专著推荐 | 身份研究与二语习得国际前沿(10卷本)
通讯君今天推出6本二语学习与身份研究的原版书籍,由Multilingual Matters出版,以期对此领域感兴趣又不知如何下手的研究者有所帮助。
订购联系人:王老师 13501892122
The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education
主编: Nathanael Rudolph, Ali Fuad Selvi, Bedrettin Yazan
This book addresses two critical calls pertaining to language education. Firstly, for attention to be paid to the transdisciplinary nature and complexity of learner identity and interaction in the classroom and secondly, for the need to attend to conceptualizations of and approaches to manifestations of (in)equity in the sociohistorical contexts in which they occur. Collectively, the chapters envision classrooms and educational institutions as sites both shaping and shaped by larger (trans)communal negotiations of being and belonging, in which individuals affirm and/or problematize essentialized and idealized nativeness and community membership. The volume, comprised of chapters contributed by a diverse array of researcher-practitioners living, working and/or studying around the globe, is intended to inform, empower and inspire stakeholders in language education to explore, potentially reimagine, and ultimately critically and practically transform, the communities in which they live, work and/or study.本书目录
Language, Culture and Identity in Two Chinese Community Schools: More than One Way of Being Chinese?
作者: Sara Ganassin
This book investigates the social, political and educational role of community language education in migratory contexts. It draws on an ethnographic study that investigates the significance of Mandarin-Chinese community schooling in Britain as an intercultural space for those involved. To understand the interrelation of 'language', 'culture' and 'identity', the book adopts a 'bricolage' approach that brings together a range of theoretical perspectives. This book challenges homogenous and stereotypical constructions of Chinese language, culture and identity – such as the image of Chinese pupils as conformist and deferent learners – that are often repeated both in the media and in academic discussion.
Self and Identity in Adolescent Foreign Language Learning
作者:Florentina Taylor
精装版 854元
This book explores the role of identity in adolescent foreign language learning to provide evidence that an identity-focused approach can make a difference to achievement in education. It uses both in-depth exploratory interviews with language learners and a cross-sectional survey to provide a unique glimpse into the identity dynamics that learners need to manage in their interaction with contradictory relational contexts (e.g. teacher vs. classmates; parents vs. friends), and that appear to impair their perceived competence and declared achievement in language learning. Furthermore, this work presents a new model of identity which incorporates several educational psychology theories (e.g. self-discrepancy, self-presentation, impression management), developmental theories of adolescence and principles of foreign language teaching and learning. This book gives rise to potentially policy-changing insights and will be of importance to those interested in the relationship between self, identity and language teaching and learning.
Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Self and Identity in Adolescence: A Relational Perspective Chapter 3. Self and Identity in Foreign Language Learning Chapter 4. A Quadripolar Model of Identity in Adolescent Foreign Language Learning Chapter 5. Participants' Self Systems in Four Relational Contexts Chapter 6. Self Perceptions and Identity Display in Learning English as a Foreign Language Chapter 7. Of Students and Teachers Chapter 8. Drawing the Line: Evaluation and Implications
Style, Identity and Literacy: English in Singapore
作者: Christopher Stroud, Lionel Wee
Style, Identity and Literacy: English in Singapore is a qualitative study of the literacy practices of a group of Singaporean adolescents, relating their patterns of interaction – both inside and outside the classroom – to the different levels of social organization in Singaporean society (home, peer group and school). Combining field data gathered through a series of detailed interviews with available classroom observations, the study focuses on six adolescents from different ethnic and social backgrounds as they negotiate the learning of English against the backdrop of multilingual Singapore. This book provides social explanations for the difficulties and challenges these adolescents face by drawing on current developments in sociolinguistics, literacy studies, English language teaching and language policy.
Chapter 1: Social Practices and Linguistic Markets
Chapter 2: Multilingualism in Late-Modern Singapore: A Portrait
Chapter 3: Multilingualism in Late Modernity: Literacy as a Reflexive Performance of Identity
Chapter 4: Some Data about our Data
Chapter 5: Fandi and Ping: Literacy Practices and the Performance of Identities on Ambivalent Markets
Chapter 6: Edwin, Wen and Yan: Styling Literacy Practices Inside and Outside the Classroom
Chapter 7: Sha: A Comparison
Chapter 8: Pedagogy, Literacy And Identity
Chapter 9: The Dynamics of Language Distribution in Late-Modern Multilingual Singapore
Discourse, Identity, and China's Internal Migration: The Long March to the City
作者: Dong Jie
Rural-urban migration has been going on in China since the early 1980s, resulting in complicated sociolinguistic environments. Migrant workers are the backbone of China's fast growing economy, and yet little is known about their and their children's identities – who they are, who they think they are, and who they are becoming. The study of their linguistic practice can reveal a lot about their identity construction as well as about transitions in Chinese society and the (re)formation of social structure at the macro level. In this book, Dong Jie presents a wide range of ethnographic data which are organised around a scalar framework. She argues that three scales – linguistic communication, metapragmatic discourse, and public discourse – interact in complex and multiple ways.
CHAPTER 1 : Introduction
CHAPTER 2: A roadmap into the issue
CHAPTER 3: Scale 1-Interaction
CHAPTER 4: Scale 2-Metapragmatic discourses
CHAPTER 5: Scale 3-Institutions
CHAPTER 6: Conclusions and reflections
Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Language Learning
主编: Garold Murray, Xuesong (Andy) Gao, Terry Lamb
In this volume researchers from Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North and South America employ a variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches in their exploration of the links between identity, motivation, and autonomy in language learning. On a conceptual level the authors explore issues related to agency, metacognition, imagination, beliefs, and self. The book also addresses practice in classroom, self-access, and distance education contexts, considering topics such as teachers' views on motivation, plurilingual learning, sustaining motivation in distance education, pop culture and gaming, study abroad, and the role of agency and identity in the motivation of pre-service teachers. The book concludes with a discussion of how an approach which sees identity, motivation, and autonomy as interrelated constructs has the potential to inform theory, practice and future research directions in the field of language teaching and learning.
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