

窗户 送信的人走了 2023-01-11




Walk away



Zhi Yan (HeBei province)












Jiangnan's oranges are red

The persimmons in the North are also red.


It’s only in the old house that there is sunshine at noon, and the warmth is much heavier than 30 years ago.

Old fruit knife on the cupboard

In the closet, there is a red knit top worn by the mother when she gets married.


The wind of the cold dew is the prodigal son, can’t be stoppable

Everything’ gone in the blink of an eye





Reading notes by Linrong


In fact, this poem is first of all a kind of desolation, timeless, timeless, and takes away many beautiful things. But I am still more willing to use this poem as a primer, starting a meditation from here, to experience some kind of meditation that is vaguely present. Master Hui Neng always let everyone "save the mind and read the prajna Polo honey method" before speaking the scriptures. Then "the master does not speak, his own heart, long time is the words." I am imagining the embarrassment of writing this poem. When she remembers and recalls with the help of poetry, she is using the words to "put down", letting go of the heavy world, letting go of the sadness brought by the vicissitudes of life, meditation, and peace of mind Enlightenment. He said: "The wind of the cold dew is the prodigal son, can't stop the foot / turn around and say it will be scattered." Isn't this worldly person and everything in the world a prodigal like a wind? The world is natural, everything is not available, not available, and it goes with the wind.


At this moment, Walk Away reminds the Yunyun Zen master to speak the Fa. He went to the Fa, and said plainly to everyone: "It’s okay, everyone will disperse. So just walk away" He also said.





What am I 



Ru Feng (Xinjiang province)
















I remember when Turgen remembered the apricot flower in April.

Snow, under


Snow white and apricot flower white

In Khan Tengri, it is common

Spring breeze

Flock of sedges in the green sky

Clouds swim in the blue ocean

Also common


Meet this vast world

In fact, you don't have to ask

What am I








The poet is like a windy place with a sparsely populated area and a unique scenery in Xinjiang. I think that Xinjiang's regional style, customs and customs will inevitably deeply affect her body and mind, affecting her writing. At first reading, I feel that this poem is not particularly attractive, but when I read it again, I was attracted by the vast, beautiful and empty inspiration that it exudes.


This poem has three sections, and the transition between each section is ingenious and natural. It is carefully tasted, and the pleasure brought by reading poetry arises from the heart. From the intrinsic meaning and implication, the three sections constitute a progressive relationship. The poet thinks of "snow" from the "apricot flower" in the first quarter, and the "white" from "apricot flower" and "snow" in the second quarter, and the "flock" and "cloud" thought of "white". Then I thought about "all are ordinary", and in the third quarter, the poet wrote the ultimate question of "who am I", step-by-step has an internal logical connection, and the natural transformation between the three sections highlights the mastery of the poet's writing skills. And use it.


Interpreting this poem from the perspective of Zen, in fact, just as the poet said in the wind, everything in the world is unique and beautiful, and ordinary and ordinary. The highest realm of human beings is to integrate into the world and the world around you: everything. That is, one is one thing. How good, look: the flock stalks in the green sky, the clouds swim in the blue ocean. And at this moment, we are between the sky and the ocean!



January lyrics



lucky witch















Heavy snow, rain, night

Timely, inexplicable, boundless

I like it, read it carefully.

The edge of the world


Well, there are sunshine, flowers, and butterflies

And their correspondence and correlation


Some others, insisting not to say

Not missing or missing

But they are ahead of us

Arrived in the Ganges



Zen Master Hui Neng spoke thirty-six pairs of laws for the disciples. Thirty-six pairs of laws are a set of phenomena that are mutually contrasted. With mutual control, the meaning of each other can be more clearly shown. Just like the reference to the movement, the existence of still life can be seen; not as bright as the lights. If we truly understand the 36th law, we can go the middle way and get rid of the paranoia. The outside world can be in the phenomenon without being bound by the phenomenon. The inside can be in the "empty" without being banned. The poet lucky witch is wise, she clearly knows: no matter "big snow", "rain", "night", "sunshine", "flower", light as a fairy "butterfly", no matter "borderless" or " Inexplicable, there are other, corresponding, and other existences in this world. According to my understanding, this poem of the lucky witch can be regarded as a poetic annotation or understanding of the 36th method of Hui Neng Zen Master. Going farther away from the two sides (two extremes), you can get the middle now, as the poet wrote at the end of the poem: "They arrived at the Ganges before we arrived."




Incomprehensible happiness



Ruru (Hebei province)








How the wind blows, a few leaves on the walnut tree

Not willing to fall. Sparrow tries to shake the branches

Magpies also fly, they are not willing to fall

It seems that no one can shake this determination.

Winter says no, aging can't either

They have happiness that is incomprehensible






This poem is written with words and the language is agile. In particular, the first three sentences have a strong sense of picture and scene, which can be regarded as real writing. But I think, behind the actual writing, the poet must have a subjective understanding and understanding of this natural scene. Sure enough, in the last three sentences, the words used by the poet such as "Decision", "Observation of Winter", "Aging", "Dedication", "Happy" are the expressions and manifestations of her thoughts.


Such a poem reminds me of a word: if it doesn't move. The Zen family has a saying: It’s clear, if it doesn’t move. It is clear that you can understand the truth, not vague and unambiguous. The heart does not move with the environment, and is not affected by the outside world; the good times do not like the shape, the adversity is not sad and decadent, and the peace of mind is always maintained, and it is as if it is not moving. In the poet's pen, regardless of the wind, or aging, whether it is winter forcing, or the vibration and collision of the birds, "a few leaves on the walnut tree are not willing to fall", just like some wise men in this world, Standing tall and looking far, seeing through the truth, they have their own persistence, have their own ununderstood happiness, and maintain a state that I am not moving. These leaves, which are not willing to fall, appear in the poet's mind as "as if they are not moving".




Lingyan Temple



Meizi (Shandong province)






After the frost, Lingyan Temple laid down the road down the leaves.

The young monk walked slowly, a red leaf floated

Bounced on the shoulders of the monks and landed on the ground again.



I am thinking, at least the Meizi when writing these three lines of poetry is the silence of meditation - how can you observe such an ethereal scene without a Jingan heart; if there is no clean heart, how can Describe this scene with the words that are so martyrdom. The young monk who walked slowly from the fallen leaves, from a red leaf that was falling, I did not think of the word "deep line" in the opening sentence of "Heart Sutra". The so-called "deep line" is that meditation has reached a deep state. Regarding meditation, Yongjia Xuanjue Zen master said: "I also practice Zen, sit and meditation." Borrowing the words of the Zen master to the poet's eyebrows: Guan Yi Zen, poetry also Zen, the language is silent and quiet. Bless Meizi.




To the North



Lulu (Hunan Province)













Carry me a hundred times

Every time is not returning home


The crowd of people is the love of others

The subway security checkpoint has always assumed that I am a dangerous item.


Pulling out the key actually has the fluster of opening another door.

The left three circles and the right three circles are getting tighter and tighter.


Fortunately, the Buddha shouted at the table.

She shouted at me low, she called me, she called me







I am very willing to interpret this poem as a Zen poem. Because it reminds me and thinks about a problem: life is like a trip, we are constantly changing our itinerary, the environment is constantly changing, and the heart is the same. In the journey of life, how can we hold a heart? ? How to practice personal "fixation"?


I have read a book: "Illustrated Tantra." It explains the meaning of "fixed" in the text: it is the state of emptyness of the mind, and it is also the realm of moral spirit, that is, "heart to live." There are nine kinds of heart and mind, which describe nine different realms from restraining one's own desires, not being attracted by foreign objects until spiritual freedom. Of course, this is a process of gradual improvement. I have noticed two of them in particular. When the thoughts are chaotic and the material desires are disturbed, the thoughts are highly focused on one place, and they are far away from the internal interest and are inhabited. Stay away from thoughts and distractions and material annoyances, and focus on the outside world to focus on the inner world. Lulu, a native of Hunan, lives in Beijing. Her first book "To the North" should be a poem of his real life life experience. This poem has three sections. The reader can understand the influence of the journey from the line to the poet and understand the poet's consideration of the outside world. Not to avoid the feeling of alienation (loneness) and insecurity (fear) in the depths of the heart, the poet has the ability to control the abyss of self-emotion and turn to the comfort and observation of the heart, which is reflected in the end of the poem. At the end of the poem, the poet wrote the image of "Buddha" on the "table for the table", which is actually a belief and a spiritual symbol. The "low boar" of "Buddha" is also the poet's own reminder and reminder to himself. It is precisely the adjustment and surrender of his various emotions, which means that the poet is conscious of his inner feelings.

Lulu, I am with you at the moment, together, we live in a heart.



Grumble in Spring


Xiangnu (Inner Mongolia)

























There is a girl from Henan

Using SF Express, sent a valuable red beauty orchid

I said that it is very dangerous to be cold.

Sure enough, it is dangerous. Sure enough, like label tips

a blue orchid, frozen into a fragile product


The weeping flower bears a purple resentment

But complaining that she is not right

Grumble is not right, you can only blame me.



Frozen river, the willow

Silent jaundice, a white cat that is too lazy to go out

Have to blame it again

Forgive me, and then forgive one by one

Kneeling in my arms

Pain again

Spring is coming


Spring is coming, red beauty blue

Sisters are sedan

Lift out the mountains






This poem, I like it at first reading. Why do you like it? Because it is facing up, because it is full of love and cherish for life in the world. In the poem, "a valuable red beauty orchid" is an introduction, which leads to the sigh of the lost life, and also evokes the yearning and longing for warmth and beauty. As the poet wrote at the end of the poem: "After the spring, the red sister/sister is taken up by the sedan / out of the mountains." In this way, the so-called "spring resentment" written by the poet has become a love full of compassion, and "resentment" has become a passionate love again. So, when I read "to blame, then forgive me / in my arms / hurt again / spring is coming", my heart was touched!


Understanding this poem from the perspective of Zen, I think there are at least two points. It is one of the most basic qualities of a Zen person. The four fonts of “Can only blame me” in the second quarter can meet this idea. This is one of them. Second, the poet really sympathizes with the fate of a "red beauty Lan", as if the "Red Beauty Lan" is her true loved ones and sisters, and the poet also associates with the "Ice River" that makes her pity The willow/silent jaundice, the lazy man who is too lazy to go out and singularly, read it carefully, and taste it with heart. The whole poem gives a feeling of meditation that is devoid of great compassion and compassion.




In the mountains



Zhang Muyu (Jilin province)













Autumn mountains grow wings and leaves

Change the color and start the separation of one tree and one tree

In the mountains

The only thing that is still is me.

The stream with the leaves falling from the moment, after this moment

This year's leaves cover the leaves of last year.


I stayed for a while, leaving the stillness at this time.

Everything will disappear

Everything is in reincarnation






On a certain autumn day, the poet had to sit quietly in the mountains, the stream in front of him was flowing, carrying leaves, and never going back. The autumn scene is bleak and desolate, and the poet can't help but feel sad. He feels that there is no permanent life forever in the world. Everything can't be held, and no one can stay. There is such a saying in Tanjing: It is made up of karma and harmony. The specific thing is called the phase. But there is no eternal thing in the world. When the cause is gone, things will cease to exist. This is the bad phase. Formation, living, bad, and empty are the inevitable laws of the development of things in the world. Obviously, Hui Mu’s profound poet Zhang Muyu has realized the emptiness of things in the world. After a little stop and stay, she regains her thoughts and returns to a calm and calm heart...


The poetry is intertwined and intertwined, and the poet writes the imaginary truth to write, and to write quietly. The seemingly free-sexual language actually benefits from the poet's use of writing skills, several verbs. Accurate use makes the quiet atmosphere diffuse from the lines of the word, attracting people to enter, it is evocative, if you realize...





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得一忘二译诗    |   汤姆·希南诗选

冯默谌译诗 | 我们相遇在一场微雨般的鸟鸣中

译读两首  |  忧郁症



三首英译    |   梦魇



桑婪译    | 乔治•巴科维亚诗选



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阿巴斯·基阿罗斯达米(Abbas Kiarostami) | 一匹狼在卧等,及摄影作品

杰克·吉尔伯特 | 爱过之后

梁小曼译  | 洛尔娜•克罗齐(Lorna Crozier)诗选

得一忘二译诗    |   汤姆·希南诗选

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杜拉斯 | 所谓孤独,那就是:要么死亡要么出书

冯默谌译诗 | 我们相遇在一场微雨般的鸟鸣中

雷蒙德·卡佛 | 我父亲的一生


加缪  |   西西弗的神话


恩岑斯贝格   |   国语

约翰·阿什伯利   |   在另一个时间里


