
New rules on cross-border assistance in HK, mainland bankruptcy

张光磊 蔡晓霞 北京市竞天公诚律师事务所 2022-10-05

Authors: Zhang Guanglei / Cai Xiaoxia

(This article was first published on China Business Law Journal column "Cross-border dispute resolution", authorised reprint)

Recently, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) and the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region signed the Minutes on Mutual Recognition and Assistance of Bankruptcy Proceedings by the Courts of the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The SPC subsequently issued the Opinions on the Pilot Project of Recognition and Assistance of Bankruptcy Proceedings in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which made specific provisions on the recognition and assistance of bankruptcy proceedings in Hong Kong by the mainland courts.

Before these new regulations, the only principal regulations on cross-border judicial assistance in bankruptcy proceedings were found in article 5 of the Enterprises Bankruptcy Law.

While clarifying that the effect of mainland bankruptcy proceedings extends to the debtor’s extraterritorial property, article 5 provides that mainland courts shall review whether to recognise and enforce judgments and rulings made by overseas courts in bankruptcy cases according to international treaties or the principle of reciprocity.

The SPC clearly pointed out, in its No. 19 reply letter in the case of Min Si Ta Zi (2011), that that article was a provision on the recognition and enforcement of judgments made by overseas courts and did not apply to winding-up orders of Hong Kong.

Further, there was no legal basis for mainland courts to recognise winding-up orders made by Hong Kong courts. Although there are individual cases of Hong Kong courts recognising and assisting mainland bankruptcy proceedings – for example, the bankruptcy of Guangdong International Trust and Investment Co in 2001, the bankruptcy of CEFC Shanghai International Group in 2019, and the bankruptcy of Shenzhen Everich Supply Chain in 2020 – no mainland court has to date provided recognition and assistance to Hong Kong bankruptcy proceedings.

The introduction of the minutes and opinions filled the legal gap in terms of judicial assistance in bankruptcy proceedings between the two places. It also provided a clear normative basis as well as practical guidelines for mainland courts to recognise and assist in Hong Kong bankruptcy proceedings.

So, what are the key points of the new regulations?

The pilot areas and courts of jurisdiction

The minutes and opinions specify that the mainland adopts a pilot approach and designates the Intermediate People’s Courts of Shanghai, Xiamen and Shenzhen as pilot courts to recognise and assist bankruptcy proceedings in Hong Kong. The pilot court has jurisdiction on the premise that the pilot region is the location of the debtor’s principal property, place of business or representative office.

The scope of application

First, the bankruptcy proceedings in Hong Kong should be against companies, including compulsory liquidation, voluntary liquidation of creditors of companies, and reorganisation of debts of companies initiated by liquidators, or provisional liquidators and approved by the High Court of Hong Kong under section 673 of the Companies Ordinance, rather than personal bankruptcy proceedings against natural persons.

Second, the nature of the proceedings in Hong Kong should be “collective liquidation proceedings”, rather than individual or partial creditors’ individual applications for enforcement.

Regarding the scope of the debtor, the debtor in a recognised and assisted Hong Kong bankruptcy proceeding should have had its centre of main interests in Hong Kong for at least six months at the time of application. In determining the centre of main interests, the place of registration is presumed to be the centre of main interests in the first place, while the location of the principal office, the principal place of business and the location of the principal property should also be considered.

The protection of creditors’ interests and interim remedies

Unlike mainland bankruptcy cases, which are only announced and notified to creditors after the ruling of acceptance, the opinions provide that the court shall notify creditors and other interested parties and announce within five days from the date of receipt of the application for recognition and assistance in bankruptcy proceedings in Hong Kong, and give interested parties the right to object and hearings. To prevent individual enforcement of the debtor’s property by creditors, the opinions specifically provide that the court may, upon receipt of the application for recognition and assistance, and before making a ruling, take measures to preserve property on the application of the Hong Kong administrator.

Clarification of the legal effect

The opinions provide that the recognition of the Hong Kong bankruptcy proceedings by the mainland courts will have effects similar to those of the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings in the mainland, including the invalidation of the debtor’s discharge to individual creditors, the suspension of any pending civil litigation or arbitration concerning the debtor, the lifting of preservation measures concerning the debtor’s property, and the suspension of enforcement proceedings.

However, the opinions do not provide for the retroactive effect after the recognition of bankruptcy proceedings in Hong Kong, i.e., they do not include the bankruptcy revocation regime, which aims to maintain the stability of the order of mainland transactions and the expectations of parties to mainland transactions.

The manner of assistance

The opinions provide for two ways of assisting Hong Kong bankruptcy proceedings. First, they allow Hong Kong administrators to perform their duties in the mainland upon application. The opinions set out the scope of duties of the Hong Kong administrator and give discretionary power to the mainland court.

It is stipulated that the scope of duties of the Hong Kong administrator shall not exceed the intersection of the laws of the two places, and for major matters such as waiver of property interests, creating security over security, borrowing, transferring property out of the mainland, etc., separate approval from the mainland court is required.

Second, in terms of the appointment of a mainland administrator to perform its duties upon application, the opinions provide that the mainland administrator shall handle the debtor’s affairs and property in the mainland according to the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, and that the administrators of the two places shall strengthen communication and co-operation. However, there are no provisions on the co-ordination between the administrators of the two places, which will be further explored in future practice.

Rules for the distribution of the bankruptcy estate

The opinions provide that the debtor’s estate on the mainland shall be used first to satisfy claims that have priority under mainland law, and the remaining property shall be distributed according to Hong Kong bankruptcy procedures on the premise that creditors of the same class are treated equally.


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010-5809 1515







1. 简评跨境金融纠纷管辖新规

2. New jurisdiction regulations for cross-border financial disputes

3. 如何有效地向国外邮寄送达诉讼文书

4. Serving litigation documents abroad effectively

5. 《民法典》下格式条款的提示说明义务

6. “不方便法院”原则的司法实践

7. The Judicial practice of forum non convenien

8. 新证据规定下的域外公文书证

9. New provisions on extraterritorial public documentary evidence

10. 《纽约公约》“公共政策”条款在中国的适用

11. Applying New York Convention’s ‘public policy’ clause in China

12. 登记对跨境担保合同效力的影响

13. Document No.29 and the validity of cross-border guarantees

14. 中国司法实践中的境外法查明

15. Ascertainment of foreign law in Chinese judicial practice

16. 争议解决条款重点问题(二)——涉外合同中的争议管辖条款

17. 内地承认执行香港法院判决的现实途径

18. 争议解决条款重点问题(一)——涉外合同中的法律适用条款

19. 两稻相争,香源何处 ——“稻香村”商标争议简析

20. 回顾外滩地王案——股东优先购买权规范穿透适用的斟酌因素

21违约与侵权竞合对争议管辖的影响 ——以必要共同诉讼为主要视角




010-5809 1243




1. 如何有效地向国外邮寄送达诉讼文书2. Serving litigation documents abroad effectively3. “不方便法院”原则的司法实践
4. The Judicial practice of forum non conveniens
5. 争议解决条款重点问题(一)——涉外合同中的法律适用条款6. Ascertainment of foreign law in Chinese judicial practice

