
专著推荐 | 国际前沿:语言习得的心理研究维度(4卷本)

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2021-05-15




通讯君特别推荐Multilingual Matters的“SLA”二语习得研究系列,今天是5卷本的心理研究。包括积极心理学、语言教师心理学、心理实验等方面。
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Complexity Perspectives on Researching Language Learner and Teacher Psychology


主编:Richard J. Sampson, Richard S. Pinner

超低价:379元 (包含书价、国际运费、报关费用和税票)


This edited volume brings together both established and emerging researcher voices from around the world to illustrate how complexity perspectives might contribute to new ways of researching and understanding the psychology of language learners and teachers in situated educational contexts. Chapter authors discuss their own perspectives on researching within a complexity paradigm, exemplified by concrete and original examples from their research histories. Moreover, chapters explore research approaches to a variety of learner and teacher psychological foci of interest in SLA. Examples include: anxiety, classroom group dynamics and group-level motivation, cognition and metacognition, emotions and emotion regulation strategies, learner reticence and silence, motivation, self-concept and willingness to communicate.



Chapter 1. Richard S Pinner & Richard J Sampson: Introduction: [Simple and Complex?]

Chapter 2. Peter Macintyre, Sarah Mercer and Tammy Gregersen: Reflections on Researching Dynamics in Language Learning Psychology

Chapter 3. Richard J Sampson: Interacting Levels and Timescales in the Emergence of Feelings in the L2 Classroom

Chapter 4. Christina Gkonou and Rebecca Oxford: Working with the Complexity of Language Learners' Emotions and Emotion Regulation Strategies

Chapter 5. Tomoko Yashima: Nested Systems and their Interactions: Dynamic WTC in the Classroom

Chapter 6. Lesley Smith and Jim King: Researching the Complexity of Silence in Second Language Classrooms

Chapter 7. Joseph Falout: Researching Motivational Resonance Hands-On: Learner Self-Concepts, Learning Groups and Educational Cultures

Chapter 8. Sal Consoli: Understanding Motivation Through Ecological Research: the Case of Exploratory Practice

Chapter 9. Kedi Simpson and Heath Rose: Complexity as a Valid Approach in 'Messy' Classroom Contexts: Promoting More 'Ecologically Rich' Research on the Psychology of L2 Listening

Chapter 10. Takumi Aoyama and Takenori Yamamoto: Equifinality Approach to Exploring the Learning Trajectories of Language Learners and Teachers

Chapter 11. Ryo Nitta and Yoshiyuki Nakata: Understanding Complexity in Language Classes: A Retrodictive Approach to Researching Class Climate

Chapter 12. Christine Muir: Investigating Group DMCs and Complexity in the L2 Classroom

Chapter 13. Richard Pinner: The Complexity Lens: Autoethnography and Practitioner Research to Examine Group Dynamics

Chapter 14. Alastair Henry: A Collection of Contradictory Selves: The Dialogical Self and the Dynamics of Teacher Identity Transformation

Chapter 15. Anne Feryok: Using Microgenetic and Frame Analysis in Language Teacher Cognition Research

Chapter 16. Ema Ushioda: Doing Complexity Research in the Language Classroom: A Commentary

Language Teacher Psychology


主编:Sarah Mercer, Achilleas Kostoulas



To date, the majority of work in language learning psychology has focused on the learner. In contrast, relatively little attention has been paid to teacher psychology. This volume seeks to redress the imbalance by bringing together various strands of research into the psychology of language teachers. It consists of 19 contributions on well-established areas of teacher psychology, as well as areas that have only recently begun to be explored. This original collection, which covers a multitude of theoretical and methodological perspectives, makes a significant contribution to the emerging field of language teacher psychology as a domain of inquiry within language education.



About The Editors

About The Authors

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Abbreviations

Zoltán Dörnyei: Foreword

Chapter 1. Sarah Mercer and Achilleas Kostoulas: Introduction to Language Teacher Psychology

Chapter 2. Phil Hiver, Tae-Young Kim and Youngmi Kim: Language Teacher Motivation

Chapter 3. Paula Kalaja and Katja Mäntylä: 'An English Class of My Dreams': Envisioning Teaching a Foreign Language

Chapter 4. Taguhi Sahakyan, Martin Lamb and Gary Chambers: Language Teacher Motivation: From the Ideal to the Feasible Self

Chapter 5. Manka M. Varghese: Drawing On Cultural Models and Figured Worlds to Study Language Teacher Education and Teacher Identity

Chapter 6. Wendy Li and Peter I. De Costa: Exploring Novice EFL Teachers' Identity Development: A Case Study of Two EFL Teachers in China

Chapter 7. Anne Feryok: Language Teacher Cognition: An Emergent Phenomenon in an Emergent Field

Chapter 8. Mark Wyatt: Language Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs: An Introduction

Chapter 9. Jim King and Kwan-Yee Sarah Ng: Teacher Emotions and the Emotional Labour of Second Language Teaching

Chapter 10. Christina Gkonou and Sarah Mercer: The Relational Beliefs and Practices of Highly Socio-Emotionally Competent Language Teachers

Chapter 11. Jean-Marc Dewaele and Sarah Mercer: Variation in ESL/EFL Teachers' Attitudes towards Their Students

Chapter 12. Cynthia J. White: Language Teacher Agency

Chapter 13. Joseph Falout and Tim Murphey: Teachers Crafting Job Crafting

Chapter 14. Phil Hiver: Teachstrong: The Power of Teacher Resilience for L2 Practitioners

Chapter 15. Achilleas Kostoulas and Anita Lämmerer: Making the Transition into Teacher Education: Resilience as a Process of Growth

Chapter 16. Tammy Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre: Signature Strengths as a Gateway to Mentoring: Facilitating Emergent Teachers' Transition into Language Teaching

Chapter 17. Rebecca L. Oxford, Andrew D. Cohen and Virginia G. Simmons: Psychological Insights from Third-Age Teacher Educators

Chapter 18. Mehvish Saleem: Exploring Language Teacher Psychology: A Case Study from a Holistic Perspective

Chapter 19. Achilleas Kostoulas and Sarah Mercer: Conclusions: Lessons Learnt, Promising Perspectives.

Positive Psychology in SLA


主编:Peter D. MacIntyre, Tammy Gregersen, Sarah Mercer



Positive psychology is the scientific study of how human beings prosper and thrive. This is the first book in SLA dedicated to theories in positive psychology and their implications for language teaching, learning and communication. Chapters examine the characteristics of individuals, contexts and relationships that facilitate learning: positive emotional states such as love, enjoyment and flow, and character traits such as empathy, hardiness and perseverance. The contributors present several innovative teaching ideas to bring out these characteristics among learners. The collection thus blends new teaching techniques with cutting-edge theory and empirical research undertaken using qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods approaches. It will be of interest to SLA researchers, graduate students, trainee and experienced teachers who wish to learn more about language learning psychology, individual differences, learner characteristics and new classroom practices.



1. Tammy Gregersen, Peter D. MacIntyre and Sarah Mercer: Introduction
2. Rebecca Oxford: Toward a Psychology of Well-Being for Language Learners: The "EMPATHICS" Vision
3. Sarah Mercer: Seeing the World Through Your Eyes: Empathy in Language Learning and Teaching
4. Joseph Falout: The Dynamics of Past Selves in Language Learning and Well-Being
5. Ana Maria Ferreira Barcelos and Hilda Simone H. Coelho: Language Learning and Teaching: What's Love Got to Do with It?
6. Tammy Gregersen, Peter D. MacIntyre and Margarita Meza: Positive Psychology Exercises Build Social Capital for Language Learners: Preliminary Evidence
7. Phil Hiver: The Triumph over Experience: Hope and Hardiness in Novice L2 Teachers
8. Éva Czimmermann and Katalin Piniel: Advanced Language Learners' Experiences of Flow in the Hungarian EFL Classroom
9. Jean-Marc Dewaele and Peter D. MacIntyre: Foreign Language Enjoyment and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety: The Right and Left Foot of the Language Learner
10. J. Lake: Accentuate the Positive: Conceptual and Empirical Development of the Positive L2 Self and its Relationship to L2 Proficiency
11. Zana Ibrahim: Affect in Directed Motivational Currents: Positive Emotionality in Long-Term L2 Engagement
12. R. Kirk Belnap, Jennifer Brown, Dan P. Dewey, Linnea P. Belnap and Patrick R. Steffen: Project Perseverance: Helping Students Become Self-Regulating Learners
13. Marc Helgesen: Happiness in ESL/EFL: Bringing Positive Psychology to the Classroom
14. Tim Murphey: Teaching to Learn and Well-Become: Many Mini-Renaissances
15. Candy Fresacher: Why and How to Use Positive Psychology Activities in the Second Language Classroom
16. M.C. Fonseca-Mora and F. Herrero Machancoses: Music and Language Learning: Emotions and Engaging Memory Pathways
17. Peter D. MacIntyre, Tammy Gregersen and Sarah Mercer: Conclusion

The Psychological Experience of Integrating Content and Language


主编:Kyle Read Talbot, Marie-Theres Gruber, Rieko Nishida



This book brings together a diverse range of empirical chapters spanning various contexts and educational levels which explore the psychology of teaching and learning a subject through a second or other language. The chapters discuss both the psychological stressors and strains for learners and teachers, as well as the benefits and joys of being involved in such programmes. The studies encompass a range of areas, such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Foreign Language Medium of Instruction (FMI), bilingual education and other related approaches to integrating content and language. They feature a variety of psychological constructs, including identity, self-confidence, motivation, self-concept, teacher and learner beliefs, affect, anxiety, stress, mindsets, attributions and well-being, from the perspectives of both teachers and learners. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in ensuring that teachers and students are properly supported and that their experiences of integrated content and language settings enable them to flourish.



Tables and Figures
External Reviewers

Chapter 1. Kyle Read Talbot and Marie-Theres Gruber: Introduction

Chapter 2. Sotiria Pappa: Identity and Emotions in Teaching CLIL: The Case of Primary School Teachers in Finland

Chapter 3. Jun Jin, Kyle Read Talbot and Sarah Mercer: EMI Teacher Identity, Language Use and Reported Behaviours in Austrian Higher Education

Chapter 4. Anssi Roiha and Katja Mäntylä: CLIL as a Vehicle for a Positive English Self-concept: An Analysis of One Former Student's Life Course

Chapter 5. Nihat Polat and Laura Mahalingappa : Teacher Cognition about Challenges and Opportunities of Integrative Language and Content Teaching: The SIOP Example

Chapter 6. Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Julia Hüttner and Ute Smit: From Voluntary to Obligatory CLIL in Upper Secondary Technical Colleges: Teacher and Student Voices from a Diverse Landscape

Chapter 7. Ruth Milla and María del Pilar García Mayo: Teachers' and Learners' Beliefs about Corrective Feedback Compared with Teachers' Practices in CLIL and EFL

Chapter 8. Emma Dafouz: 'So, after a Week, I Became a Teacher of English': Physics Lecturers' Beliefs on the Integration of Content and Language in English-Medium Higher Education

Chapter 9. Kyle Read Talbot, Marie-Theres Gruber, Anita Lämmerer, Nicole Hofstadler and Sarah Mercer: Comparatively Speaking: CLIL/EMI Teacher Well-being at the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels in Austria

Chapter 10. Antonio Jimenez-Munoz: 'It Wasn't My Fault': Lecturers' Notes to Former Selves after Five Years of EMI Service

Chapter 11. Erwin M. Gierlinger: L2 Confidence in CLIL Teaching: A Tale of Two Teachers

Chapter 12. Nia Mererid Parry and Enlli Môn Thomas: Addressing Teacher Confidence as a Barrier to Bilingual Classroom Transmission Practices in Wales

Chapter 13. Victor Arshad and Roy Lyster: Professional Development in Action: Teachers' Experiences in Learning to Bridge Language and Content

Chapter 14. Rieko Nishida: A Longitudinal Study of Japanese Tertiary Students' Motivation, Perceived Communication Competency and Classroom Dynamics on Soft-CLIL

Chapter 15. Darío Luis Banegas and Richard Pinner: Motivations and Synergy on a Sociolinguistics Module in Language Teacher Education in Argentina

Chapter 16. Kyle Read Talbot and Marie-Theres Gruber: Conclusion: Challenges, Opportunities, Implications and Future Directions


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