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Identity and Ideology in Digital Food Discourse

Social Media Interactions Across Cultural Contexts


Alla Tovares  

Cynthia Gordon 

ISBN 9781350119147






Introduction, Cynthia Gordon and Alla Tovares
1. “Vegetables as a Chore”: Constructing and Problematizing a “Picky Eater” Identity Online, Didem I?kizog?lu and Cynthia Gordon
2. The Multidimensionality of Eating in Contemporary Information Society: A Corpus-based Discourse Analysis of Online Audience Reactions to a TV Show About Food, Jana Declercq, Ste´phan Tulkens, and Geert Jacobs
3. Mediatizing the Fashionable Eater in @nytfood #tbt Posts, Gwynne Mapes
4. Constructing Veganism Against the Backdrop of Omnivore Cuisine: The Use of Adjectives and Modifiers in Vegan Food Blogs, Cornelia Gerhardt
5. What if the Customer is Wrong?: Debates About Food on Yelp and TripAdvisor, Camilla Va´squez
6. Mukbang as Your Digital Tablemate: Creating Commensality Online, Hanwool Choe
7. Growing Online: Activist Identities in the “Grow Your Own” English Blogging Community, Nadine Pierce, Isidoropaolo Casteltrione, and Ana Tominc
8. Food, Activism, and Chips Oman on Twitter, Najma Al Zidjaly, Einas Al Moqbali, and Ahad Al Hinai
9. Parmesan and Patriotism on YouTube: Food as Ideology in Today's Russia, Alla Tovares
Afterword: Food, Language, and Social Media: Past, Present, and Future, Alla Tovares and Cynthia Gordon


Reimagining Dialogue on Identity, Language and Power

本书主编:Ching-Ching Lin, Clara Vaz Bauler

ISBN: 9781800414723

出版时间: 2023年12月 (本书为全球预售宣传,现在下单最快2024年3月到货)

出版社:Multilingual Matters




A provocative read! This innovative and risk-taking volume reimagines dialogue by putting it front and center as research method, demonstrating the potential of methods such as critical and collaborative authoethnography, dialogic testimonio, and digitally mediated public scholarship to uncover new insights in identity, language and power.——Wayne E. Wright, Purdue University, USA

With distinct contributions from around the world, this volume is a refreshing reminder and call for attending to dialogue as transformative research. The editors have brought together a select group of authors who are pushing the boundaries of language research with critical and innovative methods approaching dialogue to better understand the nexus of language, identity, and power.——Bedrettin Yazan, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA


Part 1: Dialogic Testimonio

Chapter 1. Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo, Laura C. Walls and Ferial Pearson: Ni de aquí, ni de allá: Reflections on Trying to Fit in a Box 

Chapter 2. Priscila Fabiane Farias, Leonardo da Silva and Litiane Barbosa Macedo: On the (Constant) Process of Becoming a Critical Language Educator in the Brazilian Context

Chapter 3. Sumeyra Gok and Angelina Gillispie: What Makes a "Competent" Teacher?: A Critical Dialogue on Language Teacher Identity Through a Raciolinguistic Lens

Chapter 4. Kinsella Valies and Lisa M. Hunsberger: Black Women's Ibasho: Creating a Space of Belonging in Japan

Chapter 5. Lan Wang-Hiles, Ekaterina Goodroad, Tong Zhang and Judith Szerdahelyi: Negotiating Identity, Language and Power: Dialogic Reflections on Non-Native English-Speaking Writing Instructors in the US Composition Classroom

Part 2: Digitally-Mediated Public Scholarship

Chapter 6. Clara Vaz Bauler and Vanja Karanović: Twitter as Thinking Communities: Responding, Reacting and Acting on Linguistic Discrimination

Chapter 7. Ching-Ching Lin, Yasmeen Coaxum, Derek Baylor and Shuzhan Li: Forming Performative Space through Legitimate Peripheral Participation: Digitally-Mediated Dialogic Inquiry of Four BIPOC TESOL Professionals                                                                    

Chapter 8. A.R. Shearer and Clara Vaz Bauler: Professional Communities in the Making: Critical Dialogues in the ELT Field

Chapter 9. JPB Gerald and Clara Vaz Bauler: Escaping the H-Index: On the Value and Voice of Public Engagement for Racialized Scholars          

Part 3: Through a Critical Incident Lens

Chapter 10. Ribut Wahyudi and M. Faisol: When Daily Uses of Language, Identity and 'Power' Intersects with the Global (Center) Versus Local (Periphery) Power Relations: An Interdisciplinary Study

Chapter 11. Luciana C. de Oliveira, Destini Braxon, Jia Gui and Tara Willging: A Critical Dialogue Among Participants in a Professional Learning Community

Chapter 12. Edmund Cristopher Melville, Rasha Ashkar and Nicholas Douglas: Ebbs, Flows, What's New is Old: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Three EFL Educators in Turkey

Chapter 13. Julia E. Kiernan, Joyce Meier and Xiqiao Wang: Critical Listening: A Teacher-Scholar Dialogue on the Challenges of Linguistically- and Culturally-Centered Coursework                                                                     

Chapter 14. Wing Shuen Lau and Kristine Mensonides Gritter: Curiosity Matters: Envisioning Intercultural Dialogue in Qualitative Research Practice


Multilingualism and Gendered Immigrant Identity

Perspectives from Catalonia

本书作者: Farah Ali

ISBN: 9781800412064


出版社:Multilingual Matters




This book is a great and engaging work on Muslim immigrant women living in Catalonia. One of the most interesting aspects is the sources used in this research, since it is based on real data from fieldwork. It will be an important milestone for an under-researched area of sociolinguistic studies on women's linguistic attitudes.——Ángeles Vicente, University of Zaragoza, Spain

With tenacity, rigor, and originality, Dr Farah Ali explores the intersectionally complex lives of Muslim immigrant women in Catalonia – lives that are too often ignored or misrepresented. Empirically rich, the volume illuminates how several generations of these women creatively use their multilingual repertoires to carve out spaces for belonging and to fight their own marginalization.——Inmaculada Ma García-Sánchez, UCLA, USA



Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Language Use and Language Policy in Catalonia

Chapter 3. Acculturation and Negotiating Identity

Chapter 4. Research Design

Chapter 5. Spaniard on Purpose: Narratives of First Generation Informants

Chapter 6. In Two Worlds: Narratives of Second Generation Informants

Chapter 7. Catalan, Spanish and Heritage Languages: Reported Language Use and Attitudes

Chapter 8. Implications for Sociolinguistic Research

Chapter 9. Implications for Language and Immigrant-Targeted Policies

Appendix A: Questionnaire

Appendix B: Interview Questions




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