Chinese Journal of International Law
Ó ISSN 1540-1650. An independent, peer-reviewed SSCI journal published in association with The Chinese Society of International Law, Beijing, and Wuhan University Institute of International Law, Wuhan, China by Oxford University Press
Board of Honorary Editors: Chair: Judge SHI Jiuyong * Founding Co-editors-in-chief: Prof. WANG Tieya; Prof. Sienho Yee
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Sienho Yee; Deputy Editors-in-Chief: Mr. LIU Zhenmin; Dr. ZOU Keyuan; Prof. Bing Bing JIA; Prof. HUANG Jin
Send Submissions by email only to: Prof. Sienho Yee:; (2) Send books for review to: Prof. Sienho Yee, Law School Mailbox 136, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China.
* Awards and Lectures; Editors’ Files * CPanel (host) *** ChineseJIL Emails
South China Sea Arbitration Awards Study* More South China Sea papers * Forthcoming Papers * Free Papers
Style (Style Guide; Template; Standing Invitation to Respond); Chinese Materials Page
Origin: Foreword & Tribute to Wang Tieya; All contents are online at: Oxford Journals and subscriptions
The Chinese JIL has been cited in important places, including a judgment of the Hong Kong Court of Appeal; filings before the International Court of Justice; filings before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; testimony in the hearings at the US Congress; written evidence for UK Parliament; academic writings of high officials; The Hague Academy Collected Courses; & Europaeum Lectures, etc.
The Chinese Journal of International Law (Print ISSN 1540-1650; Online ISSN 1746-9937; Abbreviation: Chinese JIL;; full-text online at Oxford Journals site, WESTLAW, and other places; indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)) is an independent, peer-reviewed research journal edited primarily by scholars from the mainland of China, and published by Oxford University Press, in association with the Chinese Society of International Law, Beijing. The Board of Editors also includes scholars from Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom. The Board of Honorary Editors includes eminent scholars from around the world. The Journal is published in English, three issues per year (as from 2006), with about 550 to 800 pages in total. The Journal aspires to be a general journal unlimited in scope or viewpoint, while attempting to present materials and viewpoints from and/or about China (about 60% of space each year) and other parts of Asia and the developing world at large. Each issue normally contains (1) Editorials; (2) Articles; (2) Comments; (3) Chinese Practice; (4) Book Reviews; and (5) Letters to the Editors. The Journal intends to afford the authors maximum flexibility. Authors are invited to consult the style guide at the web page; all accepted papers are required to conform to our style. The first review of a manuscript is usually finished within six weeks. The normal rules against conflict of interests apply.
Conditions for submissions: When submitting a manuscript, each author represents that the submission is original and does not contain any unlawful or plagiarized materials and, if the submission is accepted, assigns all copyrights to the Journal. The Journal does NOT require exclusive submission. If a paper is simultaneously submitted to other journals, the author shall inform the Editor-in-Chief of this fact. The review process can be very long. No royalty will be paid. Furthermore, each author represents that he or she has done a substantive check of all authorities and citations and that the submission is properly supported by these sources.
Disclaimer: Each author is responsible for his or her own views and opinions. The Journal, the editor-in-chief, deputy editors-in-chief, editors, assistant editors, honorary editors, or the publisher, in such capacity, shall not be held responsible for the views and opinions of an author. Each editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, editor, assistant editor, honorary editor, or chairperson acts only in his or her individual and private capacity, and such a position does not indicate support for any particular views of the Journal or any other entity whether governmental or private. Likewise, such a position does not indicate that the Journal or any other entity endorses any views of any of these persons expressed in the Journal or elsewhere.
Third Party Information about China from China in Brief; China Quick Facts; State Structure; NPC & CPPCC Sessions; China's Political System; China's Judicial System;
China's Legislative System; Who's Who in China's Leadership; Province View; Ethnic Groups; Taiwan Issues; Tibet; the South China Sea Issue
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