
专著推荐 | Developing Writing Competence in L2 Chinese Classrooms

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.



本文集侧重于汉语作为第二语言(L2)的写作。它为读者提供了前沿的实证研究和有见地的教学方法和策略,以有效地发展L2汉语课堂环境中的L2写作能力。主题包括传统与外语作家、个人写作与协作写作、写作作为过程与写作作为产品、以写作为重点的干预和 L2 中文课堂上的书面纠正反馈,以及大流行期间和之后的在线写作指导。除了为希望进一步探索学习者在L2汉语写作发展方面的研究生和研究人员提供有意义和创新的贡献外,每个章节都提供了实用,详细和有见地的教学小贴士,以帮助语言教师和教育工作者,研究生和研究学者对L2汉语的写作教学做出明智的决定,并促进在课堂上实施以写作为重点的活动。

Developing Writing Competence in L2 Chinese Classrooms: Research and Application

主编:Li Yang, Laura Valentín-Rivera

ISBN : 9781800413030


出版社:Multilingual Matters


This edited volume focuses on writing Chinese as a second language (L2). It provides readers with cutting-edge empirical research and insightful teaching methods and strategies for effectively developing L2 writing competence in L2 Chinese classroom contexts. The themes encompass heritage versus foreign language writers, individual versus collaborative writing, writing as process versus writing as product, writing-focused intervention and written corrective feedback in L2 Chinese classrooms, as well as online writing instruction during and beyond the pandemic. In addition to providing meaningful and innovative contributions for graduate students and researchers who wish to further explore learners' writing development in L2 Chinese, each chapter offers practical, detailed and insightful pedagogical recommendations to assist language teachers and educators, graduate students and research scholars in making well-informed decisions on writing instruction in L2 Chinese and to facilitate the implementation of writing-focused activities within classrooms.专家评语:This collection of pedagogically-relevant research reports will provide a much-needed resource for L2 Chinese writing specialists. Its chapters focus on important writing-related topics, including collaborative writing, writing for social media, strategy use, the writing of heritage-language learners, writing fluency, syntactic quality, and lexical accuracy. The volume is groundbreaking.——Melinda Reichelt, University of Toledo, USAThis impressive book contains eight empirical studies on the process and product of L2 Chinese writing competence development at different proficiency levels, in different pedagogical contexts, and with different learning backgrounds. The data-driven pedagogical recommendations from each study offer valuable insights for both L2 researchers and practitioners.——Chuanren Ke, Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa, USA


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Li Yang is Associate Professor of Chinese in the Department of Modern Languages at Kansas State University, USA. She conducts research on second language acquisition of Chinese, focused on interlanguage pragmatics and second language writing.

Laura Valentín-Rivera is Associate Professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages at Kansas State University, USA. Her academic interests include Spanish applied linguistics, heritage language learners' literacy skills and collaboration mediated by social tools, and Spanish in the United States.



Li Yang and Laura Valentín-Rivera: Contextualizing the Importance of Writing: A Call for Action in L2 Chinese Classrooms

Chapter 1. Shuyi Yang: Writing Processes and Products of Chinese as Heritage and Foreign Language Learners

Chapter 2. Brian Olovson and Sha Huang: Collaborative Writing in a Tertiary Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom: Processes and Products

Chapter 3. Li Yang and Zenan Zhao: Learners' Writing Strategies in L2 Chinese: A Cross-Sectional Study

Chapter 4. Xiaofei Pan: Investigating Nominal Structures in L2 Chinese Writing: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective

Chapter 5. Jia Lin and Gengsong Gao: Exploring L2 Chinese Learners' Connective Usage in Writing: An Error Analysis Approach

Chapter 6. Lijuan Ye: Facebook as a Mediator for L2 Chinese Writing: Practices and Perceptions

Chapter 7. Laura Valentín-Rivera: The Efficacy of Teachers' Written Corrective Feedback in the L2 Chinese Classroom: Learner Perceptions and Preferences

Chapter 8. Daniel Román-Zúñiga, Idoia Elola and Raychel Vasseur: L2 Writing under Pandemic Conditions: How Do Chinese and Spanish Instructors Adapt?

Li Yang and Laura Valentín-Rivera: Concluding Remarks


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