
​看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(107-108集)【终】

英语学习 2023-03-09

《西游记》(Journey to the West)家喻户晓。暑假已至,一起看看英语动画片版本的吧。回顾故事的同时,学习英语,一举多得。


Nothing Is Perfect



The travelers laid the soaked scrolls on some rocks.

"The sun will dry them out," said Wukong.

The Tang Monk moaned.

"What if they're ruined?"

He sat down and put his head in his hands.

"I wish I'd remembered to ask Buddha the turtle's question!"

Bajie snorted.

"Who cares if you forgot the turtle's question?

That turtle had no right to dump us in the water!"

"Dumping us in the water was rude," Wujing agreed.

Bajie sighed.

"The journey back east is becoming just as difficult as the journey west."

"Hello!" cried a voice.

The travelers turned and saw a man hurrying toward them.

"Chen," said the Tang Monk.

He grasped the man's hands.

"It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see all of you." Chen smiled.

"Did you reach the Western Paradise?"

"Yes," said the Tang Monk.

"It was magnificent!

The land is filled with beauty."

Chen noticed the scrolls lying on the rocks, and his eyes went wide.

"Are those the True Scriptures?" he whispered.

"Yes," said the monk.

"But as you can see, they got wet."

"A giant turtle dumped us in the river," added Bajie with a sigh.

"Please come with me," said Chen.

"You can dry the True Scriptures by my fire.

Everyone in the village will be excited to see the travelers who met Buddha."

Wujing started gathering the wet scriptures.

"I'll help you," said Bajie.

The pig grabbed a scroll and pulled.

But it was stuck to a rock.

Rip! The corner of the scroll tore off.

The Tang Monk gasped. "Oh no!"

Bajie stared in horror at the torn scroll.

Wukong smiled. "Don't worry, Master."

The monkey gently picked the rest of the scroll off the rock.

"The scroll is fine."

"But it's ripped!" cried the monk.

Bajie hung his head.

"Tell me something, Master," said Wukong.

"Are you perfect?"

The monk gave Wukong a confused look.

"Of course not."

"Am I perfect?" asked the monkey.

The Tang Monk shook his head.

"How about Bajie?" Wukong smirked.

"We all know he's not perfect."

The pig snorted.

"Nothing on Earth or in Heaven is perfect," said Wukong.

"So why should the True Scriptures be any different?

They'll teach the people of the east how to be good and avoid suffering.

They will also teach the people that nothing needs to be perfect."

The travelers finished gathering the scrolls and followed Chen back to the village.

People came out of their homes to see the travelers.

"Welcome back!" called a woman.

"It's wonderful to see you all again!" shouted an old man.

Soon a crowd was following the Tang Monk and his companions to Chen's house.

That evening the villagers held a big feast.

Later that night Wukong and the Tang Monk sat, talking.

"We must leave soon," said the monk.

"The villagers will want to see the True Scriptures.

They'll become jealous that we have them."

"I agree," said Wukong.

He remembered the priest who'd tried to kill the Tang Monk and steal the robe.

"Let's sneak away now, while the villagers are asleep," said Wukong.

The monk and the monkey woke up Bajie and Wujing.

The group sneaked out of Chen's house and headed east.

It was dark, but the light from the full moon lit up the road.

Suddenly the guard from the Thunderclap Monastery appeared.

"Congratulations!" said the guard.

"You have faced one hundred challenges."

"Whew." The monk sighed with relief.

"I will become a buddha at last."

The guard recited a spell.

Once again the travelers flew toward the east.

The travelers flew through the sky over the Tang Empire.

Tears of happiness rolled down the Tang Monk's cheeks.

"I see the emperor's palace!"

"I will wait here while you all deliver the True Scriptures," said the guard.

The Tang Monk and his companions went down to Earth and entered the palace.

The emperor's eyes lit up.

"My brother!" He embraced the monk.

"For many years I wondered if I'd ever see you again.

Did you get the True Scriptures?"

"Yes," said the monk.

"But please forgive me.

The journey took much longer than I expected."

"There's no need to apologize," said the emperor.

Then he noticed the monk's companions.

"Who are they?"

Wukong stepped forward.

"I am Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

I once defeated Heaven's entire army."

"And I am Zhu Bajie," said the pig.

"My name is Sha Wujing," said the purple spirit.

"They protected me during the journey," the monk explained.

"I couldn't have reached the Western Paradise without them."

The emperor bowed to Wukong and the others.

The monkey laughed.

"You don't need to bow.

We were happy to help.

Well, Wujing and I were.

Bajie complained the entire time."

The pig snorted.

There was a huge feast that night.

The emperor asked the monk many questions about the journey.

He listened in amazement to the monk's stories.

"I will build a magnificent pagoda," the emperor declared.

"The True Scriptures will be kept safe inside it."

He put his hand on the monk's shoulder.

"You will always be remembered as the brave monk who traveled to the West.

Because of you, our people won't have to suffer anymore."

After the food was eaten, the emperor asked the monk to read from the scriptures.

The Tang Monk smiled.

"I would be happy to read from them."

The monk sat on a platform, where the scriptures had been placed in baskets.

He unrolled a scroll.

Suddenly light filled the room.

The Tang Monk and his companions rose into the sky.

"We should return to the Thunderclap Monastery," said the guard.

"Buddha is waiting for you."

"Yes, let's go," said the monk.

The travelers were soon bowing before Buddha again.

Other buddhas and bodhisattvas stood behind him.

Buddha addressed the horse first.

"You carried the Tang Monk on the journey and earned forgiveness for your crimes.

You will now be a golden dragon in Heaven."

Light flashed as a large golden dragon soared into the sky.

"Wujing," said Buddha.

"You too have earned forgiveness for your past crimes.

You will now be a golden deity."

Wujing's body turned gold.

The spirit bowed.

"Thank you, Buddha."

"You have earned forgiveness, Bajie," said Buddha.

"You will be Janitor of the Altars—an important deity who looks after Buddhist altars."

Bajie bowed. "Thank you, Buddha."

Buddha next turned to the Tang Monk.

"Because of you, the people in the East will never have to suffer again.

"You made a journey that no other person could make.

You are now a buddha."

Light glowed around the monk, who bowed before Buddha.

"Thank you, Buddha," said the monk.

Finally Buddha turned to the monkey.

"And you, Wukong," he began.

"Your crimes long ago were terrible.

But since then you have used your tremendous powers to do good deeds.

You too are now a buddha."

Wukong bowed. "Thank you, Buddha."

"Hey . . ." The monkey suddenly noticed that his head felt different.

"The headband is gone!"

Buddha smiled. "You don't need it anymore."

Filled with joy, Wukong and the Tang Monk joined the other buddhas and bodhisattvas.

They have been in the Western Paradise ever since.


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Journey to the West

Chapter 1: The Monkey

Chapter 2: The Waterfall Cave

Chapter 3 : Subodhi

Chapter 4: Secret Formulas

Chapter 5: The Demon of Chaos

Chapter 6: The Dragon King

Chapter 7: The Land of Darkness

Chapter 8:  A Job in Heaven

Chapter 9: The Peach Garden

Chapter 10: The Powerful Sage

Chapter 11: Trouble in Heaven

Chapter 12: The Bet

Chapter 13: The True Scriptures

Chapter 14: A Promise to Protect

Chapter 15: Tea with a Dragon

Chapter 16: Wukong Gets Tricked

Chapter 17: The Dragon in the River

Chapter 18: The Robe

Chapter 19: An Evil Plan

Chapter 20: The Black Bear Spirit

Chapter 21: The Monster's Friend

Chapter 22: A Very Strange Pill

Chapter 23: Great Protectors

Chapter 24: The Great King Yellow Wind

Chapter 25: Powerful Wind Magic

Chapter 26: The Monster in the River

Chapter 27: The Ginseng Fruit

Chapter 28: Wukong Leaves His Body

Chapter 29: The Magic Sleeve

Chapter 30: The Frying Pan

Chapter 31: Guanyin's Vase

Chapter 32: Lady Whitebone

Chapter 33: Bajie Takes a Nap

Chapter 34: Tricked by the Princess

Chapter 35: A Visit to the King

Chapter 36: Tricked Again

Chapter 37: Missing from Heaven

Chapter 38: Bajie Tries to Sleep

Chapter 39: The Injured Monk

Chapter 40: The Magic Gourd

Chapter 41: A Trade

Chapter 42: Sun Kongwu

Chapter 43: A Visit from Laozi

Chapter 44: The King's Ghost

Chapter 45: The Treasure in the Well

Chapter 46: One Thousand Pills

Chapter 47: Two Tang Monks

Chapter 48: The Scared Boy

Chapter 49: Red Boy

Chapter 50: Magic Fire

Chapter 51: Guanyin Becomes Angry

Chapter 52: An Ocean from a Vase

Chapter 53: The Man in the Canoe

Chapter 54: The River God

Chapter 55: The Monks and the Cart

Chapter 56: The Tiger Immortal

Chapter 57: A Guessing Game

Chapter 58: The Meditation Contest

Chapter 59: Scared Villagers

Chapter 60: Snow!

Chapter 61: The Demon under the Ice

Chapter 62: The Goldfish in the Basket

Chapter 63: A Question for Buddha

Chapter 64: Magnificent Silk Vests

Chapter 65: The Metal Ring

Chapter 66: Help from Heaven

Chapter 67: The Master Thief

Chapter 68: The Woman in the Crowd

Chapter 69: The Stabbing Pain

Chapter 70: The Star Lord

Chapter 71: Money

Chapter 72: A Surprise at the Fruit and Flower Mountain

Chapter 73: Two Wukongs

Chapter 74: Curious Ear

Chapter 75: Battle of the Wukongs

Chapter 76: The Iron Immortal

Chapter 77: The Magic Fan

Chapter 78: Tricked Again and Again

Chapter 79: The Mountain of Flames

Chapter 80: The Small Thunderclap Monastery

Chapter 81: Help from a Dragon

Chapter 82: The Magic Cloth

Chapter 83: The Melon Field

Chapter 84: The Sad King

Chapter 85: Fire, Smoke, and Sand

Chapter 86: Magic Bells

Chapter 87: The Three Young Women

Chapter 88: The Priest's Plan

Chapter 89: Many Eyes

Chapter 90: The Demons' Plan

Chapter 91: The Demon Officers

Chapter 92: The Lion Demon

Chapter 93: A Problem for the Lion Demon

Chapter 94: The Elephant Demon

Chapter 95: The Raptor Demon

Chapter 96: Wind and Fog

Chapter 97: Bajie and the Monster

Chapter 98: Three Fights

Chapter 99: Squire Kou's Vow

Chapter 100: A Terrible Robbery

Chapter 101: Arrested!

Chapter 102: The Prisoners Are Released

Chapter 103: The Land of the West

Chapter 104: The Tang Monk and the River

Chapter 105: The Thunderclap Monastery

Chapter 106: The Question

Chapter 107: Nothing Is Perfect

Chapter 108: Rewards

