《Management Science》是国际上公认的历史悠久的管理类顶级期刊之一,成立于1954,Management Science是国内众多高校认定的国际A类期刊,也是教育部认可的管理科学A类期刊,由美国运筹学与管理科学学院主办。每年从全世界收到的论文有1000多篇左右,最终发表的论文不超过60篇(录取率在5%左右)。
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Management Science
Volume 66, Issue 1
(January 2020)
[1].The Real Effects of Bank Capital Requirements
Fraisse, Henri; Lé, Mathias; Thesmar, David.
[2].Whistle Blowing, Forced CEO Turnover, and Misconduct: The Role of Socially Minded Employees and Directors
Bereskin, Frederick; Campbell II, Terry; Kedia, Simi.
[3].Age of Decision: Pension Savings Withdrawal and Consumption and Debt Response
Agarwal, Sumit; Pan, Jessica; Qian, Wenlan
[4].Debt Heterogeneity and Covenants
Lou, Yun; Otto, Clemens A.
[5].Searching for the Reference Point
Baillon, Aurélien; Bleichrodt, Han; Spinu, Vitalie
[6].One Step at a Time: Does Gradualism Build Coordination?
Ye, Maoliang; Zheng, Jie; Nikolov, Plamen
[7].Dividend Growth Predictability and the Price–Dividend Ratio
Piatti, Ilaria; Trojani, Fabio.
[8].Distributionally Robust Mechanism Design
Koçyiğit, Çağıl; Iyengar, Garud; Kuhn, Daniel; Wiesemann, Wolfram
[9].Distributionally Robust Selection of the Best
Fan, Weiwei; Hong, L. Jeff; Zhang, Xiaowei
[10].Economically Motivated Adulteration in Farming Supply Chains
Levi, Retsef; Singhvi, Somya; Zheng, Yanchong
[11].The Economics of Line-Sitting
Cui, Shiliang; Wang, Zhongbin; Yang, Luyi.
[12].Data-Driven Appointment-Scheduling Under Uncertainty: The Case of an Infusion Unit in a Cancer Center
Mandelbaum, Avishai; Momčilović, Petar; Trichakis, Nikolaos; Kadish, Sarah; Leib, Ryan; Bunnell, Craig A.
[13].Higher Market Thickness Reduces Matching Rate in Online Platforms: Evidence from a Quasiexperiment
Li, Jun; Netessine, Serguei
[14].Information vs. Automation and Implications for Dynamic Pricing
Bollinger, Bryan K.; Hartmann, Wesley R.
[15].Prosocial Compliance in P2P Lending: A Natural Field Experiment
Du, Ninghua; Li, Lingfang; Lu, Tian; Lu, Xianghua
[16].Illiquidity and Price Informativeness
Kerr, Jon; Sadka, Gil; Sadka, Ronnie.
[17].Managerial Biases and Debt Contract Design: The Case of Syndicated Loans
Adam, Tim R.; Burg, Valentin; Scheinert, Tobias, Streitz, Daniel
[18].Do Politicians "Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is?" Ideology and Portfolio Choice
Aiken, Adam L.; Ellis, Jesse A.; Kang, Minjeong
[19].Option-Implied Intrahorizon Value at Risk
Leippold, Markus; Vasiljević, Nikola
[20].Expertise and Discretionary Bonus Decisions
Abernethy, Margaret A.; Hung, Chung-Yu; van Lent, Laurence
[21].Conditional Life Cycle: An Examination of Operating Performance for Leaders and Laggards
Cantrell, Brett W.; Dickinson, Victoria
[22].The Role of Customer Investor Involvement in Crowdfunding Success
Cornelius, Philipp B.; Gokpinar, Bilal
[23].Lottery-Related Anomalies: The Role of Reference-Dependent Preferences
An, Li; Wang, Huijun; Wang, Jian; Yu, Jianfeng
1.The Real Effects of Bank Capital Requirements
Fraisse, Henri
Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, Banque de France, 75009 Paris, France
Lé, Mathias
Banque de France, 75001 Paris, France
Thesmar, David
Center for Economic and Policy Research, Washington, District of Columbia 20009
MIT Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
Abstract: We measure the impact of bank capital requirements on corporate borrowing, investment, and employment using loan-level data. The Basel II regulatory framework makes capital requirements vary across both banks and firms, which allows us to control for time-varying firm-level risk and bank-level credit supply shocks. We find that a 1 percentage point increase in capital requirements reduces lending by 2.3%–4.5%. Firms can attenuate this reduction by substituting borrowing across banks, but only to a limited extent. The resulting reduction in borrowing capacity affects significantly both investment and employment: for firms whose effective capital requirements increase by 1 percentage point, fixed assets are reduced by 1.1%, capital expenditures by 2.7%, and employment by 0.8%. This paper was accepted by Tomasz Piskorski, finance.
Keywords: Bank capital ratios, Bank regulation, Credit supply
2.Whistle Blowing, Forced CEO Turnover, and Misconduct: The Role of Socially Minded Employees and Directorsment
Bereskin, Frederick
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211
Campbell II, Terry
Finance University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716
Kedia, Simi
Finance and Economics, Rutgers, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
Abstract: We examine the response of prosocial employees and boards of directors to corporate misconduct. We develop several proxies for the presence of prosocial employees and directors based on the density of social networks and social capital in the county of the firms' headquarters and companies' relevant corporate social responsibility ratings. We document that proxies for prosocial employees and directors are associated with an increase in whistle blowing and forced chief executive officer turnover in a sample of firms that engage in misconduct. The higher expected cost of misconduct in firms with prosocial employees is associated with a lower likelihood of misconduct. Our findings highlight the role of nonfinancial imperatives of employees and directors in mitigating misconduct. This paper was accepted by Suraj Srinivasan, accounting.
Keywords: Forced CEO turnover, Misconduct, Prosocial employees, Whistle blowing
3.Debt Heterogeneity and Covenant
Lou, Yun
School of Accountancy, Singapore Management University, Singapore 178900
Otto, Clemens A.
School of Accountancy, Singapore Management University, Singapore 178900
Lee Kong Chian Schoolof Business, Singapore Management University, Singapore 178899
Abstract: Coordination failure among owners of heterogeneous debt types increases distress costs. Covenants reduce expected distress costs by lowering the probability of liquidity shortages, increasing liquidation values, and incentivizing creditor monitoring. We predict and find that new debt contracts include more covenants when borrowers' existing debt structures are more heterogeneous. Our findings suggest that covenants are not only used to address creditor–shareholder conflicts but also to reduce the expected costs of coordination failure among creditors. Furthermore, our results indicate a dynamic component missing from static debt structure models: Debt heterogeneity entails additional covenants (i.e., constraints) when raising future debt. This paper was accepted by Lauren Cohen, finance.
Keywords: Coordination failure, Creditor conflicts, Debt covenants, Debt heterogeneity
4. Dividend Growth Predictability and the Price–Dividend Ratio
Piatti, Ilaria
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 1HP, United Kingdom
Trojani, Fabio
University of Geneva, Geneva Finance Research Institute and Swiss Finance Institute, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Abstract: Asymptotic tests over-reject the null of no predictability in present-value models. We develop a nonparametric testing approach in state-space models, implying reliable finite sample inference under weak assumptions on price–dividend ratio and dividend shocks. We find sharp evidence of return predictability in postwar U.S. data but less consistent evidence of dividend predictability, which is significant only using cash-flow proxies reflecting information from mergers and acquisitions. These findings reconcile the diverging conclusions of present-value models and common predictive regressions in a way that is robust to the choice of the predictive variables, the sample period, and alternative cash-flow proxies. This paper was accepted by Gustavo Manso, finance.
Keywords: Bootstrap, Likelihood ratio test, Predictability, Present-value model, State-space model
5. Illiquidity and Price Informativeness
Kerr, Jon
Accounting and Management Information Systems, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210
Sadka, Gil
Department of Accounting, University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, Texas 75080
Sadka, Ronnie
Department of Finance, Carroll School of Management, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts 02467
Abstract: This paper shows that liquidity conditions are important determinants of the predictability of earnings. Liquid stock prices are more informative about future firm earnings growth than illiquid stock prices. Because information-related illiquidity can arise when uncertainty is high, we focus our analysis on evidence that noninformational liquidity affects price informativeness. Endogeneity is further addressed using controls for market uncertainty and several exogenous shocks as natural experiments. Thus, our results lend support for the impact of liquidity on price discovery. This paper was accepted by Lauren Cohen, financ.
Keywords: Aggregate earnings, Expected earnings, Expected returns, Illiquidity, Price informativeness, Stock prices
6. Managerial Biases and Debt Contract Design: The Case of Syndicated Loans
Adam, Tim R.
Department of Finance, Humboldt University of Berlin, 10099 Berlin, Germany
Burg, Valentin
Department of Finance, Humboldt University of Berlin, 10099 Berlin, Germany
Scheinert, Tobias
Danish Finance Institute, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Streitz, Daniel
Danish Finance Institute, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Abstract: We examine whether managerial overconfidence impacts the use of performance-pricing provisions in loan contracts (performance-sensitive debt [PSD]). Managers with biased views may issue PSD because they consider this form of debt to be mispriced. Our evidence shows that overconfident managers are more likely to issue rate-increasing PSD than regular debt. They choose PSD with steeper performance-pricing schedules than those chosen by rational managers. We reject the possibility that overconfident managers have (persistent) positive private information and use PSD for signaling. Finally, firms seem to benefit less from using PSD ex post if they are managed by overconfident rather than rational managers. This paper was accepted by Gustavo Manso, finance.
Keywords: Behavioral biases, Debt contracting, Overconfidence, Performance-sensitive debt, Syndicated loans
7. Conditional Life Cycle: An Examination of Operating Performance for Leaders and Laggards
Cantrell, Brett W.
E. H. Patterson School of Accountancy, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677
Dickinson, Victoria
E. H. Patterson School of Accountancy, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677
Abstract: The economics and management literature provides theoretical support for both leader and laggard firms to earn higher future operating returns. However, prior empirical research lacks a generalizable proxy to capture leader versus laggard behavior, thus limiting prior findings to specific contexts. This study utilizes a combination of firm-specific and industry life cycle identification to categorize leaders and laggards and validates the designation against constructs established in prior literature. Additionally, we examine each strategy's effect on future performance, finding that, in general, laggards earn greater operating returns. Laggards gain their advantage through product differentiation—specifically, through marketing/advertising expenditures. Leaders are, on average, unable to convert their first movers' advantage into sustainable future profitability once we control for other determinants of profitability. The leader/laggard classification using financial statement information has useful applications in analysis, forecasting, and valuation. This paper was accepted by Suraj Srinivasan, accounting.
Keywords: Fundamental analysis, Life cycle, Profitability, Rates of return
整理:梁露予 吉林财经大学本科生
编辑:齐舒月 东北财经大学研究生
审核:张瑾月 汕头大学研究生
副主编:李瑞嘉 东北财经大学本科生
指导:水皮 / 李高波 北京交通大学博士生
声明:本文资料来源《Management Science》,版权归原作者和原杂志所有。传播学术成果,见证学术力量,会计学术联盟在行动,感谢社会各界的支持与厚爱!
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