




今天白宫转载了福克斯商业新闻报道文章指出, 美国资金正回流美国,美国经济分析局的数据显示,在今年第一季度,超过3000亿美元回流美国, 这是历史上最大规模的美元回流潮。美元的大规模回流对其他币种的汇率造成了压力,美元的强势再次使得美元回流形成动力。


Fox Business: “American Money Flowing Back into America”福克斯商业:“美国资金回流美国”

Economy & Jobs

Issued on:

American money flowing back into America
By Suzanne O’Halloran
Fox Business
June 26, 2018

America’s CEOs are not wasting anytime in taking advantage of [President Trump’s] tax reform plan. Over $300 billion was repatriated to the U.S. in the first quarter, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) — the most on record. 美国的首席执行官们在利用(特朗普总统的)税收改革计划时不会浪费任何时间。美国经济分析局(Bureau of Economic Analysis, BEA)的数据显示,今年第一季度有超过3000亿美元汇回美国,这是有史以来金额最大的一次。

“U.S. firms that used to build their factories overseas in order to avoid U.S. taxes, they stopped in their tracks because of the tax bill, they are bringing all the money home,” said Kevin Hassett, chair of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, during an interview on FOX Business’ Varney & Co. in June. “美国海外公司原来为了避免美国的税收而在海外构建,但是现在他们停止了脚步;因为美国税收法案的出台,他们把所有的钱汇回家,” 美国总统经济顾问委员会主席在接受福克斯商业节目采访的时候透露出该信息。

The BEA notes the main driver of the repatriation surge is that companies are no longer taxed on foreign earnings when returning the funds to the U.S. “We fixed that really, really stupid thing” said Hassett. By comparison just $38 billion was repatriated during the same period a year ago. BEA指出,汇回资金激增的主要原因是,公司在将资金汇回美国时不再对外国收益征税。而相比之下,去年同期仅有380亿美元回流。

While the BEA keeps the names and sums of corporations repatriating confidential, the latest data appear to show CEOs are likely sticking to their pledge to bring more money earned overseas back to the U.S. promised shortly after the tax plan was signed by President Trump in late December 2017. 尽管BEA对汇回美元的公司的名称和金额保密,但最新数据似乎显示,首席执行官们可能会坚守自己的承诺,即在2017年12月底特朗普总统签署税收计划后不久,将更多海外收入带回美国。

While it is not crystal clear how the lion’s share of funds returning to the U.S. will be used, pro-growth economists hope it will be used for hiring, boosting wages and other moves that will benefit the American worker and eventually trickle down to the broader economy. This is why many economists are boosting their GDP forecasts to between 3% and 4%. 虽然目前尚不清楚回归美国的大部分资金将如何使用,但支持增长的经济学家希望,这些资金将被用于招聘、提高工资和其他有利于美国工人的举措,并最终惠及更广泛的经济。这就是为什么许多经济学家将他们的GDP预测提高到3%到4%之间。

苹果之后,又一公司宣布全球美元回流: 670亿美元

苹果:遣返全部海外现金, 为美国贡献3500亿美元(新闻稿全文)


去年鸿海(富士康)董事长郭台铭宣布将会在美国投资设厂,总额涉及 100 亿美元,据报富士康已经选定了他们在北美地区的总部会位于密尔沃基,距离面板厂房只有 48 公里左右的路程。富士康是通过 Northwestern Mutual 购下了一幢七层高的建筑物,预计会进驻 500 名员工,包括针对协助新创公司使用其面板技术而设立的创新中心。据报道,富士康的这次在美投资,预计最多可以带来 13,000 个职位,相信他们并不只是象征式的投资,而是决意要在美国生产科技产品。


据CNN money 报道,中国在美投资前5个月不超过20美元,比同期锐减超过90%。不过,在六月初,美国批准了中国泛海集团的27亿美元并购案。


最新消息, 据媒体报道,6月25日,恒大健康公告称,恒大集团以67.46亿港元收购香港时颖公司100%股份,间接获得Smart King公司45%的股权,成为公司第一大股东。这意味着,恒大将用130亿人民币投资贾跃亭手中的重要资产FF汽车。如果此交易完成,则意味着中资公司在美的又一投资大项目。





Remarks by President Trump at 

a Lunch with Members of Congress


Issued on:

Q    Mr. President, before we go, on trade, there are some people who are saying that your tariffs threats threaten to plunge the economy into a recession.  Harley-Davidson announced that it’s moving a plant to Thailand.  You’ve been very critical about that. 总统先生,在我们讨论贸易问题之前,有些人说,你们的关税威胁可能使经济陷入衰退。哈雷戴维森公司宣布将把一家工厂迁往泰国。你曾经对此非常挑剔。

THE PRESIDENT:  Harley-Davidson, John, was going to do that.  They announced it earlier this year.  So Harley-Davidson is using that as an excuse, and I don’t like that because I’ve been very good to Harley-Davidson.  And they used it as an excuse.  And I think the people that ride Harleys are not happy with Harley-Davidson, and I wouldn’t be either. 总统: 哈利·戴维森,约翰,过去是打算这么做。他们在今年早些时候宣布了这一消息。所以哈雷戴维森用这个作为借口,我不喜欢,因为我对哈雷戴维森很好。他们以此为借口。我认为骑哈雷摩托车的人对哈雷戴维森并不满意,我也不会满意。

But mostly, companies are coming back to our country.  I was the one that explained to Harley about 100 percent tax in India, where they had a tariff of 100 percent, and I got it down to a much lower number.  I think it’s 50 percent, which is far too much.  But they were paying 100 percent tariff.  Now Prime Minister Modi brought it way down, but it’s still way too high. 但大多数情况下,许多公司都会回流我们的国家。我向哈雷解释了印度高达百分之百的税,在我努力下印度把税率降低了很多。我认为是50%,这已经是降低很多了。但是他们过去要付百分之百的关税。现在莫迪总理把它拉了下来,但它还是太高了。

No, I will say this, John: Other countries are negotiating.  And without tariffs, you could never do that.  And if they don’t want to negotiate, then we’ll do the tariffs.  And just remember, we’re the bank.  We’re the bank that everybody wants to steal from and plunder.  And it can’t be that way anymore.  We lost $500 billion last year with China.  We lost $151 billion with the European Union, which puts up trade barriers so that our farmers can’t trade.  We can’t send farm products in, for the most part.  It’s very hard to send cars in. 约翰,我得说,我们正和其他国家在谈判。如果没有关税措施,你就不可能谈判成功。如果他们不想谈判,我们就会征收关税。记住,我们是银行。我们是每个人都想从想来偷和掠夺的银行。现在已经不可能了。去年我们同中国贸易损失了5000亿美元。我们同欧盟贸易中损失了1510亿美元,欧盟设立了贸易壁垒,使我们的农民无法进行贸易。在很大程度上,我们不能把农产品运卖给他们,把汽车卖给他们也是很困难的。

We have countries where — as an example, India, they charge up as much as 100 percent tariff.  We want the tariffs removed.  What I would like to do, and what I offered at the G7, you remember — I said, “Let’s drop all tariffs and all barriers.  Is everyone okay with that?”  And nobody said yes.  I said, “Wait a minute, folks, you’re complaining.”  No tariffs and no barriers; you’re on your own.  Let’s do it.  And it was like they couldn’t leave the room fast enough. 我们有一些国家,例如印度,他们收取高达百分之百的关税。我们希望取消关税。我想做的,以及我在七国集团所提供的,你们记得-我说过,“让我们降低所有关税和所有壁垒。大家都同意吗?没有人答应。我说,“伙计们,等一下,你们在抱怨。“没有关税,没有壁垒; 你对你自己的负责,我们就这么办吧;就好像他们一听就恨不得马上离开房间。

Q    What do you say to people who say it’s a risky business here, you could tip the economy into recession?  And then what do you plan to do —  提问:对于那些认为这(贸易战)是一项高风险业务的人,你会说什么呢? 然后你打算怎么做

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, first of all, we’re so high up — we’re so high up, we picked up forty — if you look at the kind of numbers we picked up, it’s up almost 40 percent, the market.  And that’s not — the real market is the overall.  And the overall is up much more than that.  But we’ve picked up about $8 trillion in value doing what we’re doing. 总统: 首先,我们市场(资本市场)增长是如此的高,我们大约增长了40%。总的来说,上升幅度要比这大得多。但是我们已经获增加了8万亿美元的(财富)价值。

Now, we’ve got a little bit of uncertainty because of trade.  To me, there’s no uncertainty.  And to other people that happen to be smart, there’s no uncertainty.  But we can’t allow the European Union to take out $151 billion out of the United States.  We can’t allow Mexico to have a NAFTA deal that gives them over $100 billion.  And I call it profit.  You know, you can divide that up any way you want to do it.  I call it profit. 现在由于贸易的原因,我们有一点不确定性。对我来说,其实没有不确定性。对于那些碰巧聪明的人来说,没有不确定性。但是我们不能允许欧盟从美国拿出1510亿美元。我们不能允许墨西哥签署NAFTA协议,给他们1000亿美元。我称之为利润。你知道,你可以用任何你想要的方式来划分。我把它叫做利润。

We can’t allow Mexico to take $100 billion.  We can’t give China anywhere from $375 [billion] to $100 [billion] to $500 [billion].  It’s $375 [billion] — some people, depending on your formula — $375 billion.  It could be $504 billion.  It’s a tremendous amount of money being taken out of our economy.  But we have to straighten it out. 我们不能允许墨西哥拿走1000亿美元。我们不能允许中国拿走任何贸易逆差,从375亿美元到1000亿美元,到5000亿美元。这是3750亿美元——有些人认为,当然这个数据计算取决于你的公式——3750亿美元。可能是5040亿美元。这些逆差从我们的经济中抽走了一大笔钱。但我们必须解决这个问题。

Now, what’s happening, we put steel tariffs on.  Our steel industry is going through the roof.  U.S. Steel just announced they’re expanding or building six new facilities.  Last night, in South Carolina — right?  Go ahead.  Georgetown Steel.  The factory has been closed, the plant has been closed — how long, Lindsey? 现在,发生了什么?我们对钢铁征收关税。我们的钢铁工业正在飞速发展。美国钢铁公司(U.S. Steel)刚刚宣布,他们将扩建或建造6个新工厂。昨晚,在南卡罗来纳,对吧? 继续。乔治敦钢。工厂已经关闭了,工厂已经关闭了-多久了,林赛?

SENATOR GRAHAM:  About three years.  But what’s interesting is, a British company, a steel manufacturer in Britain, bought Georgetown Steel to make steel here. 格雷厄姆参议员:大约三年。但有趣的是,一家英国公司,一家英国钢铁制造商,购买了乔治城钢铁公司在这里生产钢铁。

THE PRESIDENT:  Right.  Solar panels — we put tariffs on solar panels — 30 percent.  They were all being made in China.  We had 32 different factories.  Now they’re starting to open again, plants — new plants — because solar is pretty new technology.  We had 32.  We had two that were open.  Everyone else was closed because of what happened and what came in from other places, in particular China.  And now we have seven that are opening and many more are considered to be.  And the two that were dying, they were going to close — they’re thriving right now. 总统: 是的。太阳能电池板——我们对太阳能电池板征收30%的关税。它们都是中国制造的。我们有32家不同的工厂。现在它们又开始开工了,工厂——新的工厂——因为太阳能是非常新的技术。我们有32个工厂,然而曾经只有两个工厂是开工的。其他都不得不关闭,都是因为发生的事情和来自其他地方的产品,特别是来自中国的产品。现在我们有了七个开工了,有更多的将会考虑开工。而那两个曾经快要倒闭的工厂,现在——他们正在茁壮成长。

Washing machines — they were being dumped all over the country.  Not good ones, by the way; ones that didn’t work really well.  And now they’re opening up washing machines.  We put a 30 percent tariff on. 洗衣机——它们在全美国各地倾销。顺便说一句,不是什么好消息,那些其实不太好用的。现在他们正在生产洗衣机。我们对洗衣机征收30%的关税。

So tariffs can be a very positive thing.  You know, in the old days, when we had tariffs, we didn’t have income tax.  When people wanted to come in — if you look at the days of McKinley and some others, when people wanted to come in, they had to pay a price.  When they want to come in and raid our Treasury, they had to pay a price.  We didn’t have income tax.  You didn’t need income tax.  We didn’t have debt. 所以关税其实是一件非常积极的事情。你知道,在过去,当我们有关税的时候,我们没有所得税。当人们想进来的时候——如果你看看麦金利和其他一些人的日子,当人们想进来的时候,他们必须付出代价。当他们想进来抢劫我们的金库时,他们必须付出代价。我们过去没有所得税。当时你不需要所得税。我们过去也没有债务。

So we’re doing this.  I will say, in every instance, every country — any country that you can mention — has been extremely nice, even — less to the media, probably — but extremely nice; they want to negotiate a deal.  So — and we’re open to that.  We’re open to that.  But it’s going to be very strong. 所以我们这样做。我想说,在每一个国家,任何一个你可以提到的国家,都是极其美好的,对媒体而言可能会稍微逊色一点,可能,但是非常好;他们想谈判达成协议。我们对此持开放态度。但谈判将会十分强烈的。

We are putting on tariffs on certain industries.  We can’t lose our steel industry.  Our steel industry was ready to go out of business.  It was at the bottom.  Our aluminum industry was ready to go out of business.  Now, the steel industry is thriving.  Think of it: United States Steel, first time in 35 years, they’re actually expanding; it’s going up.  They’re building new places.  Georgetown Steel — closed for three or four years — they announced yesterday they’re opening up their plant.  It’s been closed for four years, I think they said, in South Carolina. 我们对某些行业征收关税。我们不能失去我们的钢铁工业。我们的钢铁工业准备破产了。它在底部。我们的铝工业已经准备破产了。现在,钢铁工业正在蓬勃发展。想想看,美国钢铁公司,35年来第一次,实际上是在扩张;这是上升。他们建造新地方。乔治城钢铁公司——关闭了三到四年——昨天宣布他们将开放他们的工厂。我想他们在南卡罗来纳已经关门四年了。

No, we’re doing the right thing, 100 percent.  And, you know, you have them on both sides.  Some people agree, some people don’t agree.  The bottom line is, countries are coming back now to negotiate, including European Union wants to negotiate.  Because if they don’t, we’re going to tax their cars.  They send Mercedes in.  They send BMWs in.  They pay almost no tax.  When we send cars to the European Union, they charge us a tremendous tax, five times greater than what we charge them. 不,我们做对了,百分之百。两边都有。有些人同意,有些人不同意。最重要的是,各国现在来要和我们谈判,包括欧盟希望谈判。因为如果他们不这样做,我们将对他们的汽车征税。他们在我们这卖奔驰、卖宝马,他们几乎不纳关税。当我们向欧盟运送汽车时,他们会向我们征收一笔巨大的税,比我们收取的费用高5倍。

But more importantly, they don’t want our cars.  They have a barrier.  We don’t want your cars.  But if you do get it in, you’re going to pay a tax.  With China — with China, if we send a car to China, they charge us a 25 percent tax.  So we make a car, we send it to China, we want to compete.  That’s not free trade.  That’s stupid trade.  So we send 25 percent tax.  When they make a car in China, and they send it here, we charge them 2.5 percent.  Okay.  So we get 2.5 percent; China gets 25 percent.  That’s not fair.  That’s not free.  That’s just stupid. 但更重要的是,他们不想要我们的车。他们有一个障碍。我们不要你的车。但是如果你出口到他们那里,你就得交关税。在中国——在中国,如果我们把车出口到中国,他们会向我们征收25%的税。所以我们制造了一辆车,我们把它出口到中国,我们想要竞争。这不是自由贸易。这是愚蠢的贸易。所以我们要交25%的税。当他们在中国生产汽车,然后卖到这里,我们收取他们2.5%的费用。好吧。我们得到2.5%中国得到25%。这是不公平的。这不是自由贸易。这只是愚蠢。

Q    What are you looking at in terms of Chinese investment restrictions?  I think you’ve got an announcement coming up on the status. 提问:你对中国的投资限制有什么看法?我想你可能已经快要公告了吧。

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, it’s not just Chinese.  It’s we don’t want people coming in — hey, look, we are a very smart country.  We have the most incredible people in Silicon Valley.  We don’t want China and other countries — it’s not necessarily particularly — because they covered it incorrectly.  They had either a leaker that doesn’t exist or a leaker that didn’t know his business very well.  But they gave it to Bloomberg and they gave it to, I believe, the Wall Street Journal. 总统:不只是针对中国。我们不希望有人进来——嘿,听着,我们是一个非常聪明的国家。我们有硅谷最了不起的人。我们不希望中国和其他国家进入——这尤其没有必要——因为他们(媒体)没有正确地报道。(这些媒体)他们的信息来源自要么是一个不存在的泄密者,要么是一个不太了解自己业务的泄密者。但是他们把信息透露给了彭博社,我相信他们也给了《华尔街日报》。

And it was either a bad leak by somebody that didn’t know, but probably they just made up the story; there was no leaker.  Long term — I’m not sure if my political friends would agree, but I think a lot of leaks aren’t leaks; they’re made up by the writers.  They don’t exist, the leak.  But this was a leak that was just off. 这要么是一个不知道实际情况人的虚假泄露,但很可能是他们(媒体)编造了这个故事; 这里面其实没有泄密者。长期来看——我不确定我的政治朋友是否会同意,但我认为很多泄密不是泄密;他们是由作者编造的。不存在信息泄漏。

We want to have our jewels.  Those are our great jewels.  That’s like United States Steel from 70 years ago, these companies.  We have to protect these companies.  We can’t let people steal that technology.  We have the greatest technology in the world.  People copy it and they steal it.  But we have the great scientists, we have the great brains.  And we have to protect that, and we’re going to protect it.  And that’s what we were doing.  And that can be done through CFIUS.  We have a lot of things we can do it through.  And we’re working that out. 我们想拥有我们的珠宝财富。那些是我们的珍宝。这就像70年前的美国钢铁公司。我们必须保护这些公司。我们不能让人们窃取技术。我们拥有世界上最伟大的技术。人们复制它然后偷走它。但是我们有伟大的科学家,我们有伟大的大脑。我们要保护它,我们开始要保护它。这就是我们所做的。这可以通过美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)来实现。我们有很多事情可以做。我们正在解决这个问题。

But the bottom line is, we have charged a very substantial tax to some people.  They are coming back to negotiate.  And, frankly, if they don’t negotiate, I’m okay with that because I’d rather get the tax.  Okay, any other questions? 但底线是,我们已经向一些人征收了一项非常高的税。他们正打算回来谈判。坦白地说,如果他们不愿意谈判的话,我也可以接受,因为我宁愿得到税收(关税)。好的,还有其他问题吗?


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