双语金句 | 习近平在庆祝香港回归祖国25周年大会上的讲话
▋ 双语金句
1. “一国两制”实践在香港取得举世公认的成功。
The practice of "one country, two systems" has achieved success in Hong Kong recognized by all.
2. “一国两制”是经过实践反复检验了的,这样的好制度,没有任何理由改变,必须长期坚持!
"One country, two systems" has been tested and proved time and again, and there is no reason to change such a good system and it must be adhered to over the long run.
3. 把香港特别行政区管治权牢牢掌握在爱国者手中,这是保证香港长治久安的必然要求,任何时候都不能动摇。
To keep the power to administer the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region firmly in the hands of patriots is essential for safeguarding the long-term stability and security of Hong Kong. "At no time should this principle be allowed to be compromised."
4. 落实中央全面管治权和保障特别行政区高度自治权是统一衔接的,也只有做到这一点,才能够把特别行政区治理好。
Enforcing the central authorities’ overall jurisdiction and upholding the SAR’s high degree of the same policy, and only by ensuring both can we run the SAR truly well.
5. 当前,香港正处在从由乱到治走向由治及兴的新阶段,未来5年是香港开创新局面、实现新飞跃的关键期。
Hong Kong is in a new stage of transitioning from chaos to order and to greater prosperity, and the next five years will be crucial for Hong Kong to break new ground and launch a new take-off.
6. 中央政府完全支持香港长期保持独特地位和优势,巩固国际金融、航运、贸易中心地位,维护自由开放规范的营商环境,保持普通法制度,拓展畅通便捷的国际联系。
The central government fully supports Hong Kong in consolidating its role as an international financial, shipping and trade center, in maintaining its free, open and sound business environment, in retaining its common law system, and in expanding smooth and convenient linkages with the rest of the world.
7. 中央全力支持香港积极稳妥推进改革,破除利益固化藩篱,充分释放香港社会蕴藏的巨大创造力和发展活力。
The central government fully supports Hong Kong in aligning with national development strategies, developing more extensive and closer exchanges and cooperation with the world, advancing reforms in an active and prudent manner and fully unleashing the enormous creativity and development vitality of Hong Kong society.
8. 维护国家主权、安全、发展利益是“一国两制”方针的最高原则,在这个前提下,香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度长期不变,享有高度自治权。
Upholding national sovereignty, security and development interests is the paramount principle in the policy. On the basis of this prerequisite, Hong Kong and Macao maintain their capitalist system over the long run and enjoy a high degree of autonomy.
9. 香港回归祖国,开启了香港历史新纪元。
Hong Kong’s return opened a new epoch in its history.
10. 回归祖国后,香港真正的民主由此开启。
Hong Kong has enjoyed true democracy since its return to the motherland.
来源:China Daily