
Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第19期)

2017-12-07 姜莹 徐光平 北大法律信息网





1. 反不正当竞争法首次修订发布





1. Anti-Unfair Competition Law as Revised for the First Time Released

The newly revised Anti-Unfair Competition Law recently passed the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and will take effect on January 1. 2018.

The new Law details what is false publicity, and clearly prohibits a business from conducting false and misleading publicity in respect of its sales and consumers’ comments.

Article 12 is a new clause on acts of unfair competition committed by Internet technology. Among the acts prohibited in online production and distribution is an act of causing in bad faith incompatibility with an online product or service legally provided by another business.

The law further clarifies what is an act of confusion, taking “misleading people into believing” as the core criterion of determination and requiring certain influence in the relevant field of a label of another person used without permission.

2. 央行修订《应收账款质押登记办法》





2. Central Bank Revises Measures for Registering Pledge of Accounts Receivable

The Measures for the Registration of Pledge of Accounts Receivable as revised by the People’s Bank of China were issued on October 25, 2017, and will take effect on December 1, 2017.

The Measures add a clause in the Supplemental Provisions that the transfer registration of accounts receivable is governed mutatis mutandis by the Measures.

The Measures improve the definition of accounts receivable: first, adding a catch-all phrase in the definition: “other claims for payment according to the law”, and adding “other creditor’s rights based on contracts including pecuniary delivery” in the enumeration; second, changing “creditor’s rights arising from the provision of services” into “creditor’s rights arising from medical, education, travel and other services or labor.”

In addition, the Measures change the term of registration from “one to five years” to “six months to 30 years”.

3. 《公平竞争审查制度实施细则(暂行)》出台



3. Interim Rules Released for Implementing a Fair Competition Review System

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council jointly issued the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Fair Competition Review System (for Interim Implementation).

The Rules construe and detail the fair competition review system in terms of review mechanisms and procedures, review standards, exception provisions, public scrutiny, and accountability, among others. The Rules also specify that policymakers failing to conduct a fair competition review or issuing policies and measures in violation of review standards should be ordered by their superiors to take corrective action; and if they refuse to take corrective action or delays in doing so, disciplinary action should be taken against the primary persons in charge and other directly liable persons.

4. 《关于促进农业产业化联合体发展的指导意见》出台



4. Guiding Opinions Released to Promote Development of Agricultural Industrialization Consortiums

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the People’s Bank, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of Agricultural Industrialization Consortiums.

The Opinions call for a collaborative mechanism of diversified participants, a stronger driving force of leading enterprises, improvement of the service ability of farmer cooperatives, increased productivity of family farms, more efficient organizational structures, and the formation of agricultural industrialization consortiums. The Opinions require the improvement of a resource elements sharing mechanism, development of moderate operations on land, effective flow of funds under guidance, promotion of science and technology transformation and application, enhanced exchange of market information, and support of joint brand creation and sharing, for the integrated development of all members of a consortium. The Opinions also require the improvement of an interest sharing mechanism, increase of the values of industrial chains, promotion of mutual assistance of leading enterprises, farm cooperatives, and family farms, and exploration of forming new entities by members in the manner of cross-holdings, for more integrated development.

5. 人社部发文全面落实行政执法责任制




5. Guiding Opinions Issued to Comprehensively Implement Agency Law Enforcement Accountability System

Recently, the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Comprehensively Implementing the Agency Law Enforcement Accountability System were issued.

The Opinions require a careful review of the basis for agency law enforcement, scientific determination of the duties of agency law enforcement, strict regulation of agency law enforcement procedures, strengthened oversight of agency law enforcement, and continuous in-depth advancement of the agency law enforcement accountability system of human resources and social security so as to form a new pattern of agency law enforcement of human resources and social security where any law enforcement has a legal basis and is conducted by the book and under oversight and those violating the law in agency law enforcement are held accountable.

The Opinions also require the management of agency law enforcement qualifications and credentials of agency law enforcement personnel, the advancement of agency law enforcement publication, the exploration for the establishment of a full recording system of law enforcement, the strict execution of a legal review of major law enforcement decisions, and the establishment of adequate and effective basic criteria for administrative discretion.

6. 工商总局落实“证照分离”





6. SAIC to Implement Separation of Permits from Business License

Recently, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) released the Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Reform Measure of Separating Permits from Business License to Promote the Unified and Standardized Supervision of Enterprise Registration.

According to the Guiding Opinions, the administrations for industry and commerce and the market regulators across the country should establish working mechanisms for cataloging matters involved in the enterprise permit and business license reform, effectively conduct inter-departmental enterprise information sharing, and strengthen departmental feedback collection and publicity. During the process of promoting the unification of multiple permits and the separation of permits from business license, they should specify the legal attributes of a business license, clarify the relationship between a business license and permits, and unify rules on the issuance and use of business licenses.

They should actively explore a unified and standardized business operating system, reinforce the top-level design, adhere to provincial coordination, strengthen data construction, innovate in the modes of management, improve working mechanisms, and protect information security.

In addition, they should strengthen the interim and ex post supervision, clarify supervisory responsibilities, advance comprehensive supervision, strengthen information collection, enhance risk research and evaluation, strengthen inter-departmental concerted actions, and implement joint punishments.

7. 三家政策性银行将实行外派监事会制度





7. Three Policy Banks to Have External Boards of Supervisors

Recently, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of China Development Bank, the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Export-Import Bank of China, and the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Agricultural Development Bank of China.

According to the above Measures, the three policy banks will each have a governance structure comprising a board of directors, a board of supervisors, and the management; directors appointed by ministries and commissions are added; and their boards of supervisors are external.

Export-Import Bank of China and Agricultural Development Bank of China have already set up external boards of supervisors, and it is clarified that the internal board of supervisors of China Development Bank will be changed into an external one, the members of which are appointed by the State Council according to the Interim Regulation on the Boards of Supervisors of Major State Financial Institutions. The above Measures set forth general requirements for the duties of the boards of supervisors of the three banks.

In addition, the above Measures contain capital supervision requirements in four aspects: the formation of a capital restraint mechanism; the preparation of a capital plan; the formation of a capital assessment mechanism; and the formation of a capital addition mechanism.






8. Opinions on Lawyers on Duty in Legal Aid Released

Recently, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC), the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP), the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the Opinions on Lawyers on Duty in Legal Aid.

According to the Opinions, legal aid institutions should dispatch lawyers on duty to the people’s courts and jails. The major duties of lawyers on duty include providing legal advice to criminal suspects and defendants, transfer of legal aid applications, and other legal aid. Lawyers on duty also provide procedural choices to the parties and apply for changes of compulsory measures, among others, in the pilot reform program of imposing lenient punishment on those admitting to guilt and accepting punishment; offer opinions on the conviction and sentencing recommendations from the prosecutorial organs; witness criminal suspects’ signing recognizances to admit guilt and accept punishment; and file petitions and accusations against coerced confession and illegally obtained evidence .

The Opinions clarify the operation mode of lawyers on duty in legal aid, construction of legal aid stations, appointment of lawyers on duty, how to be on duty, and working requirements.

The Opinions require collaboration between case-handling authorities and legal aid institutions, and the people’s courts, the people’s procuratorates, and the public security authorities have obligations of notification.

9. 十部门严查虚假违法广告



9.  Ten Departments Strictly Investigate Deceptive and Illegal Advertisements

Recently, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and other 9 departments issued the Working Plan for Strict Investigation and Punishment of Deceptive and Illegal Advertisements to Maintain a Good Advertising Market Order.

The Plan focuses on: intensifying investigation and punishment of advertisements with any content producing adverse effects; continuing to investigate and punish advertisements containing “special supply” or “exclusive supply” to state agencies; intensifying law enforcement in the regulation of major advertisement fields; intensifying supervision over Internet financial advertisements; strengthening regulation of major media; continuing to enhance regulation of Internet advertisements; urging advertisement publishers to fulfill their advertisement examination responsibilities; and effective territorial supervision to enhance case handling.

10. 《证券交易所管理办法》修订



10. Measures for Regulating Stock Exchanges Released

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) is requesting public comments on the revision of the Measures for the Administration of Stock Exchanges.

The revision primarily aims to optimize the internal governance structure of a stock exchange to further reflect the legal status and role of its members and to further impel a stock exchange to fulfill its front-line supervisory duties as a self-regulatory body.


1.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第1期)

2.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第2期)

3.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第3期)

4.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第4期)

5.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第5期)

6.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第6期)

7.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第7期)

8.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第8期)

9.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第9期)

10.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第10期)

11.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第11期)

12.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第12期)

13.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第13期)

14.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第14期)

15.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第15期)

16.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第16期)

17.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第17期)

18.Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻(第18期)


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