We stepped up relief support to enterprises facing growing difficulties in operation and production.企業の経営難の深刻化を受け、苦境脱却支援を強化した。针对有效需求不足的突出矛盾,多措并举扩投资促消费稳外贸。To address lack of effective demand, we adopted a combination of measures to expand investment, stimulate consumption, and stabilize foreign trade.有効需要の不足という際立った問題を受け、さまざまな措置を講じて投資の拡大、消費の促進、貿易の安定をはかった。In response to significant employment pressure, we boosted policy support to stabilize and increase employment.雇用状況の悪化を受け、雇用維持・創出政策を強化した。针对全球通胀高企带来的影响,以粮食和能源为重点做好保供稳价。In the face of a global surge in inflation, we strived to ensure market supply and stable prices, particularly those of food and energy.世界的な高インフレーションがもたらす影響を前に、食糧とエネルギーを重点に安定供給・物価安定をはかった。To assist people experiencing increased difficulties in their lives, we bolstered support to ensure their basic living needs.一部の人々の生活困窮の深刻化を受け、基本的民生への保障を強化した。Economic strength reached new heights.The critical fight against poverty was won.Fruitful gains were made in scientific and technological innovation.科学技術イノベーションにおいて多大な成果を上げた。The economic structure was further improved.Infrastructure was further upgraded.Reform and opening up were deepened.The quality of the eco-environment improved significantly.Living standards rose steadily.We developed new ways of conducting macro regulation to keep the economy operating within an appropriate range.マクロコントロールを刷新し、経済の動きを合理的な範囲内に保った。We pursued a proactive fiscal policy.We continued a prudent monetary policy.We pursued an employment-first policy.Prices were kept generally stable.We secured victory in the critical battle against poverty within the set time frame and consolidated and built on our gains in poverty alleviation.貧困脱却堅塁攻略戦に計画どおりに勝利し、貧困脱却堅塁攻略の成果を定着させ拡大した。We worked both to consolidate and build on our achievements in poverty alleviation and to promote the revitalization of rural areas.貧困脱却堅塁攻略の成果の定着・拡大から農村振興への円滑な移行を推し進めた。(三)聚焦重点领域和关键环节深化改革,更大激发市场活力和社会创造力。We deepened reform of key areas and crucial links to energize the market and stimulate social creativity.重点分野とカギとなる部分にフォーカスして改革を深化させ、市場活力と民間の創造力をいっそう引き出した。Our drive to transform government functions continued.We promoted the common development of enterprises under all forms of ownership.We continued to reform the fiscal, taxation, and financial systems.(四)深入实施创新驱动发展战略,推动产业结构优化升级。We fully implemented the innovation-driven development strategy and improved and upgraded the industrial structure.革新駆動型発展戦略を踏み込んで実施し、産業構造の最適化・高度化を推進した。The leading role of technological innovation was reinforced.Industries were encouraged to develop toward the medium-and high-end.(五)扩大国内有效需求,推进区域协调发展和新型城镇化。We expanded effective domestic demand and promoted coordinated regional development and new urbanization.国内の有効需要を拡大し、地域間調和発展と新型都市化を推進した。We strived to expand consumption and effective investment.We achieved more balanced and coordinated regional development.We continued to advance people-centered new urbanization.We ensured China’s food security and vigorously implemented the rural revitalization strategy.国家食糧安全保障を確保し、農村振興戦略に大いに取り組んだ。We worked to enhance overall agricultural production capacity.Steady progress was made in rural reform and development.(七)坚定扩大对外开放,深化互利共赢的国际经贸合作。We remained committed to opening up wider to the world and expanded international economic and trade cooperation to deliver mutually beneficial outcomes.対外開放を揺るぐことなく拡大し、互恵ウィンウィンを旨とする国際貿易経済協力を深化させた。Imports and exports were kept stable, and their quality was improved.We took proactive and effective moves to utilize foreign investment.We promoted high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.We strengthened environmental protection and pursued green and low-carbon development.生態環境保護を強化し、グリーン・低炭素化を推し進めた。We strengthened pollution control and ecological conservation.We made steady progress in energy conservation and carbon reduction.We took concrete steps to ensure and improve the people’s wellbeing and accelerated the development of social programs.民生を確実に保障・改善し、社会諸事業の発展を加速した。We developed more equitable and higher-quality education.Our ability to provide medical and health services was enhanced.We improved social security and social services.People’s intellectual and cultural lives were enriched.(十)推进政府依法履职和治理创新,保持社会大局稳定。We continued to perform government functions in accordance with the law and develop new ways of conducting governance and ensured social stability.政府の法に基づく職責履行とガバナンスの刷新を推進し、社会の大局の安定を保った。加强法治政府建设,使经济社会活动更好在法治轨道上运行。We stepped up efforts to develop a law-based government and ensured economic and social activities were carried out in compliance with the law.法治政府建設を強化し、経済・社会活動において法治主義をいっそう徹底した。We developed new and better forms of social governance.Expanding domestic demandAccelerating the modernization of the industrial systemUnswervingly consolidating and developing the public sector and unswervingly encouraging, supporting, and guiding the development of the non-public sector「二つの揺るぐことなく(①揺るぐことなく公有制経済をうち固めて発展させ、②揺るぐことなく非公有制経済の発展を奨励・支援・リードする)」を着実に実施する。Intensifying efforts to attract and utilize foreign investmentEffectively preventing and defusing major economic and financial risks経済・金融分野の重大リスクを効果的に防止・解消する。Stabilizing grain output and advancing rural revitalizationContinuing the transition to green developmentMeeting people’s basic living needs and developing social programs