
Ningbo Health Code: How and where to use it

Please click and find the English guide on how to register for a health code: Ningbo Health Code Guide


Following the notice last week of the implementation of the Ningbo Health Code, the Ningbo government has announced specific instructions for citizens on how and where to use the health code.


Recap: what is the Ningbo Health Code?

The Ningbo Health Code is a self-reporting health information system that the municipal government has launched to facilitate people’s daily commute and activities in Ningbo. Everyone living in or entering Ningbo is expected to submit their health information to the system and abide by the associated rules.

After reporting your health information, the system gives a colored QR code – either green, yellow or red - according to your specific risk level of exposure to the COVID-19 virus. This status will be checked when entering transport hubs, including subways and train stations.




1. Citizens entering a village/residential community, school, airport, train/bus/subway station, farmers’ market, shopping mall, hotel, hostel, bank, hospital, office building, factory, park and other densely populated places should follow the Ningbo Health Code.

2. Citizens taking a bus/taxi ride or using the ride hailing service should follow the Ningbo Health Code.

3. High-risk villages/towns should follow the local government issued regulations, and may not implement the Ningbo Health Code temporarily.





Procedures and standards

1. At checkpoints, citizens with the green code should be allowed to pass after presenting the code as long as they report a normal body temperature. They should not be restricted by time taken or the number of occasions they wish to pass. Citizens with the green code should not be restricted in their ability to check into hotels or rent apartments/houses. However, organizations/companies may also follow their own regulations if they are necessary for internal management.

2. When taking public transportation, citizens with the green code should only embark after presenting it and having it scanned.

3. When returning to the village/residential community where they live, citizens with yellow codes should be allowed access on arrival. They should follow the procedures of presenting the code, verifying identification, having the body temperature checked and information registered. Once inside, administration staff of the village/residential community should report the resident to the local committee at the first opportunity and urge the citizen to self-isolate and observe medical observation.

4. Citizens with yellow or red codes are prohibited to access all places other than designated hospitals for treatment (except for those with yellow codes who are returning to their villages/residential communities for the first time; see 3. above). Upon discovery, these citizens should be reported and handled in a timely manner.

5. If without the Ningbo Health Code, citizens should be given guidance immediately on how to obtain the code. However, they may enter their villages/residential communities if the previously implemented requirements are met.







Code verification

1. People with the green code should be allowed to enter and exit the villages/residential communities where they live after having their code and body temperature checked. No limitations on their time or the number of occasions they enter or exit should be imposed.

2. People with green codes should be allowed to enter and exit other villages/residential communities after having their code checked, information registered and body temperature taken.

3. People with green codes should not be denied access to villages/residential communities due to non-local number plates or non-local domicile certificates. They should not be restricted in their ability to rent apartments/houses. Couriers with the green code should not be refused entry to a village/residential community.






Campus security 校园安保热线/邮箱:

0574 88180111 (ext.分机号 1111)


Campus clinic 校医务室热线/邮箱:

0574 88180120 (ext.分机号 8120) or 15168185997 (for emergency only 紧急情况下)



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