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Section 28 of the IRPA provides that a permanent resident must be physically present in Canada for 730 days in respect of any five-year period. In the five-year period following his initial entry into Canada,the Respondent was physically present in Canada for only 296 days. Therefore, when the Respondent applied to extend his permanent residency in 2015, a removal order was made against him on the basis that he was inadmissible to Canada pursuant to s 40(1)(b) of IRPA, for failing to comply with the residency obligation as set out in s 28 of IRPA.
随后,D同学托律师以人道主义humanitarian and compassionate (H&C)理由向IAD上诉,请求保留身份和废除递结令。
The length of time you lived in Canada
Your level of establishment in Canada (for example your assets in Canada, activities and jobs held in Canada, community involvement in Canada)
The reason why you left Canada and why you remained outside Canada so long
Whether you tried to return to live in Canada at the earliest opportunity
The impact on you losing your permanent resident status. Will you suffer any hardship as a result
The impact on your family members in Canada if you were to lose your permanent resident status
The support you have in Canada from family and others in the community
The impact on the best interests of any child affected by losing your permanent resident status
If you left Canada as a child, your efforts to return to Canada when you were no longer a child
The IAD began its analysis by evaluating the extent of the Respondent’s non-compliance with the residency obligation. The IAD noted thathe was a child throughout the period under review and found that his comings and goings in that period were mostly the result of decisions made by his parents. The IAD was therefore of the view that the Respondent could not be held fully responsible for the extent of his breach of the residency obligation in the same way as someone who was an adult throughout the period of permanent residence. Therefore, it attached limited weight to the Respondent’s non-compliance, such that a lesser degree of H&C considerations was necessary to overcome the non-compliance.
The IAD concluded, based on the reasons for his non-compliance, his circumstances, and his best interests as a minor, that there were sufficient H&C circumstances to warrant the exercise of special relief. The IAD therefore set aside the removal order against the Respondent.
案例解析联邦法院在收到移民局审查申请后,对申请做了详细分析。法院认定本次司法审查核心点在于--IAD的决定是否合理。在本案中,法院的任务是判断移民官在审理过程中是否做到了程序公平,决策过程是否合理、透明、可被理解。法院最终认定,D同学情况符合BIOC(Best intrests of a child),H&C情况适用,IAD判决合理,驳回移民局司法审查申请。
However, the IAD concluded that the factor most influencing his best interests was the ability to complete his high school education and then analysed the evidence relevant to that factor. Again, I find nothing unreasonable in the IAD’s analysis.
Working as a full-time employee assigned outside Canada for a Canadian business or organization.
Accompanying a spouse, common-law partner or a parent who is a permanent resident, working as a full-time employee assigned outside Canada for a Canadian business or organization. A child can make this case only if they were a dependent child of the working parent at the time they lived outside Canada.
Accompanying a spouse, common-law partner or a parent who is a Canadian citizen. A child can make this case only if they were a dependent child of the Canadian citizen at the time they lived outside Canada.
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