
[Open Studio] 驻地项目开放日Miguel Moreno Mateos @Project Space

工作室画廊 工作室画廊studiogallery 2021-02-05

工作室画廊_项目空间 很兴奋地宣布第八期驻地艺术家Miguel Moreno Mateos在完成了两个月的驻地工作之后将为我们带来他的驻地项目钱之树,一个关于上海的故事

值得一提的是, 在这次6月1日(周六)的开放日活动中,艺术家将打破以往驻地项目的常规,在三个地点同时呈现他的完整项目。在项目空间,艺术家将呈现他作品想法的来源以及制作的过程,现场艺术家也将邀请所有参与者来一起尝试传统的蓝晒相片制作工艺。在项目空间之外,艺术家将为我们呈现他的户外装置。而最神秘的部分将留给夜晚,艺术家将在一个近200年的上海历史老宅中与我们共同分享他的“上海故事”... ...

工作室驻地访谈 Interview with artist in studio

StudioGallery_PROJECT space is pleased to announce that our 8th artist in residency Miguel Moreno Mateos is going to present his two months’ project ‘The Tree Of Money A Shanghai Urban Tale’ on this coming Saturday.

It is worth mentioning that in this coming OPEN STUDIO event on June 1st (Saturday),  our artist will break the routine of our usual residency projects and present his complete project in three locations. In our project space, artist will make a presentation about all his ideas and process of his project. And all the participants will be invited to try out the traditional Cyanotype instant photo production process together with the artist. 

艺术家驻地工作室 Artist's studio in residency

Outside the project space, the artist will show us his site-specific outdoor installation. And the most mysterious part will be reserved for the night, artist will share his "Shanghai Story" with us in an amazing local Shanghainese house which carries 200 years history...

工作室驻地访谈 Interview with artist in studio


Miguel Moreno Mateos´s work in Shanghai is focused into human relations and its connection to the space. In this project Miguel made a human emotional approach to Shanghainese realities through an artist book. 

Miguel Moreno Mateos在上海的工作聚焦于人与人以及人与空间的关系。在这个项目中,艺术家通过一本书的形式呈现了一个被情感化处理之后的取材于上海现实的故事。

His work opens a very old question about how we spend our time in our lives, creating two half-real half-not connected stories that open two different windows to a very different way of understanding the present, the past and the future. For this book Miguel spent two months making a local deep research, walking these amazing evolving neighborhoods and talking to locals from shanghai to understand the human Chinese complexity. 

艺术家驻地工作室 Artist's studio in residency

Miguel 的作品开启了一个古老问题:我们将如何度过我们的生命。艺术家创作了两个半真实、半相连的故事,为我们打开了两个非常不同的视角,去理解现在、过去和未来。在这本书中,艺术家花了两个月的时间进行了一个在地环境的深入研究,走访了不断在衍进的城市居住环境,并与当地的上海人交谈,以了解当下中国现状的复杂性。

艺术家驻地工作室 Artist's studio in residency

With all this information Miguel could create a story in the format of a tale, to connect the past and the future of Shanghai, an old love story with a very contemporary urban reality. He worked with photos taken with the cellphone but then developed with a very old photo technique as cyanotype to keep this bridge between past and future, these two generations that struggle to coexist in this contradictory Shanghai.

艺术家驻地工作室 Artist's studio in residency




活动安排 |  Event Programme

主讲人 | Speaker:Miguel Moreno Mateos

类型 | Type:艺术体验 Art Experience


Artist‘s Residency Project Presentation

语言 | Language:中文、EN 

请注意 Please notice:


This event is limited to 20 people

为了准备蓝晒工作坊的材料以确保此次体验活动的质量,请有意参加者以微信留言的方式报名,请留下你的 姓名 + 邮箱 + 联系电话。

Please kindly notice that in order to prepare the enough materials for Cyanotype instant workshop, please RSVP by leaving WECHAT comments below with your Name + Email + Mobile, thank you!

地点 Venue



101, #58, Lane350 JiangZhi Rd, MinHang Dist, Shanghai

项目空间: 上海市闵行区江栀路350弄58号101


A B O U T  A R T I S T

关 于 艺 术 家


Project Space: 101, #58, Lane350 JiangZhi Rd, MinHang Dist, Shanghai(Address for this event)

项目空间: 上海市闵行区江栀路350弄58号101 (此次活动地址)

Gallery Space: 101,#1, Lane41 XingGuo Rd, XuHui Dist, Shanghai


Contact 联系方式

Tel:  (+86) 021 5470 0139
Email: info@studiogallery.cn 



About StudioGallery

画廊开放时间 Opening Hours 

画廊空间 Gallery Space 

周一闭馆 Close on Mondays

参观时间 | Open Hours: 11:00 - 18:00

驻地空间 Project Space

预约参观 | By appointments only

Copyright © 2019 工作室画廊 StudioGallery, All rights reserved.

作品图片由工作室画廊提供|Image courtesy of Studio Gallery


Project Space: 101, #58, Lane350 JiangZhi Rd, MinHang Dist, Shanghai

项目空间: 上海市闵行区江栀路350弄58号101 

Gallery Space: 101,#1, Lane41 XingGuo Rd, XuHui Dist, Shanghai


Contact 联系方式

Tel:(+86) 021 5470 0139
Email: info@studiogallery.cn 


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