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Grand Welcome- Wuhan To Chennai|印度今日盛大欢迎贵客

IICofficial 2019-10-12

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Chinese President arrived in India today afternoon for two-day visit, for second informal summit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi near Chennai (Tamil Nadu). The summit is taking place in the ancient coastal town of Mamallapuram near Chennai. 


Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted in chinese to welcome honorable guest

总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)用中文发布推文,欢迎贵宾


As the cultural tour began, PM Modi took President Xi Jinping to Arjuna's penance at Mamallapuram where the two leaders spent about 10 minutes and shook hands. 


Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Panch Rathas in Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu. This group of sanctuaries, founded by the Pallava kings, was carved out of rock along the Coromandel coast in the 7th and 8th centuries.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi & Chinese President Xi had a quiet conversation at the ‘five chariots’ at Mamallapuram. The monuments resemble processional chariots of a temple and are hewn out of solid rock to form five free-standing monolith temples.

Pancha Rathas

Shore Temple in Mahabalipuram, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping are present at the temple site.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping attend cultural program at the Shore Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Gifts to Chinese President Xi Jinping from Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Nachiarkoil -Branched Annam Lamp and Thanjavur Painting-Dancing Saraswathi.

Yesterday around 2000 Indian students of a school in Chennai welcoming honorable president to India.


Conversation against the backdrop of Shore temple, the last of the monuments visited by the two leaders in Mamallapuram today. The temple is one of the oldest in southern India. 

The forthcoming Chennai Informal Summit will provide an opportunity for the two leaders to continue their discussions on overarching issues of bilateral, regional and global importance and to exchange views on deepening India-China Closer Development Partnership - MEA

Please note that we hope more people get the first-hand information, for articles that we have the footnote of the sources on the bottom, IICofficial does not necessarily endorse the views presented in this article. The copyright belongs to the original writer, and we've tried the best to proofread the content. 

Source:  Twitter

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