
期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Babel2021年第1期目录

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2021-05-18







Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for non-specialists concerned with current issues and events in the field.

The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects.

The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT.

Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.


期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Babel2021年第1期目录

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Translator最新主题征稿

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期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Perspectives2021年第2期摘要及投稿方式

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Perspectives2021年第3期摘要及投稿方式

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Target2021年第1期摘要及投稿方式

期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Translation Studies2021年第1期摘要及投稿方式

科研助力 | John Benjamins 翻译学国际期刊投稿及订阅方式

科研助力 | 国际SSCI论文写作与发表策略


深圳大学谭载喜教授:A cross-boundary approach to the generative nature of translation华中科技大学潘峰博士和利兹大学王斌华教授:Is interpreting of China’s political discourse becoming more target-oriented? A Corpus-Based diachronic comparison between the 1990s and the 2010s以下是摘要。


A cross-boundary approach to the generative nature of translation

Zaixi Tan  | Shenzhen University  | Beijing Foreign Studies University 

Abstract: Applying insights from Shi Er’s philosophic-cultural studies-based “boundary theory” to the construal of the nature of translation, this paper discusses the various aspects of what could be regarded as a generative approach to defining translation, ranging from the idea that translation is a “cross-boundary” activity of communication to the concept of translational generativity and to analyzing the fundamental properties of what could qualify or disqualify given texts as translation. It thus provides a new understanding of the nature of translation enhanced by elements of Chinese philosophy and culture.

Keywords: TS research, cross-boundary approach, translational generativity, Chinese philosophic-cultural elements


Is interpreting of China’s political discourse becoming more target-oriented?

A Corpus-Based diachronic comparison between the 1990s and the 2010s

Feng Pan | Huazhong University of Science and Technology 

Binhua Wang | University of Leeds 

Abstract: Interpreting is an activity embedded in a particular socio-cultural context that underpins norms of interpreting. Adopting the descriptive translation studies approach, this study aims to find out whether the interpretation for the Chinese government by institutional interpreters is becoming more target-oriented in the decade of the 2010s in comparison with the 1990s. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses of the Corpus of Interpreted Chinese Government Press Conferences in the 1990s and that of the 2010s, the study reveals that there is a significant increase in the total number of target-oriented shifts in the 2010s, manifested predominantly in “inserting hedges before propositional statements” and “modality shifts to attenuate ST’s categorical force.” Only minimal differences are found for the number of shifts in “explicitation of emphatic meanings,” “specification of Chinese source deictic lexis,” and “explicitation of implicit logic relations” between the two periods. The results thus indicate a general trend of becoming more target-oriented in interpreting, particularly a tendency to mitigate ST’s illocutionary force to a greater extent in the 2010s. Such changes in China’s institutional interpreting are correlated with the evolving socio-political context and the norms of institutional interpreting.

Keywords: China’s political discourse, institutional interpreting, target-oriented shifts, corpus-based diachronic comparison


科研助力 | John Benjamins 翻译学国际期刊投稿及订阅方式

本文编辑:吉林大学 王峰

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