今天我们分享刚刚发表在AG上的一篇viewpoint论文,探讨地球化学(以及放射物理、质谱等)领域的一个有关“性别”的热点问题。文章的作者是Olivier Pourret和Karen Johannesson。Olivier是一名法国地球化学家,近期发表了一系列关于diversity,equality,inclusiveness等议题的观点文章。Karen是一名在美国工作的资深学者,2016年至今担任Chemical Geology的共同主编,之前曾任GCA和American Mineralogist的副主编,入选GS/EAG, IAGC, GSA的会士(Fellow),2015年获得Clair Patterson Award。她也是地球化学最高荣誉戈登施密特奖章的评委会现任主席(2019-2022)。
GCA, CG, AG, GPL等矿物岩石地球化学期刊编委会的多样性
[故事的续集] 铅污染吹哨人:Clair Patterson
The terms “parent"/"daughter” should be avoided in favor of the more descriptive “precursor ion” and “product ion” terms.
Graphical abstract
Do you know an inclusive terminology for the product which remains after an original isotope has undergone radioactive decay? Historically, we used parent/daughter in English, père/fils (father/son) in French, mu母/zi子 (mother/son) in Chinese, padre/hijo (father/son) in Spanish, Mutter/Tochter (mother/daughter) in German … Some people also used parent/progeny.
关于放射性核衰变过程,你知道我们可以有一种更包容的术语吗?在历史上,英语用的parent/daughter(父母/女),法语用père/fils (父/子),中文用母核/子核,西班牙语用padre/hijo (父/子),德语用Mutter/Tochter(母/女)。也有一些人用(父母/后代)。
Even if style guides from journals discourage the use of gender-specific language, we still see the use of these anthropomorphic words for radiogenic isotope description in many articles and textbooks and still use them in our class.
This problem was already raised by Martin Bursey, 1991 who says that:
“Mass spectrometry is not the only discipline that uses daughter to describe the product of a transformation, and indeed the term has been popular for a long time. With the invention of tandem mass spectrometry the related granddaughter ion has been popular, though the phrase is much older. The problem is not a lack of clarity. It is that some mass spectrometrists find it offensive. Whoever continues to use a term after learning that it is offensive is rude. Use product ion.”,and further questioned by Jeanette Adams, 1992 who wrote:
“Thus, I am surprised that the archaic gender-specific terms “daughter,” “granddaughter,” and “great-granddaughter,” and the anthropomorphic “parent ion” and “progeny fragment ions,” are supported in this compilation. Ions are not members of either the plant or animal kingdoms, and thus they are incapable of either sexual or asexual reproduction. Therefore, they are incapable of being either mothers, fathers, daughters, or sons. They are simply ions, or fragments of ions, or products of ion reactions. They can, however, be related as “first, second, or third generation” because, according to my Webster dictionary, “generation” can describe either persons, animals, or thing.”
这个问题在1991年就被Martin Bursey提出,他说
“并不只有质谱领域用“daughter”一词描述产物转化,事实上这种表述已经流行了很长时间。串联质谱发明之后,甚至出现granddaughter离子的说法。这种说法在科学准确性上没有问题,但是部分人感觉到被冒犯。如果已经意识到这种冒犯还继续用这样的词,便显得粗鲁,用“产物”离子吧。”Jeanette Adams在1992年跟进说:
Ken-Ichi Yoshino (2007, 2009) further advocated for a change, but it was only in 2013 that the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry deprecated these terms in favor of the more descriptive “precursor ion” and “product ion” terms (Murray et al., 2013).
This terminology makes a lot of sense to us and we encourage all the Isotope Geology community to now use them. Applied to radiogenic isotope terminology, the “daughter nuclide” would be the “product nuclide” of a “precursor nuclide”. A product ion could go on to be a “precursor ion” of a new “product ion."
Ken-Ichi Yoshino在2007和2009年进一步推动倡议,直到2013年,国际纯粹和应用化学联合会(IUPAC)弃用了这些过时的称谓,并提倡使用更贴切的“precursor ion” and “product ion”(前体离子,产物离子)。我们鼓励同位素地质的同仁都使用新的术语。
Olivier Pourret
Olivier Pourret is an associate professor of geochemistry in the Agroecology and Hydrogeochemistry (AGHYLE) group at Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, Beauvais (France) since 2007.
His research interests include trace metal fractionation and particularly Rare Earth Elements and cobalt in low-temperature aqueous systems, from rock to water, soil and vegetation. He advocates for Open Science, just Science done right, and gets involved in various Diversity Equity and Inclusion initiatives, especially fighting against disability discrimination.
He is also an Editorial Board member of Chemical Geology since 2017, and Results in Geochemistry and Geochemical Journal since 2020. Olivier Pourret is a fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists.
He tweets @olivier_pourret and his ORCID is 0000-0001-6181-6079.
Karen Johannesson
Karen Johannesson is a professor of geochemistry in the School for the Environment at the University of Massachusetts Boston as well as in the Intercampus Marine Sciences Graduate Program of the University of Massachusetts System. From 2007 to 2019 she was a professor of geochemistry and chemical hydrogeology at Tulane University in New Orleans where she was also the Cochran Family Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences from 2015 until 2019.
Her research focuses on the chemical speciation and biogeochemical cycling of trace elements in the environment. She has worked extensively in groundwater flow systems over the years, and more recently in estuarine and coastal marine systems.
Since 2016 Professor Johannesson has served as an Editor-in-Chief of the journal Chemical Geology. She has also served as an associate editor for the journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta from 2005 until 2021 and was an associate editor for the American Mineralogist from 2014 until 2017. Professor Johannesson is a fellow of the Geochemical Society, the European Association of Geochemistry, the International Association of GeoChemistry, and the Geological Society of America. In 2015 she was awarded the Clair C. Patterson Medal of the Geochemical Society.
Her ORCID is 0000-0001-8140-8160.
Applied Geochemistry创刊于1986年,由Elsevier出版,是国际地球化学协会的会刊和社群平台。顾问委员会主任:王焰新(中国地质大学(武汉)校长,中国科学院院士),Philippe Van Cappellen(加拿大滑铁卢大学教授,皇家学会会士) 主编:王梓萌(复旦大学教授)、Michael Kersten(德国美因茨大学教授)
王梓萌,复旦大学环境科学与工程系教授,校团委副书记,仲英青年学者。从事水土环境界面过程、土壤生物地球化学的教学与研究。本科毕业于复旦大学,先后在圣路易斯华盛顿大学、斯坦福大学、路易斯安那州立大学求学和任教。曾获国际地球化学协会(IAGC)埃尔贝蒙奖。2020年7月成为IAGC会刊《Applied Geochemistry》首位亚洲主编,致力于打造中国引领的国际学术舞台 。创办“AG期刊”公众号,入选《环球科学》等评选的中国学术公众号100强。邮箱:zimengw@fudan.edu.cn
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