
Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻

2017-09-07 郝文文;姜莹 北大法律信息网








  1. Notice on "Five Bans" in Notarial Practices Issued

Recently, the Ministry of Justice issued the Notice on "Five Bans" in Notarial Practices.

Under the Notice, no notarization may be provided to an applicant before verification of the identity of the applicant; no notarization of a financing contract for a non-financial institution may be provided; no notarization involving the carte blanche disposition of real estate may be provided; no notarization of a power of attorney of a nature of guarantee may be provided; and no notarial certificate may be issued without a substantive examination.





2. Regulation on Financial Guarantee Companies Issued 

Recently, the State Council issued the Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financial Guarantee Companies, effective from October 1, 2017. 

The Regulation contains operating rules for financial guarantee companies, including establishing and improving standards for each business process and risk management and other internal control rules and measuring the guarantee liability balance using a risk weight prescribed by the state. The guarantee liability balance should not exceed a certain proportion. The application of a financial guarantee company's own funds should conform to the provisions on the security and liquidity of assets issued by the state. Financial guarantee companies are banned from absorbing savings directly or in disguise, lending with their own funds or on behalf of clients or investing on behalf of clients.

 In order to strengthen the supervision and administration of financial guarantee companies, the Regulation specifies the supervision and administration system of financial guarantee companies and the primary duties of regulators, and sets forth concrete regulatory measures, including conducting on-site inspection of financial guarantee companies and taking corresponding measures.




3. Notice to Promote Petty Loans for Poverty Alleviation Issued

The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) and other four departments jointly issued the Notice of Promoting the Sound Development of Petty Loans for Poverty Alleviation.

The Notice further clarifies policies for petty loans for poverty alleviation, and requires local governments to insist on targeted poverty alleviation in compliance with laws and regulations and insist on developing production in promoting petty loans for poverty alleviation to increase the internal impetus of indigent families to get out of poverty. The Notice requires all parties to diligently perform their work duties, enhance the incentive and restraint mechanisms and strengthen loan risk control, and explains differential supervision and liability exemption for fulfillment of due diligence on petty loans for poverty alleviation. The Notice also stresses that all parties should enhance statistical monitoring, evaluation, assessment, and publicity and interpretation of policies to ensure that indigent families understand the key points of policies such as "collateral exemption, base lending rate, and interest subsidization from government."



4. Public Comments Requested on an Interim Regulation for the Express Delivery Industry

The Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council is requesting public comments again on the Interim Regulation on Express Delivery Services (Exposure Draft). The China Consumers Association has sorted out significant issues concerning the interests of consumers, such as the protection of the interests of consumers, the insured value, compensation, signing for delivery, environmental protection, waybill, data collection, and obligations of an enterprise, and together with local consumers associations, is requesting public comments on the Interim Regulation on Express Delivery Services (Exposure Draft) and significant issues concerning the interests of consumers. Comments should be submitted before August 22, 2017.





5. SPC Issues Opinions on Providing Judicial Safeguards for Improving Business Environment

Recently, the Supreme People's Court (SPC) issued the Several Opinions on Providing Judicial Safeguards for Improving Business Environment. 

The Opinions require that all market participants enjoy equal protection in accordance with the law and the legal system of participants in the socialist market economy be improved. The Opinions specify the criteria for market access and the tasks on serving a new open economic system. According to the Opinions, more efforts should be made to develop the bankruptcy system and mechanisms to improve the relief and exit mechanisms of participants in the socialist market economy.

The Opinions call for the establishment of a special bankruptcy fund for cases "lacking assets for bankruptcy" and the development of laws and regulations that provide tax preferences for debt exemption and assets disposition, among others, of bankrupt enterprises; and require coordinated efforts to address the credit repair of enterprises having successfully undergone reorganization or reconciliation and properly settle employees and protect their interests by government grants and subsidies or a special fund established by the government. The Opinions also promote the establishment of a social credit system to provide credit guarantee for continuous optimization of business environment.





6. Notice to Strengthen Recruitment Information Management Released

Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the Notice to Further Strengthen Recruitment Information Management. 

According to the Notice, a system of regular and unscheduled inspection on the release of recruitment information should be established, recruitment management should be strengthened, and employers' primary responsibility and employment service providers' information review responsibility should be reinforced. 

The Notice requires a severe crackdown on information release-related violations of laws and regulations, an overhaul of online recruitment platforms, and punishment of illegal activities such as releasing false recruitment advertisements, providing false recruitment information, seizing a worker's identification, requiring deposits and other property in the name of security, seeking illicit gains in the name of recruitment, and engaging in job agency without a license.





7. SPC and SPP Issue New Rules to Severely Punish Crimes of False Registration of Drugs and Medical Devices

The Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases Involving False Application Materials for Registration of Drugs and Medical Devices was passed, effective from September 1, 2017.

According to the Interpretation, where any employees of non-clinical research institutions of drugs, clinical trial institutions of drugs, and contract research organizations intentionally provide any false supporting documents and solicit or unlawfully accept any property from others, they should be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than five nor more than ten years and a fine for the crime of providing false supporting documents. If the offender is concurrently guilty for providing false supporting documents and accepting bribes or accepting bribes as a non-government employee, the offender should be convicted and punished according to the provisions on a heavier penalty. 

For the provision or use of false clinical trial reports of medical devices and relevant documents in the application for registration of medical devices, the relevant persons should be held criminally liable mutatis mutandis under the provisions on the handling of a crime of false application for registration of drugs.





8. SPP Severely Cracks Down on "Ponzi Schemes" and Other Financial Frauds

Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) issued the Notice regarding Diligently Carrying Out the Spirit of the National Financial Work Conference and Improving Financial Procuratorial Work. 

The Notice stresses that procuratorates at all levels should diligently perform their procuratorial duties and intensify punishment and prevention of financial crimes and duty-related crimes in the financial sector by centering on major fields and key processes where financial risks concentrate and financial security is threatened. 

According to the Notice, when financial crimes are handled, the limits of laws and policies should be clearly understood, and case-handing methods should be improved, so as to severely punish crimes while safeguarding financial reform and innovation. The Notice requires that procuratorates at all levels should enhance their financial procuratorial working mechanisms and team building to improve capabilities of serving and safeguarding financial reform and development.




9. Exposure Draft of a Regulation to Handle Illegal Fundraising Released

The Office of Legislative Affairs of the State Council is requesting public comments on the Regulation on the Disposition of Illegal Fundraising (Exposure Draft) drafted by the China Bank Regulatory Commission.

According to the Draft, governments and relevant departments should strengthen publicity, education, and regulation of advertisements and online information, and establish monitoring and warning mechanisms for illegal fundraising and reward rules for tip-offs to reduce and expose earlier illegal fundraising. The Draft specifies the circumstances of launching an administrative investigation into illegal fundraising and relevant countermeasures to deal with illegal fundraising activities as early as possible. The Draft provides for an administrative investigation into illegal fund-raising and its connection to criminal procedures in cases transfer, coordination and cooperation, etc.




10. Information Disclosure Guidelines for the Operations of Online Lending Information Agencies Released

Recently, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) issued the Information Disclosure Guidelines for the Operations of Online Lending Information Agencies.

According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission, online lending information agencies should set special columns for information disclosure in conspicuous positions of their official websites and Internet channels providing online lending information services, and the information disclosed must be "true, accurate, complete and timely" without any false records, misleading statements, major omissions, or delay. Information on online lending agencies that must be disclosed to the public includes but is not limited to: information on recordation, registrations, business licensing, capital deposit and custody, and financial auditing reports for the prior year. Online lending agencies should, within the first five working days of each month, disclose information on transactions brokered by the end of last month, including but not limited to the cumulative amount and number of loans, the balance and number of loans, and the amount and number of overdue loans. Online lending agencies must disclose the causes, present situations, potential impacts of and measures taken for special events, such as being ordered to cease business for overhaul, within 48 hours of occurrence as of such events.


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