These Are the 20 New Rules China Is Following to Combat Covid 下文是疫情防控二十条新规1. Cut isolation for close contacts to five days at a central facility and three days at home, down from 7+3; 对密切接触者,将“7天集中隔离+3天居家健康监测”管理措施调整为“5天集中隔离+3天居家隔离”; 2. No longer identify the close contacts of close contacts;不再判定密接的密接;3. People leaving high-risk areas must spend seven days at home, rather than at a centralized quarantine facility;高风险区外溢人员“7天集中隔离”调整为“7天居家隔离”;4. Remove the “medium” risk category; only homes, workplaces and areas often frequented by someone infected will be deemed high-risk; all other areas are low-risk; high risk areas should mostly be confined to residential units or blocks, and cannot be extended at will;取消“中”类风险区,原则上将感染者居住地以及活动频繁且疫情传播风险较高的工作地和活动地等区域划定为高风险区。高风险区所在县(市、区、旗)的其他地区划定为低风险区。最大限度减少管控人员。高风险区一般以单元、楼栋为单位划定,不得随意扩大。5. Workers in high-risk positions exiting closed-loop operations must spend five days at home, down from seven days at home or in a centralized isolation facility;对结束闭环作业的高风险岗位从业人员由“7天集中隔离或7天居家隔离”调整为“5天居家健康监测”;6. Remove mass testing in most areas, with citywide tests given only when the source of infection is unknown;一般不按行政区域开展全员核酸检测,只在疫情底数不清时开展;7. Scrap circuit breaker bans for incoming flights and reduce pre-flight PCR testing to one from two;取消入境航班熔断机制,并将登机前48小时内2次核酸检测阴性证明调整为登机前48小时内1次核酸检测阴性证明;8. Allow closed-loop systems to ease rules for business executives and sports stars;对于入境重要商务人员、体育团组等,“点对点”转运至免隔离闭环管理区;9. Set cycle threshold values at less than 35 to diagnose Covid in new arrivals;明确入境人员阳性判定标准为核酸检测Ct值<35;Ct全称为循环数阈值(Cycle threshold),Ct值即用来表示这个倍数,比如:Ct20,就是2的20次方倍;Ct35,就是2的35次方倍;Ct40,就是2的40次方倍。10. Cut quarantine for new arrivals to five days in a hotel and three at home, down from the previous 7+3;对入境人员,将“7天集中隔离+3天居家健康监测”调整为“5天集中隔离+3天居家隔离”;11. Increase health care resources, including hospital beds;做好住院床位和重症床位准备,增加救治资源。12. Promote vaccine usage, especially booster shots for the elderly;有序推进新冠病毒疫苗接种,特别是老年人群加强免疫接种覆盖率;13. Stockpile medicine and equipment to treat Covid;加快新冠肺炎治疗相关药物储备;14. Determine the size of the population still at risk for Covid;摸清老年人、有基础性疾病患者、孕产妇、血液透析患者等群体底数;15. React quickly to outbreaks to reduce size and duration needed for pandemic control;落实“四早”要求,减少疫情规模和处置时间。16. Halt excessive anti-Covid measures imposed by local governments;加大“一刀切”、层层加码问题整治力度。17. Provide adequate supplies and necessary medical care for people in quarantine;加强封控隔离人员服务保障。18. Improve pandemic control measures on school campuses;优化校园疫情防控措施。19. Implement pandemic control measures in industrial parks to ensure smooth supply chain operations;落实企业和工业园区防控措施,全力保障物流通畅;20. Arrange orderly departures for people who are stranded during lockdowns.