actual practices among the Chinese EFL teachers. One of the key contributions through the book is the conceptualized model in studying EFL teachers’ beliefs and practices. In the era when language teacher education studies are steered towards understanding teachers’ psychological constructs, such a book as Dr. GAO Yang’s would guide teacher educators or people who are interested in language education and language teacher education to further explore these constructs.



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  Xiaofei Lu
List of Figures and Tables
1 Introduction
 1 How the Book Came Out
 2 Purpose and Research Questions
 3 Rationale and Stages of the Exploratory Sequential Mixed-Methods Design
 4 Biographical Information of the Participants in the Book
 5 Structure of the Book

2 Revisiting the Messy Construct: A Synopsis Review of Teacher Beliefs
 1 From Teacher Psychology, Cognition to Beliefs
 2 Defijining Teacher Beliefs
 3 Nature and Features of Teacher Beliefs
 4 Content of Teacher Beliefs
 5 Research on Teacher Beliefs
 6 Evaluation of Teacher Beliefs
 7 Beliefs about Languages, Reading, and EFL Teachers: An Even More Complex Picture
 8 Conclusion

3 Paradigm Shifts in Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices
 1 Introduction
 2 Research Paradigms and Language Teacher Belief-Practice Research
 3 The Influx of Paradigms in the New Era
 4 Theoretical Paradigm Selected for the Present Study
 5 Conclusion

4 Complex Dynamic Systems Theory as a Theoretical Framework to Study Beliefs and Practice of EFL Reading Teachers
 1 Introduction
 2 Introducing Complex Dynamic Systems Theory
 3 Complex Dynamic Systems Theory and the Pragmatism Paradigm
 4 Complex Dynamic Systems Theory in Educational Settings
 5 Complex Dynamic Systems Theory in Language Education
 6 Complex Dynamic Systems Theory in EFL Reading Studies
 7 Steps in Conducting the Study with a CDST Lens
 8 Conceptual Frameworks

5 Characteristics of Chinese Teachers’ Belief Systems
 1 An Overview of the Chapter
 2 Characteristics of Chinese EFL Teachers’ Beliefs about English Reading and Teaching Reading
 3 Conceptualization of the Dynamics and Agents in the Belief System
 4 Conclusion

6 Exploring Interaction between Reading Beliefs and Reading Teaching Beliefs in Dominant Orientations
 1 Introduction
 2 Analyses of Reading Beliefs vs. Teaching Beliefs in the Dominant Orientations
 3 Possible Explanations for the Interaction
 4 Conceptualization of the Interaction between the Two Stated Belief Systems
 5 Conclusion

7 The Nexus of Chinese EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices
 1 Introduction
 2 Purposive Participants
 3 Within Case Findings
 4 Cross-Case Analysis
 5 Conceptualization of the Coadaptive and Self-organizing Subsystems
 6 Conclusion

8 Conclusion: A CDST Model to Study Language Teacher Beliefs and Practices
 1 Overview of the Chapter
 2 Characteristics of Chinese EFL Teachers’ Stated Beliefs about English Reading and Teaching Reading
 3 Teachers’ Stated Beliefs about English Reading and Teaching Reading
 4 Teachers’ Stated Beliefs and Actual Practices
 5 Theoretical Implication: A CDST Model on EFL Teacher Beliefs and Practice
 6 Practical Implications for EFL Teachers and Teacher Team Leaders
 7 Conclusion


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