
BBC听力 | 脆弱天堂 20

momo TED每日推荐 2022-11-27




The fish are scooped up from the water, a tonne or two at a time.


Every last fish from this school of 7,000 yellowfin and skipjack tuna

这鱼群 由7000条黄鳍金枪鱼和鲣鱼组成

is plucked from the water.


With fishing techniques now so efficient

如今 渔业作业如此高效

And with ever more vessels plying the Pacific

越来越多的渔船 在太平洋穿梭

There is real concern among biologists


That even the resilient skipjack may begin to decline.

如今 连种群恢复能力极强的鲣鱼都开始减少了

This vessel is not one of the newcomers.


It's a Papua New Guinea-flagged ship, fishing in their territorial waters.

这艘船上插着巴布亚新几内亚国旗 在他们的领海内打鱼

So it's subject to catch limits and regulations

在太平洋捕鱼 应当有所节制 以及遵守相应的法规

that are amongst the strictest in the Pacific

这些规章制度在太平洋海域 特别苛刻

Designed to ensure that tuna fishing remains sustainable.

这是为了确保 金枪鱼能迅速恢复其规模

But New Guinea's fishermen are concerned about the increasing numbers

但是几内亚的渔民 目前则忧心冲冲

of foreign vessels now fishing for Pacific tuna.

越来越多的外国渔船 来到这里

They were the first nation to propose

就是为了 捕捉太平洋海域内的金枪鱼

that the high seas pockets beyond their national waters be declared marine reserves

新几内亚 是第一个宣布在本国海域边缘 禁渔的国家

As now advocated by Greenpeace.

这也是 绿色和平组织所提倡的


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BBC听力 | 脆弱天堂 01

BBC听力 | 脆弱天堂 02

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