
专著推荐 | 社会翻译学重要读本 Translation and Society An Introduction

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09

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通讯君与Routledge出版社合作推广2014年7月出品的社会翻译学经典读本Translation and Society: An Introduction 超低售价485元 价格涵盖书费、国际物流、报关费用、税票等一揽子在内。



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本书堪称社会翻译学的教科书,引导读者通过社会学理论反思翻译研究现象与问题。作者Sergey Tyulenev在此领域有颇深造诣,展现社会学与翻译学的重要理论与交叉界面,提供了丰富的研究案例。

This essential new textbook guides readers through the social aspects and sociologically informed approaches to the study of translation. Sergey Tyulenev surveys implicitly and explicitly sociological approaches to the study of translation, drawing on the most important and influential works both within translation studies and in sociology, as well as recent developments in the field. In addition to the theoretical grounding provided, the book explains in detail the methodology of studying translation from a sociological point of view.

Translation and Society discusses why translation should be studied sociologically, reinforces the foundation of the sociologically informed translation research already in existence in the field and outlines possible new directions for the future. Throughout the book there are many examples and case studies and each chapter includes thought-provoking discussion points, possible assignments, and suggestions for further reading. This is an invaluable textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Translation Studies.

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I hold a PhD in linguistics (2000, Moscow State University) and a PhD in Translation Studies (2009, School of translation and interpretation, University of Ottawa).

I have conducted research in translation studies, especially in the sociology of translation and the epistemology of translation studies. I have also studied lexicography and a number of aspects of Russian language and culture. 

More specifically, my primary academic interest is translation as a social activity. I have applied several sociological theories (notably, Luhmann’s social systems theory, Bourdieu’s theory of social fields and Habermas’ theory of communicative action) to various aspects of the translation history of Kievan Rus, Muscovy and Russia. I have studied the social role of translation in the westernization of Russia in the eighteenth century (my research has been published as a monograph), the role women-translators played in the Russian history of translation; I published on the aspects of gender and sexuality as they manifested themselves in the Russian translation history, etc.

I am the Director of the MA in Translation and Russian Studies at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Durham University, UK. I teach courses in translation theory, translation history and sociology of translation as well as contribute to the specialised English-Russian translation module.

For more information please see my website www.tyulenev.org.



1 Setting the Scene 

2. The Backdrop 

3. Preparing to Act 

4. Acting 

5. Observing the Acting 

6. Scenarios 

7. A Panoramic View 

8. A Close-Up 

9. Negotiating a Balance. 


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